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The Demographic Transition Model Demographic Transition Models display a country’s process of change in a society’s population. The demographic transition.

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2 The Demographic Transition Model Demographic Transition Models display a country’s process of change in a society’s population. The demographic transition model consist of four stages Stage One: No Natural Increase Stage Two: High Natural Increase Stage Three: Moderate Natural Increase Stage Four: No Natural Increase Stage Five(?): Decrease in Natural Increase * once a country has moved on to another stage, it cannot degrees, unless due to a supernatural force, such as a world war


4 Stage One: Low GrowthStage One: Low Growth  Pre-Industrial Era  Most people in this period depended on hunting and gathering  The very high birth rates and death rates produced virtually no long-term natural increase  No present-day country is still in stage one

5 Stage Two: High GrowthStage Two: High Growth  Transitional Era  Mainly caused by the agricultural revolution, the population went from hunter gathers to sedentary farmers  Two waves of countries entering the demographic transition  Counties in Europe and North America enter stage two after 1750 as a result of the Industrial Revolution  African, Asian, and Latin American countries entered in the second half of the 20 th century as result of the Medical Revolution  Rapidly declining death rates combined with very high birth rates birth rates produce a very high natural increase

6 Stage Three: Moderate Growth  Transitional Era  Caused by and increase in jobs due to a good economy.  Women now have access to education and are allowed to work  A society enters stage three when people choose to have fewer children  Many North American and European countries entered stage three in the late 20 th century  Birth rates rapidly decline while death rates continue to decline and the rate of natural increase rates begin to moderate

7 Stage Four: Low GrowthStage Four: Low Growth  Industrial Era  Caused by a change in lifestyle, the population as a whole are having less kids, yet medical advances have decreased the death rate  A country reaches stage four of the demographic transition when the birth rate declines to the point where it equals the death rate.  Zero Population Growth: The the natural increase rate approaches or equals zero  Most European countries have moved to stage four

8 Stage Five (?)Stage Five (?)  Next possible stage in the demographic transition  A country enters “stage five” of the demographic transition when the birth rate declines below the death rate and there is a negative rate of natural increase  A few European countries such as Denmark and Germany have entered stage five  As in Stage Four, this transition is caused by a change in lifestyle. The population as a whole are having less kids, yet medical advances have decreased the death rate

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