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1 Data Warehousing – CG124 Dr. Akhtar Ali School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences

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1 1 Data Warehousing – CG124 Dr. Akhtar Ali School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences

2 2 Module Aims The module aims to help students: n Understand the fundamentals of a data warehousing environment. n Learn the mechanisms for designing, constructing, and populating data warehouses. n Analyse different approaches to data warehouse maintenance. n Explore the real world applications of data warehousing using OLAP technologies. n Gain practical skills in implementing a data warehouse using Oracle.

3 3 Learning Outcomes On completion, the student should be able to: n Design, construct, and populate a data warehouse; n Devise efficient and cost effective methods for maintaining data warehouses; and n Implement a data warehouse using Oracle.

4 4 Main Topics n Introduction to Data Warehousing n Data Warehouse Components n Data Warehouse Maintenance n Data Warehouse Design n Oracle Data Warehousing Support n On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

5 5 Prerequisite Knowledge & Skills n Prior knowledge of Relational Databases –Relational databases’ theory, For Example: »Relations »Keys »Constraints »Relational algebra »SQL (structured query language) n OR previously attended module CM036 (Advanced databases)

6 6 AssessmentAssessment n Individual Assignment –Worth 40% –Given out in week 7 –Due in week 12 n Open Book Exam –Worth 60% –2 hours duration –In week 13 to 15 (May/June)

7 7 Books and Learning Resources n Text Book – Ralph Kimball (Editor), Laura Reeves, Margy Ross, Warren Thornwaite. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit: Tools and Techniques for Designing, Developing and Deploying Data Marts and Data Warehouse. John Wiley, 1998. n Supplementary Material – Surajit Chaudhuri, Umeshwar Dayal. An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology. ACM Sigmod Record, March 1997. – Jennifer Widom. Research Problems in Data Warehousing. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 1995. – M. Akhtar Ali, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes and Norman W. Paton. MOVIE: An Incremental Maintenance System for Materialized Object Views. Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) Vol. 47, Issue 2, November 2003, Pages 131-166. n Online Resources –Blackboard (all the lecture notes, seminar handouts) and my homepage –Oracle Documentation (Oracle 9i Data Warehousing Guide)

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