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Training Adult Learners to Use EMR Technology Ruth Bowen Susan Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Adult Learners to Use EMR Technology Ruth Bowen Susan Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Adult Learners to Use EMR Technology Ruth Bowen Susan Thomas

2  Introductions  Approach to teaching students to use an Electronic Medical Record  Hands-On class experience  Panel Discussion  Wrap-Up: 199C Training and Upgrading Fund 2

3  Engage Learners  Introduce Foundation Concepts  Orient Students to basic EMR Navigation  Have students use a live system to create an electronic record for a patient  Advanced: Digital Patient Record Certification (Sponsored by AMIA) 3

4  Staying focused on the outcome and purpose of EMR systems and not the technology! 4

5  Why ◦ Is Electronic Medical Record technology important to me? ◦ Is this technology important to my family? ◦ Is this technology important to my community? 5 $3.8 Billion Spent on EMR Technology By 2015!

6  How much health care spending is attributable to Chronic Disease ◦ A. 10 Billion ◦ B. 50 Billion ◦ C. 180 Billion ◦ D. 262 Billion  What percent of dollars are spent on public efforts to manage chronic disease? ◦ A. 1% ◦ B. 5% ◦ C. 10% ◦ D. 15% 6

7  How much health care spending is attributable to Chronic Disease ◦ A. $!0 Billion ◦ B. $50 Billion ◦ C. $180 Billion ◦ D. $262 Billion  What percent of dollars are spent on public efforts to manage chronic disease? ◦ A. 1% ◦ B. 5% ◦ C. 10% ◦ D. 15% 7 *National Council on Aging

8  How many deaths associated with these disease can be prevented every year? * - Heart Disease - Cancer - Stroke - Lower Respiratory ◦ A 258,000 ◦ B 55,700 ◦ C 152,500 8

9  How many deaths associated with these disease can be prevented every year? * - Heart Disease - Cancer - Stroke - Lower Respiratory ◦ A 258,000 ◦ B 55,700 ◦ C 152,500 ◦ *CDC 9

10  How many patients die prematurely because of preventable hospital errors? ◦ A. 50,000 – 125,000 ◦ B. 1250,000 – 175, 000 ◦ C. 210,000 - 400,000 10

11  How many patients die prematurely because of preventable hospital errors? ◦ A. 50,000 – 125,000 ◦ B. 1250,000 – 175, 000 ◦ C. 210,000 - 400,000 ◦ Hospital medical errors now the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (Journal of Patient Safety, 2014) 11

12  Can you share a situation where an electronic record would have improved the quality of care?  Coordination mishaps and misadventures?  Lack of communication between physicians?  Patient lacks information or is confused?  Bag of meds? 12

13  Where records are used – healthcare organizations  What roles access an EMR  Patients, registrar, allied health professionals, nursing, physicians, billing and revenue cycle management, housekeeping, etc.  Content of EMR Records ◦ Demographics ◦ Insurance and payment info ◦ Clinical Information  Problems, Medications, Allergies, Laboratory Data 13

14  Basic principles of managing records  Privacy and Security ◦ Authentication- passwords and electronic signature ◦ Role-based security ◦ Regulatory HIPAA requirements 14

15  Free!  Ambulatory EMR System ◦ Intended for small physician office or clinic ◦ Is a “certified” system ◦ Basic system – does not have capabilities needed for complex ambulatory service (oncology, surgery, dialysis) ◦ Core system is free but providers must pay for additional capabilities  E-Prescribing  Interfaces from Laboratory, Radiology, Transcription ◦ 15

16  User-interface is a browser ◦ Must use Google Chrome/FireFox  Cloud-based ◦ Patient data is not stored locally ◦ Practice Fusion responsible for security and integrity of data ◦ Easier to maintain: no installed programs on local computers  24 x 7 Support  On-Demand Training 16

17  Orientation to Practice Fusion User Interface 17

18 18


20  Preparing Healthcare Workers Today for the Workplace of Tomorrow  4 Career Paths ◦ Nursing ◦ Health Information ◦ Behavioral Health ◦ Allied Health  Labor-management cooperative with 50+ employers contributing so employees get education  Community grant funded projects 20

21  120+ members – employers, academics, and workforce development  Sector training initiative – healthcare organizations collaborate on training  Meetings to educate members on industry trends, focused topics  Key projects currently – ◦ H1B On-the-Job Training grant ◦ Job Opportunity Investment Network Collaborative ◦ Health Information Professions with Temple  Advocacy at federal and state level 21

22  Electronic Health Record use by Nurses, Doctors, Nurse Aides  Hand held computer devices used by Food Service workers  Telemetry, X-ray, physical therapy all use computerized devices  Pharmacy Technicians – e-prescribing  Medical Assistant is a hybrid – clinical and clerical – must have computer skills; need spreadsheets, word processing, database, Internet, email 22

23  2010 – recognized the need for all workers to be computer literate  Developed Electronic Health Record Certification for our members: ◦ International Computer Drivers License – 7 certifications ◦ Medical Terminology ◦ Electronic Health Record – DPRC certification with Practice Fusion ◦ Customer Service and Communication  Added courses in Medical Billing, Business Writing, Coding Certification 23

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