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Planning and Strategic Management
4 Planning and Strategic Management McGraw-Hill/Irwin Management, 7/e Copyright © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 4, you will know:
How to proceed through the basic steps in any planning process How strategic planning integrates with tactical and operational planning Why I is important to analyze both the external environment and the internal resources of the firm before formulation a strategy The choices available for corporate strategy How companies can achieve competitive advantage through business strategy How core competencies provide the foundation for business strategy The keys to effective strategy implementation
Overview of Planning Fundamentals
Planning is the conscious, systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an individual, group, work unit, or organization will pursue in the future Planning is a purposeful effort that is directed and controlled by managers and often draws on the knowledge and experience of employees throughout the organization Planning provides individuals and work units with a clear map to follow in their future activities The importance of formal planning in organizations has grown dramatically. Until the mid-1900s, most planning was unstructured and fragmented, and formal planning was restricted to a few large corporations. While larger organizations adopted formal planning initially, even small firms operated by aggressive, opportunistic entrepreneurs now engage in formal planning.
The Basic Planning Process
Planning is a decision process (you’re deciding what to do and how to go about doing it) Steps in the planning process are is similar to the decision making process Planning is a cyclical process because plans are evaluated and revised if necessary
Comparing Decision Making and Planning
You can see the similarities between decision making and planning summarized in this figure—including the fact that both move not just in one direction but in a cycle.
The Basic Planning Process
The basic planning process includes the following Situational Analysis Alternative Goals and Plans Goal and Plan Evaluation Goal and Plan Selection Implementation Monitor and Control Feedback
Levels of Planning Strategic Planning Tactical Planning
Operational Planning Planning is an important function of managers at all levels; however the scope and activities of the planning process at each level of the organization often differ. Generally top management focuses on strategic planning, middle management on tactical planning and front line management on operational planning.
Levels of Planning This Figure illustrates how goals and plans become more specific and involve shorter periods of time as they move from the strategic level to the tactical level and then to the operational level.
Strategic Planning: Defined
A set of procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies Strategic goals are major targets or end results relating to the organization’s long-term survival, value, and growth Strategy is a pattern of actions and resource allocations designed to achieve the organization’s goals
Strategic Planning How does one of the world’s most respected news sources, The New York Times, continue to succeed after a year (2004) of journalistic scandal, a quick-as lightening and dynamic media world, and weak earnings? The answer to the question is a new strategic plan.
Tactical and Operational Planning
Tactical Plans are a set of procedures for translating broad strategic goals and plans into specific goals and plans that are relevant to a distinct portion of the organization, such as a functional area like marketing Operational Planning is the process of identifying the specific procedures and processes required at lower levels of the organization. Once the organization’s strategic goals and plans are identified, they become the basis of planning done by middle-level and frontline managers. A strategic plan will typically have a time horizon of from three to seven years—but sometimes even decades, as with the successful plan to land a probe on Titan, Saturn’s moon. Tactical plans may have a time horizon of a year or two, and operational plans may cover a period of months. The planning model we have been describing is a hierarchical one, with top-level strategies flowing down through the levels of the organization into more specific goals and plans and an ever more limited timetable. But in today’s complex organizations, the planning sequence is often not as rigid as this traditional view.
Aligning Tactical, Operational, and Strategic Planning
To be fully effective, the organization’s strategic, tactical, and operational goals and plans must be aligned Consistent Mutually supportive Focused on achieving the common purpose and direction
Strategic Map One method for aligning the organization’s strategic and operational goals is the strategic map. The strategic map provides a tool managers can use to communicate their strategic goals and enable members of the organization at every level to understand the parts they will play in helping to achieve them. The map illustrates the four key drivers (or “balanced scorecard”) of a firm’s long-term success: the skills of its people and their ability to grow and learn; the effectiveness of its internal processes; its ability to deliver value to customers; and, ultimately, its ability to grow its financial assets. This Figure shows how a strategic map might be built, and how the various goals of the organization relate to each other to create long-term value for the firm.
Strategic Planning Historically strategic planning emphasized a top-down approach—senior executives and specialized planning units developed goals and plans for the entire organization Today senior executives increasingly are involving managers throughout the organization in the strategy formation process Strategic decision making is one of the most exciting and controversial topics in management today. In fact, many organizations currently are changing the ways they develop and execute their strategic plans. Over the years, managers and consulting firms innovated a variety of analytical techniques and planning approaches, many of which have been critical for analyzing complex business situations and competitive issues. In many instances, however, senior executives spent too much time with their planning specialists to the exclusion of line managers in the rest of the organization. As a result, a gap often developed between strategic managers and tactical and operational managers, and managers and employees throughout the organization became alienated and uncommitted to the organization’s success. Although the CEO and other top managers continue to furnish the strategic direction, or “vision,” of the organization, tactical and even operational managers often provide valuable inputs to the organization’s strategic plan. In some cases, these managers also have substantial autonomy to formulate or change their own plans. This increases flexibility and responsiveness, critical requirements for success in the modern organization.
Strategic Planning Strategic management is the new term that has emerged for the strategic planning process Strategic Management is a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and implementation of strategic goals and strategies
Strategic Management Process
This Figure shows the six major components of the strategic management process: (1) establishment of mission, vision, and goals; (2) analysis of external opportunities and threats; (3) analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses; (4) SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis and strategy formulations; (5) strategy implementation; and (6) strategic control. Because this process is a planning and decision process, it is similar to the planning framework discussed earlier. Although organizations may use different terms or emphasize different parts of the process, the components and concepts described in this section are found either explicitly or implicitly in every organization.
Strategic Management: Step 1
Establishment of mission, vision, and goals Mission is an organization’s basic purpose and scope of operations Strategic vision is the long-term direction and strategic intent of a company Strategic goals evolve from the mission and vision of the organization The most effective vision statements inspire organization members. They offer a worthwhile target for the entire organization to work together to achieve. Often, these statements are not strictly financial, because financial targets alone may not motivate all organization members. The chief executive officer of the organization, with the input and approval of the board of directors, establishes the mission, vision, and major strategic goals. The concepts and information within the mission statement, vision statement, and strategic goals statement may not be identified as such, but they should be communicated to everyone who has contact with the organization.
Strategic Management: Step 2
Analysis of External Opportunities and Threats Successful strategic management depends on an accurate and thorough evaluation of the environment Begins with an examination of the industry Stakeholders are examined next Managers should also examine other forces in the environment, such as macroeconomic conditions and technological factors One critical task is forecasting future trends The mission and vision drive the second component of the strategic management process: analysis of the external environment.
Analysis of External Opportunities and Threats
This Table lists some of the important activities in an environmental analysis.
Strategic Management: Step 3
Analysis of Internal Strengths and Weaknesses This kind of internal analysis provides strategic decision makers with an inventory of the organization’s existing functions, skills, and resources as well as its overall performance level This step will also include looking at the firms resources and core competencies A final area may include benchmarking with other firms Benchmarking is the process of assessing how well one company’s basic functions and skills compare to those of some other company or set of companies. The goal of benchmarking is to thoroughly understand the “best practices” of other firms, and to undertake actions to achieve both better performance and lower costs.
Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses
This table lists some of the areas managers should examine internally.
Strategic Management: Step 3
As shown in this figure, when resources are valuable, rare, inimitable, and organized, they can be viewed as a company’s core competencies. Simply stated, a core competence is something a company does especially well relative to its competitors.
Strategic Management: Step 4
SWOT Analysis and Strategy Formulation By completing steps 2 and 3 managers will be able to analyze the companies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) Once the SWOT has been completed management will be able to begin to formulate a strategy SWOT analysis helps managers summarize the relevant, important facts from their external and internal analyses. They can then identify the primary and secondary strategic issues their organization faces. The strategy managers then formulate will build on the SWOT analysis to take advantage of available opportunities by capitalizing on the organization’s strengths, neutralizing its weakness, and countering potential threats. In short, strategy formulation moves from analysis to devising a coherent course of action. The organization’s corporate, business, and functional strategies will begin to take shape.
Corporate Strategy Corporate Strategy The set of businesses, markets, or industries in which an organization competes and the distribution of resources among those entities Concentration A strategy employed for an organization that operates a single business and competes in a single industry Concentric Diversification A strategy used to add new businesses that produce related products or are involved in related markets and activities Vertical Integration The acquisition or development of new businesses that produce parts or components of the organization’s product
Summary of Corporate Strategies
This Figure shows four basic corporate strategy alternatives, ranging from very specialized to highly diverse.
Boston Consulting Group
One of the most popular techniques for analyzing a corporation’s strategy for managing its portfolio is the BCG matrix, developed by the Boston Consulting Group. Each business in the corporation is plotted on the matrix on the basis of the growth rate of its market and the relative strength of its competitive position in that market (market share). The business is represented by a circle whose size depends on the business’s contribution to corporate revenues. High-growth, weak-competitive-position businesses are called question marks. They require substantial investment to improve their position; otherwise, divestiture is recommended. High-growth, strong-competitive-position businesses are called stars. These businesses require heavy investment, but their strong position allows them to generate the needed revenues. Low-growth, strong-competitive-position businesses are called cash cows. These businesses generate revenues in excess of their investment needs and therefore fund other businesses. Finally, low-growth, weak-competitive position businesses are called dogs. The remaining revenues from these businesses are realized, and then the businesses are divested.
Business Strategy Business Strategy is the major actions by which a business competes in a particular industry or market. Low-Cost Strategy is a strategy that an organization uses to build competitive advantage by being efficient and offering a standard, no frills product. Differentiation Strategy is a strategy that an organization uses to build competitive advantage by being unique in its industry or market segment along one or more dimensions. Functional Strategies are strategies implemented by each functional area of the organization to support the organization’s business strategy. After the top management team and board make the corporate strategic decisions, executives must determine how they will compete in each business area.
Strategic Management: Step 5 Implementation
There are two major trends related to implementation Organizations are adopting a more comprehensive view of implementation Managers at all levels of the organization are being involved with the implementation process Implementation generally involves four related steps Define strategic tasks Assess organization capabilities Develop an implementation agenda Create an implementation plan
Barriers to Implementation
Strategic Management: Step 6
Strategic Control A system designed to support managers in evaluating the organization’s progress regarding its strategy and, when discrepancies exist, taking corrective action The organization must develop performance indicators, an information system, and specific mechanisms to monitor progress Normally includes a budget
Looking Ahead Chapter 5 Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
How different ethical perspective s guide decision making How companies influence the ethics environment A process for making ethical decisions The important issues surrounding corporate social responsibility The importance to business of our natural environment Action managers can take to manage with the environment in mind
Situational Analysis A process planners use, within time and resource constraints, to gather, interpret, and summarize all information relevant to the planning issue under consideration Return
Alternative Goals and Plans
Based on the situational analysis, the planning process should generate alternative goals that may be pursued in the future and the alternative plans that may be used to achieve those goals Goals are a target or end that management desires to reach Plans are the actions or means managers intend to use to achieve organizational goals When appropriate, goals also should be quantified and linked to a time frame. They should be acceptable to the managers and employees charged with achieving them, and they should be consistent both within and among work units. There are also different kinds of plans. Some of these include the following: Single use plans, are designed to achieve a set of goals that are not likely to be repeated in the future Standing plans, focus on ongoing activities designed to achieve an enduring set of goals Contingency plans might be referred to as “what if” plans. They include sets of actions to be taken when a company’s initial plans have not worked well or if events in the external environment require a sudden change. Return
Goal and Plan Evaluation
This step is made up of two activities Managers will evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and potential effects of each alternative goal and plan. They will prioritize those goals and even eliminate some of them from consideration. Return
Goal and Plan Selection
Managers will select the goal and plan that is most appropriate and feasible once they have assessed all of the various goals and plans Some organizations will generate planning scenarios to aid in the evaluation and selection process Scenario – a narrative that describes a particular set of future conditions This approach helps the firm avoid crises and allows greater flexibility and responsiveness Return
Implementation Managers and employees must: Understand the plan
Have the resources necessary to implement the plan Be motivated to implement the plan The implementation phase probably will be more effective and efficient If both managers and employees have participated in the planning process For a successful implementation it is important for these items to be present. Employees usually are better informed, more committed, and more highly motivated when a goal or plan is one that they helped develop. Return
Monitor and Control This step is essential in a formal planning process Managers will need to develop control systems that measure thee plan’s performance Managers should take corrective action when the plans implemented improperly or when the situation changes Although it is sometimes ignored, this step in the formal planning process is essential. Without it, you would have no way of knowing whether your plan is succeeding. As we mentioned earlier, planning works in a cycle; it is an ongoing, repetitive process. Managers must continually monitor the actual performance of their work units according to the unit’s goals and plans. Return
Stakeholders Groups and individuals who affect and are affected by the achievement of the organization’s mission, goals, and strategies. Return
Resources and Core Competencies
Resources are inputs to a system that can enhance performance Tangible assets such as real estate, production facilities, raw materials and so on Intangible assets such as company reputation, culture, technical knowledge, patents, and accumulated learning and experience Resources can create a competitive advantage if: They are instrumental for creating customer value They are rare and not equally available to all competitors They are difficult to imitate Finally they must be well organized Return
Core Competencies Core competencies are the unique skills and/or knowledge an organization possesses that give it an edge over competitors. Generally it refers to a set of skills or expertise in some activity, rather than physical or financial assets. Return
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