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Annarita Giani, UC Berkeley Bruno Sinopoli & Aakash Shah, Carnegie Mellon University Gabor Karsai & Jon Wiley, Vanderbilt University TRUST 2008 Autumn.

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Presentation on theme: "Annarita Giani, UC Berkeley Bruno Sinopoli & Aakash Shah, Carnegie Mellon University Gabor Karsai & Jon Wiley, Vanderbilt University TRUST 2008 Autumn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annarita Giani, UC Berkeley Bruno Sinopoli & Aakash Shah, Carnegie Mellon University Gabor Karsai & Jon Wiley, Vanderbilt University TRUST 2008 Autumn Conference, Nashville Tennessee

2  SCADA Systems and Security  The TRUST-SCADA Experimental Testbed  Current Implementation  Future Directions

3  SCADA Systems and Security  The TRUST-SCADA Experimental Testbed  Current Implementation  Future Directions

4  S upervisory C ontrol A nd D ata A cquisition systems are computer-based monitoring tools that are used to manage and control critical infrastructure functions in real time.  Control Gas Utilities, Power Plants, Oil Refineries, Power Utilities, Chemical Plants, Water Management, Traffic Control Systems, etc.

5  SCADA Master  Provides overall monitoring and control SCADA system  SCADA Network  Provides communication between SCADA master and RTUs  Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)  Local controllers that take commands from SCADA masters  Can perform simple PID control  Sensors and Actuators  Provide means of measuring infrastructure parameters and adjusting them


7  SCADA systems have significant lifetimes  Most were designed without security in mind  Most are now connected to new infrastructure  SCADA Systems are difficult to upgrade  Adding security often means downtime  SCADA systems contain embedded components  SCADA networks are customized for each system  Need flexible, robust solutions that secure legacy SCADA systems and shape the design of the next generation

8  SCADA Systems and Security  The TRUST-SCADA Experimental Testbed  Current Implementation  Future Directions

9  Assess vulnerabilities of current SCADA implementations  Provide and test solutions to address such vulnerabilities  Test innovative architectural and technological solutions for next generation SCADA  Provide an openly-documented, affordable, and highly flexible testbed for the TRUST community

10  Modularity:  Must be able to model several SCADA ▪ Processes ▪ Network architectures ▪ Communications topologies, media, and protocols  Reconfigurability:  Needs to be easily reconfigurable to test new attack scenarios, solutions  Remote access:  Should be available to remote users  Accurate modeling:  Should be a realistic model of a real world process

11  Software  SCADA Master Software  Communication Simulation  RTU Software  Hardware Simulation  Plant Simulation  Hardware  Servers  SCADA Master Controller  Communications Equipment  RTUs

12  SCADA Systems and Security  The TRUST-SCADA Experimental Testbed  Current Implementation  Future Directions

13 Simulink RTW Plant Model Simulation on xPC High Speed I/O Interface Robostix Microcontroller 12-bits of parallel digital data 8 channels of 12-bit analog data Gumstix/Linux Computer sensor readingssetpoints

14  An adaptation of a publically available chemical plant model  Runs on xPC Target  4 processes  16 control loops  12 input variables  8 measured outputs  Simulates 1 hour in one second (controllable simulation speed)


16  Atmel ATMega128 Microcontroller  8 channels of 10-bit A/D  Used for measuring analog sensor data  Up to 54 channels of digital I/O  Used for sending actuator setpoints to plant simulation  SCI, IIC  Can run simple PID control loops

17  Gumstix 400MHz Linux Computer  Runs SCADA Master software  Receives sensor and actuator information from RTUs  Sends setpoints to RTUs  SCI, IIC, Ethernet, Wifi

18  Locally controlled process  Remotely controlled process Simulink RTW Plant Model Simulation on xPC High Speed I/O Interface Robostix Microcontroller 12-bits of parallel digital data 8 channels of 12-bit analog data Gumstix/Linux Computer sensor readings (over Modbus) setpoints (over Modbus) Simulink RTW Plant Model Simulation on xPC High Speed I/O Interface Robostix Microcontroller 12-bits of parallel digital data 8 channels of 12-bit analog data

19 Simulink RTW Plant Model Simulation on xPC High Speed I/O Interface Robostix Gumstix Computer Distributed control using Modbus Distributed control using Ethernet Robostix Simulink RTW Plant Model Simulation on xPC High Speed I/O Interface Robostix Gumstix Computer Robostix

20  SCADA Systems and Security  The TRUST-SCADA Experimental Testbed  Current Implementation  Future Directions

21  Finish modular SCADA Testbed  Develop modeling tool for easy configuration of testbed  Model systems and demonstrate vulnerabilities of current SCADA systems  Test solutions to address current vulnerabilities  Test new architectural solutions

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