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ESS Architecture Workgroup August 2013
VistA SOA Services VistA Service Assembler (VSA) Conceptual and Technical Overview ESS Architecture Workgroup August 2013
VA Healthcare SOA “One of the major focuses of VA system integration is the healthcare domain.” “The majority of VA healthcare computing involves VistA and applications integrated with VistA.” The VA healthcare SOA challenge— Efficiently expose existing VistA methods and data Decouple consuming systems from the implementation details of VistA Solve the “organizational gap” of coding multiple technologies VistA SOA Services
Common Legacy SOA Interpretations
VistA Encapsulation / Encasement HealtheVet VistA Notes Service Rx Service Ordering Service CP&E Service Consumers Perpetuates shortcomings and dependencies on legacy systems Inhibits individual application replacement Granular logic, “chatty” communications through middleware layer Atomization / Re-Hosting Major retooling and investment Subjective interpretation Inability to anticipate future consumers Tendency to build too much, to build too little MDWS/VIA Consumers VistA Notes Rx Ordering CP&E VistA SOA Services
Providing a Better Way: VistA as an SOA service provider
Leverage proven assets Existing application methods, data, application integration methods and governance ‘Provider application’ SME and technical knowledge and documentation Improve management of the IT solution (development and sustainment) VistA applications and services become Economically extensible, maintainable and individually replaceable VSA generated VistA SOA services are fully compliant with SOA architecture and compatible with VA SOA infrastructure VistA SOA Services
VistA SOA Service Formats
Legacy VistA SOA compatible service designs HL7 messaging Mature VA implementation Data model driven Web Services Offer various efficiencies Suitable for certain integrations “Composable” as coarse grained functionality VSA is focused on the creation of VistA based web services to support the implementation of SOA VistA SOA Services
The VistA Service Assembler (VSA) Solution
Provides both a technical and organizational solution Technical solution Legacy VistA integration compatibility Technical abstraction across disparate technical environments SOA implementation integration and compliance Leveraging of existing VistA “service assets” Organizational solution A solution that crosses technical boundaries Accommodates staff skill set / technical orientation limitations Provides standardized SOA implementation direction Reduces investment, improves ‘time to market’ Minimizes organizational impact related to SOA implementation VistA SOA Services
Paradigm Shift: VistA as an SOA Service Provider
Encased VistA is encased as a system to isolate and then replace in the future Leveraged VistA packages are leveraged and extended as building blocks for legitimate SOA services Adapter Integration ‘Consumer applications’ are integrated with adapters that encase VistA Service Integration ‘Consumer applications’ are integrated with SOA services exposed by ‘provider applications’ Rip and Replace Legacy VistA is encased with adaptors as a monolithic system, then replaced Plug and Play VistA applications expose SOA services, allowing application-by-application replacement Fine Grained Chattiness due to business logic in adaptors, fine grained VistA methods Coarse Grained All business logic positioned in VistA applications to produce coarse grained service logic modules Built from ‘scratch’ SOA services, environment and governance built “from the ground up” Built from existing components Existing VistA methods and data used to build SOA services, reducing development, testing, etc. VistA SOA Services
Major Elements of the Solution
VistA SOA service infrastructure VistA Service Assembler Wizard Service descriptors database M environment components for ‘service’ execution Federating platform and federating logic VistA SOA ‘reference implementation’ services Per ‘service needs’ of VA stakeholder initiatives Definition of Policy and Process VSA infrastructure distribution VistA SOA service distribution Responding to the need Efficiency Accomplishing compliance Full SOA compliance and integration without requiring re-work to existing VistA SOA services Building the service initially is not rework in the end. It can be published on the ESB when the ESB is available. VistA SOA Services
Solution Attributes Cost Effective Addresses SOA objectives
Able to rapidly expose broad VistA functionality as ‘services’ Rapid development and incremental approach Minimal retooling of VistA applications or retraining developers Low impact organizationally Addresses SOA objectives Security and system performance Semantic and syntactic compatibility Reusability and non-redundancy System maintainability, sustainability and replaceability Provides value before full SOA infrastructure is in place Complete integration and compliance with SOA architecture Enables major consumers (e.g. mobile computing) Alleviates ‘vendor dependence’ concerns while exponentially expanding VistA extensibility and ‘open source’ product development opportunities VistA SOA Services
VistA Service Assembler (VSA) High Level
1 A M Developer or System Integrator identifies existing or new M routine(s) to be called by a new or existing VistA SOA Service. VistA SOA Federating Services Platform - Regional (Java) M Hosting Platforms (Intersystems Caché or open source platform (ie. GT.M), 130+ instances in production in VA) MUMPS Hosting Platform (Intersystems Caché or Open Source Platform (ie. Graystone)) 2 The M Developer or System Integrator executes the Assembler Wizard providing required information such as operation names, mumps routines to be called, and parameter mappings. 2 VistA Service Assembler Wizard M Code and Data All Other Packages Routines 3 A VistA SOA Service descriptor is generated and stored in the VistA SOA Federating Service Platform. 4 A new VistA SOA Service is auto-generated and published. 3 Consuming Applications can interface with the new VistA SOA Service directly (NEAR TERM ONLY). VistA Service Assembler SOA Service Descriptors (generated by the Assembler Wizard) 1 5 VSA Package Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 6 Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Adapter (VMRCA) 4 VistA SOA Services (generated by the Assembler Wizard) Registry and Repository (Websphere Registry and Repository) Core ESB (Websphere Message Broker) VistA SOA Services (generated by the Assembler Wizard) VistA is extended to include the VistA SOA Federating Service Platform in addition to all of the M Hosting Platforms. VistA SOA Federating Platform can serve a single site (open source community focus) The VistA Service Assembler Wizard is deployed to the VistA SOA Federating Service platform. This platform is envisioned to be the Java based Spring Framework deployed on WebLogic in the VA or on any other Java container such as Tomcat or JBoss in open source based organizations. The term “M Hosting Platform” has been used to indicate a platform into which the M computing system is deployed. In the VA, this is currently Intersystems Caché. In other open source based computing systems this may be GT.M, commonly referred to as “Greystone.” The Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Service (VMRCS) is implemented once and deployed to each M Hosting Platform. VMRCS is implemented in Caché Server Pages (CSP) and Caché Objects technology in Intersystems Caché, and is implemented by GT.M specific technologies in GT.M (how GT.M works needs to be researched). This is the only component of the framework that is vendor technology specific. The VMRCS is a private service and can only be used by the auto-generated VistA SOA services. This is enforced with two way SSL. VMRCS provides web service integration with SOAP/REST protocols over two way SSL and delegates the rest of the work to the Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Adapter (VMRCA). VMRCS is a private service. SSL certificates are only authorized for the VistA SOA Services. No other consuming system is allowed access to the VMRCS. The VMRCA authenticates to Kernel, sets up and executes M routines, transforms the request from VMRCS to M routine compatible syntax, and transforms the M routine response payload to VMRCS compatible syntax. The provider application is responsible for the M routines and the VistA SOA Services that use them. “Service Assembly in a Day” is enabled by the VistA Service Assembler Wizard. The M developer or System Integrator runs the Assembler Wizard in a design and development environment which can be implemented via a replicatable virtual machine. The VistA SOA Services generated at design time are deployed to the VistA SOA Federating Service Platform deployed to each region. Each VistA SOA Service is packaged as a separate WAR VSA common libraries configured by the Assembly Wizard. These deployment artifacts are version controlled by the provider application, and deployed through the provider application’s deployment processes. A new version of a VistA SOA Service results in a newly versioned WAR. The new version can be deployed side-by-side with a previous version of the service as governed by the provider application. The VistA SOA Service Proxies are created on the ESB. As the VSA system matures, configuration of these proxies may become automatable. The VistA SOA Service Registry Entries are created on the ESB. As the VSA system matures, configuration of these proxies may become automatable. 6a 6a Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Service (VMRCS) VistA SOA Service Registry Entries VistA SOA Service Proxies Private Interface To-be Integration 6b 5 6 TO BE – The ESB is deployed to production Registry entries and service proxies created for the VistA SOA Services. Consumers Consuming Applications Near Term Integration 6a 6b The Consuming Applications integrate with the VistA SOA Service proxies published on the ESB and the direct connection to the VistA SOA Services published on VistA are retired.
VistA Service Assembler (VSA) High Level Component Descriptions
VSA Component Description VistA Service Assembler Wizard Java web application - auto generates VistA SOA Services VistA SOA Federating Services Platform Java application server such as Tomcat or WebLogic, to which VistA SOA Services are deployed M Hosting Platform A runtime system supporting ANSI standard M such as Intersytems Caché or GT.M VistA SOA Service An SOA compliant service generated by the VistA Service Assembler Wizard with federating capabilities. Implemented in the Java Spring Framework. VistA Service Assembler SOA Service Descriptors Meta data XML document created by the VistA Service Assembler Wizard used to auto generate VistA SOA Services Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Service (VMRCS) A REST/SOAP web service deployed to each site that delegates requests to run M routines to VMRCA. Implemented in vendor specific technologies.. Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Adapter (VMRCA) VSA M routines that handle M routine calling VistA SOA Service Registry Entry Entry in the Registry and Repository used to govern a specific VistA SOA Service VistA SOA Service Proxy Proxy on the ESB used to abstract the service endpoint. VistA Service Assembler
VistA Service Assembler Wizard
Web application accessible via browser Define Service name Define Operations Federation Site lookup is selectable Used in design and development sandbox VistA SOA Service operation payload transformations include XML, JSON transforms This list is a starting point Other things to set in the wizard may include a selection of an aggregation strategy, caching strategy, runtime data cleansing strategy, deduplication/deconfliction strategy, partial data handling strategy, terminology mapping integration strategy (runtime terminology resolution and may include something with design time), multi-threading strategy, regional federating service location strategy, exception handling strategy and security integration strategy. The VistA Service Assembler Wizard is implemented as a web application on open source Java based web technologies. It is deployed to the design time environment/sandboxes. Define Operations Name Parameters and transformations Response and transformation MUMPS routine to call Federation Configurable for a single site Federates all available sites Federates a subset of sites (VISN specific) Site lookup is selectable MVI Other open source defined site lookup Fixed site identifier list VistA SOA Service operation parameter or response transformation types include XML to/from ‘^’ delimited string or array JSON to/from ‘^’ delimited string or array Custom binary to/from ‘^’ delimited string or array Atomic type conversions include GMT to/from Fileman date time XSD atomic types to/from Fileman types such as string, integer, etc. VistA Service Assembler
VistA SOA Services Runtime View
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) VistA Site 1 M Code and Data M Routines for Progress Notes VMRCS VMRCA M Routines for Outpatient Meds M Routines for Allergies Registry and Repository (Websphere Registry and Repository) VistA SOA Federating Services Platform - Regional (Java) Progress Notes Service Registry Entry Outpatient Meds Service Registry Entry Progress Notes Service Allergies Service Registry Entry Consumers Consuming Applications Outpatient Meds Service Site N M Code and Data M Routines for Progress Notes VMRCS VMRCA M Routines for Outpatient Meds M Routines for Allergies Core ESB (Websphere Message Broker) Each service is deployed separately to the VistA SOA Federating Services Platform hosted in each regional data center. As a Java application server platform it is scalable using standard application server clustering strategies. Use of commodity servers may be used to reduce cost. Providers of a new VistA SOA Service do not have to install new servers, but add their service to the VistA SOA Federating Service Platform. This platform is managed at the Regional level. VMRCS is deployed to each site instance in a Cache database separate from the standard VistA Cache database Allergies Service Progress Notes Service Proxy Outpatient Meds Service Proxy Allergies Service Proxy VistA Service Assembler
VSA National Production Deployment Configuration
Region 1 RDC VistA WSRR VistA SOA Service Registry Entries WMB Proxies 2 VistA SOA Federating Services Platform VistA SOA Services Site 1 to M M Code and Data M Routines VMRCS VMRCA Region 2 RDC VistA WSRR VistA SOA Service Registry Entries WMB Proxies 2 VistA SOA Federating Services Platform VistA SOA Services Site M+1 to N M Code and Data M Routines VMRCS VMRCA Region 3 RDC VistA WSRR VistA SOA Service Registry Entries WMB Proxies 2 VistA SOA Federating Services Platform VistA SOA Services Site N+1 to O M Code and Data M Routines VMRCS VMRCA Region 4 RDC VistA WSRR VistA SOA Service Registry Entries WMB Proxies 2 VistA SOA Federating Services Platform VistA SOA Services Site O+1 to P M Code and Data M Routines VMRCS VMRCA 1 1 1 iEHR is deploying WMB and WSRR to each region. Consuming systems connect there. WMB and the VistA SOA Federating Services Platform connect via high speed network internal to the regional data center for best performance. Site instances are targeted to be fully migrated to their associated regional data center. Where site instances are still deployed to VAMC computer rooms or other data centers like the HAC for CP&E connectivity between VistA SOA Services deployed on the VistA SOA Federating Services Platform and the site instance is over the WAN. For each call to a regionally deployed VistA SOA Service operation, that operation will function in a runtime hub and spoke call hierarchy to the other regions (see the process flow diagram in a later slide). Need to verify that a Regional federated approach is better than calling individual VistA instances. Connections to every VistA from a given Region may be optimal. One level of multi-threading for concurrent regional calls, and a second layer of multi-threading for concurrent calls to sites associated with the region. WSRR = WebSphere Registry and Repository WMB = WebSphere Message Broker ESB = Enterprise Service Bus SOA = Service Oriented Architecture VMRCA = Site Specific Generic Mumps Routine Calling Adapter VMRCS = Site Specific Generic Mumps Routine Calling Service 1 Federated VistA SOA Services communicate with each other to produce a national view of information. 2 Chatty communication within an RDC is optimized on high speed network. VistA Service Assembler
VSA Deployment and Rollout
System Component VA Deployment and Rollout Mechanism No Issues Foreseen Site Specific VistA M Routine Calling Adapter (VMRCA) Standard VA M patch release process via KIDS VSA Site Specific Generic Mumps Routine Calling Service (VMRCS) VMRCS is deployed in its own Caché database file at each site deployed to a region. M routines from other packages VistA Service Assembler Wizard and Service Descriptors Deployed to development and not production. Service descriptors are versioned in source control. VistA SOA Services Each service is packaged as a WAR file. The service provider promotes a service through development, test and production environments. Service Registry Entries and Proxies ESB registry entry and proxy creation processes defined by operations are followed. The VMRCA deployment includes a new mechanism implemented in M to determine if an why an M routine failed. VistA Service Assembler
VSA Security Integration
VistA Site 1-N Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) M Code and Data Registry and Repository (Websphere Registry and Repository) M Routines Supporting VistA SOA Services Ensures user authentication and audit logging. Authorization is handled by application M routines. https VistA SOA Service Registry Entries VistA SOA Federating Services Platform Consuming Applications Core ESB (Websphere Message Broker) https VistA SOA Services More detail needs to be fleshed out here. Open source security solutions are being proposed by Mitre. This integration pattern may serve as a starting point. Note that VMRCA deals with the Kernel authentication. Communication between VMRCS and the VMRCA M routines are all in process communication within the Cache instance security boundary https VistA SOA Service Proxies VMRCA https In process communication VMRCS VistA Service Assembler
VA/Open Source Integration
VA to Open Source Release VistA SOA Service artifacts released to OSEHRA M patches including VMRCA released to OSEHRA VMRCS code released to OSEHRA Open Source Integration into VA Open Source VistA SOA Service artifacts validated and approved by VA M patches are validated and approved by VA OSEHRA governs name spacing VistA SOA Services
VSA Technology Stack (VA vs. Open Source)
System Component VA Technology Stack Open Source Technology Stack VA/Open Source Integration Issues? VSA Site Specific Generic Mumps Routine Calling Adapter (VMRCA) ANSI Standard MUMPS hosted on Caché ANSI Standard MUMPS hosted on Caché or GT.M M routines from other packages VistA SOA Services, VistA Service Assembler Wizard and Service Descriptors Java/Spring Framework/Open Source Web Technologies deployed to WebLogic Java/Spring Framework/Open Source Web Technologies deployed to Tomcat or JBoss VSA Site Specific Generic Mumps Routine Calling Service (VMRCS) Caché Server Pages (CSP) and Caché Objects hosted on Caché, CSP Gateway hosted on IIS Enterprise Web Developer (EWD) hosted on Apache/IIS/CSP and Caché stack or on Node.js and GT.M stack EWD is not TRM compliant EWD is not proven within the VA Minimal foot print for the implementation of VMRCS VMRCS is designed to provide web service protocol integration and delegate M routine authentication, execution and payload transformation to VMRCA. VistA Service Assembler
VistA Service Assembler
Summary VSA solution is cost effective VSA Wizard enables rapid assembly of existing VistA functionality as SOA compliant “services” by non-programmers Provides a rapid development and incremental approach VSA solution has low organizational impact Crosses technical boundaries (i.e. MUMPS and Java) Accommodates current staff skill set/technical orientation limitations VSA solution has minimal vendor dependence Expands VistA extensibility and ‘open source’ product development opportunities. Enables open source technology integration (Java Spring Framework and GT.M). A minimal Caché dependent gateway implementation can be ported to EWD in support of the open source community. When EWD is deemed TRM compliant in the future that implementation can ported within the VA to EWD. VistA Service Assembler
VistA Service Assembler
Current Status High level architectural design artifacts have been created and reviewed by ASD architects and the VSA development team. Initial development of VSA tooling (service generation wizard) is underway. Roadmap and schedule for VSA releases is being developed. VistA Service Assembler
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