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The Westhof-Concept Westhof BIO Group. Outline 1.Westhof today 2.Goals for a sustainable future 3.Sustainability strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Westhof-Concept Westhof BIO Group. Outline 1.Westhof today 2.Goals for a sustainable future 3.Sustainability strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Westhof-Concept Westhof BIO Group

2 Outline 1.Westhof today 2.Goals for a sustainable future 3.Sustainability strategy

3 The Location Dithmarschen – one of the largest organic vegetable growing areas in Germany, located right next to the National Parc „Schleswig- Holsteinisches Wattenmeer“ (Wadden Sea) ↘

4 Westhof today Agriculture

5 Cultivated crops (rotation): Clover/grass Cabbage Wheat Carrots Peas ca. 1.000 ha cultivated surface Employees 12 permanent employees ca. 100 seasonal labour 3 trainees

6 Trade Agriculture Westhof today

7 Employees: 35 permanent employees 2 Trainees Quantity processed per year: 30.000t vegetables

8 Agriculture Trade Freezing Plant Westhof today

9 Processed quantity: 10.000t Employees: 28 permanent employees 1 trainee

10 Agriculture Trade Freezing Plant Westhof today

11 Production of Renewable Energy Newest project  Biogas Plant  Performance: 549 kWel  Yield: 2.000.000 m³ Biogas  10.000 m³ Digestate (Organic fertilizer)  Westhof substrates  Clover/grass, vegetables class C  ca. 13.000 t/year Employees: 3

12 Agriculture Trade Freezing Plant Greenhouse Westhof today

13  Surface: ca. 4 ha  Crops: Organic tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers  Crop cultivation in local soil  Necessary heating power: Ø ca. 2.000 kWth (2.000 – 7.000 kWth)  Use of renewable Energy only Employees: 30 permanent Employees 1 Trainee

14 Further development of sustainable organic farming Energy neutrality by 2015 Increase of resource productivity Efficient production and use of energy Biogas plant operation without competing with food Expansion of organic vegetable supply Goals for a sustainable future

15 Organic vegetables class C Block heat & power plant Organic frozen vegetables Organic vegetables Organic tomatoes Energy (Netzbetreiber) Organic vegetables CO 2 Organic vegetables Biogas Biogas plant Organic fertilizer Veg. Class CClover Organic fertilizer Heat (ca. 95-98 ˚C) ) Heat (ca. 50-60 ˚C) Sustainabiltiy strategy

16 Thank you for your attention!

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