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Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist & Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist Curriculum Maps for Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs Transitioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist & Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist Curriculum Maps for Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs Transitioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist & Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
Curriculum Maps for Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs Transitioning to Consensus Model Requirements

2 Why a Curriculum Map? Incorporates seminal documents through cross walk process Demonstrates alignment among key determining resources Provides evidence base for curriculum content

3 Consensus Model for APRN Regulation
Nurse Anesthetist Midwife Nurse Practitioner + Adult- Gerontology* Women’s Health/ Gender Related Family/Individual Across lifespan Neonatal Pediatrics Psych/Mental Health Licensure occurs at Levels of Role & Population Foci POPULATION FOCI APRN ROLES APRN Specialties Focus of Practice beyond role and population focus Linked to health care needs Examples include but are not limited to: Oncology, Older Adults, Orthopedics, Nephrology, Palliative care Clinical Nurse Specialist ++ ++The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is educated and assessed through national certification processes across the continuum from wellness through acute care. * The population focus, adult-gerontology, encompasses the young adult to the older adult, including the frail elderly. APRNs educated and certified in the adult-gerontology population are educated and certified across both areas of practice and will be titled Adult-Gerontology CNP or CNS. In addition, all APRNs in any of the four roles providing care to the adult population, e.g., family or gender specific, must be prepared to meet the growing needs of the older adult population. Therefore, the education program should include didactic and clinical education experiences necessary to prepare APRNs with these enhanced skills and knowledge.




7 & ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Role & Population Competencies

8 Basic Guidelines for Development of a Course in Diagnosis and Management of Problems in the Clinical Specialty Area for Clinical Nurse Specialists Rule 222.1(6) defines a diagnosis and management course as: A course offering both didactic and clinical content in clinical decision-making and aspects of medical diagnosis and medical management of diseases and conditions. Supervised clinical practice must include the opportunity to provide pharmacological and non-pharmacologic management of diseases and problems considered within the scope of practice of the advanced practice nurse’s specialty and role.

9 Why a Curriculum Map? Incorporates seminal documents through cross walk process Demonstrates alignment among key determining resources Provides evidence base for curriculum content

10 Incorporates Seminal Documents
AACN-Colleges Essentials Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, Education AACN-Colleges/NACNS/Hartford - Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies

11 Incorporates Seminal Documents
AACN-Critical Care - Scope & Standards for Acute and Critical-Care Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice ANA/ Society for Pediatric Nurses/National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners - Pediatric Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice National Association of Neonatal Nurses - Neonatal Nursing: Scope and Standards

12 Incorporates Seminal Documents
National CNS Competency Task Force - Clinical Nurse Specialist Core Competencies NACNS - Criteria for the Evaluation for Clinical Nurse Specialist Master's, Practice Doctorate and Post-Graduate Certificate Educational Programs NCSBN - Criteria for APRN Certification Programs

13 Why a Curriculum Map? Incorporates seminal documents through cross walk process Demonstrates alignment among key determining resources Provides evidence base for curriculum content

14 Demonstrates Alignment Among Key Resources
Seminal documents identified Core Competencies, Age-Related Competencies, Specialty Competencies and Test Plan are cross walked through the document Annotated Glossary provided

15 Why a Curriculum Map? Program Directors requested it in response to survey Incorporates seminal documents through cross walk process Demonstrates alignment among key determining resources Provides evidence base for curriculum content

16 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Requirements for regulatory examinations: targeted to entry-level practice measure only job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities require demonstration of competence at the minimum level necessary for safe and effective practice; and psychometrically sound

17 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Psychometrically sound exams must be Reliable – the exam measures a construct consistently across time, individuals, and situations and Valid – the exam measures what it is intended to measure

18 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Job analyses for Adult-Gerontology, Pediatric and Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialists conducted during 2011 by AACN Certification Corporation JA survey incorporated seminal documents as well as the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) National Health Statistics Reports/National Hospital Discharge Data Set, the CDC's Health, United States, 2010, and the CDC's Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2009

19 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Adult-Gerontology survey also reviewed by CNS members of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) prior to use CNS representatives of the Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN) participated in the survey development and review of findings

20 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Test Plan includes: Validated CNS competencies Most frequently encountered patient care problem types Skills and procedures performed by Clinical Nurse Specialists at entry-level

21 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Role incumbents participated in the job analysis surveys Responded to the question, How significant is this problem/task/action to entry level CNS practice in your setting? Not Necessary Minimally Significant Moderately Significant Significant Quite Significant Of Maximum Significance

22 Provides Evidence Base for Curriculum Content
Decision Rules for incorporating content into the Test Plan Overall mean significance ratings for the total sample Overall percent of "not performed" ratings Comparison of mean significance ratings by region Comparison of mean significance ratings by community, position, setting, number of beds, years of experience as an APRN, hours worked, and whether or not certified as CCNS

23 Organization of Test Plan
AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care Direct Care/Clinical Judgment Standards of Professional Performance

24 Standards of Professional Performance
Advocacy/Moral Agency Caring Practices Collaboration Systems Thinking Response to Diversity Clinical Inquiry Facilitation of Learning


26 Adult-Gerontology Curriculum Map Cross Walk

27 Course Course Content Evidenced Based Practice and Research Methodologies Conceptual, theoretical, ethical and empirical knowledge as a basis nursing research questions, identifying research designs, selecting sampling and data collection strategies, and proposing analytic methods to answer a research question, and evaluate completed research for its scientific adequacy and applicability to practice. Approaches to understanding and expanding the scientific body of knowledge in nursing. Role and Scope of the CNS Analysis of the spheres of influence and the practice domains of the CNS in relationship to current health care trends, models of care delivery and advanced nursing practice, evaluation of care, and key issues influencing CNS practice including the CNS leadership role, interprofessional collaboration, health care policy, and advocacy as an independent practitioner. Principles of Health Cae Systems Organizational culture, organizational assessment, patient safety initiatives, problem identification, and quality improvement team building, change theory, process improvement techniques, product value analysis, quality and performance indicators (ex: NDNQI, core measures, HCAP, etc.), as well as integration of health care technologies and informatics systems. Adult-Gerontology Care I (health promotion, disease prevention, wellness) CNS role in wellness (physical and mental), health promotion and disease prevention, risk assessment and reduction, individual and community screening measures, and alternative health practices through the lifespan for early adult to the frail elderly populations. Content includes but is not limited to: assessment and management of STDs, urinary incontinence, cancer screening, cognitive impairment, lifestyle management (nutrition, weight, exercise, smoking cessation, stress management, lipid monitoring, etc.). ++








35 Pediatric Curriculum Map Cross Walk

36 Pediatric Curriculum Map Cross Walk



39 Why so much emphasis on Clinical Judgment?

40 Increased Emphasis on Clinical Judgment
NCSBN Transition to Practice Data Complex Health Care Needs: Newly licensed nurses are expected to care for sicker patients with multiple conditions in increasingly complex health care settings Expertise Gap: Ten percent of a typical hospital’s nursing staff is comprised of new graduate nurses Risk for Practice Errors: Several studies show that new nurses experience increased stress three to six months after hire; data has shown that increased stress levels are risk factors for patient safety and practice errors

41 Increased Emphasis on Clinical Judgment
NCSBN Transition to Practice Data Newly Licensed Nurse Errors: More than 40 percent of newly licensed nurses report making medication errors ƒLife-Threatening Complications: Studies indicate 50 percent of new graduates would fail to recognize life-threatening complications due to lack of experience ƒPatient Safety: Decreased staffing, use of inexperienced staff and increased turnover rates have a negative influence on patient safety and health care outcomes

42 Increased Emphasis on Clinical Judgment
Airlines – 0.43 deaths per million passengers Hospitalizations – 2,300 deaths due to error per million admits


44 Program Pre-approval New service from AACN CertCorp
Streamlines exam application review process Pre-approved programs will be posted on AACN website Assists prospective students in locating programs of interest – location, curriculum, online delivery, how to contact

45 Mentioned previously…

46 Questions/Follow-up for APRN Resources for questions and comments

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