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Indian Fusion Test Reactor

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1 Indian Fusion Test Reactor
R. Srinivasan and the FTR Team Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar – , India.

2 Energy scenario in India
Fission reactors to supply the immediate needs Projection – 30GWe by 2020 (7 % of total) and 20 % by 2050 Fusion reactors : Give sustained power for the future As on Dec. 2008, total installed capacity is 147 GW

3 Available energy resources
Fossil (coal & Hydrocarbon) GWeYr Renewable (Hydro & Non. Conv.) 102 GWeYr Nuclear Uranium (PHWR & FBR) 42,559 GWeYr Thorium ,502 GWeYr To achieve 550 ppm level in the period , one may expect the emission from India should not exceed 7.5 % of the global emissions (980 GtC)# . # T. Hamacher, R. P. Shukla, A. J. Seebregts, FED 69 (2003) 733.

4 Three-stage nuclear program
Utilization of indigenous nuclear resources (modest Uranium and abundant Thorium) Based on closed fuel cycle (spent fuel of one stage re-processed to produce fuel for the next stage) First stage – Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) [U235+U238 small quantity of Pu239 produced and re-processed for the next stage] Second stage – Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)[U238+Pu239  Pu239+energy] Over a period of time Pu inventory can be built Thorium will be used as blanket material to produce U233 Third stage is with U233 and lead to very large production of electricity Accelerator Driven System (ADS)  direct usage of Thorium (in addition to 3-stage program)

5 Population Growth Data from R. B. Grover et al. Energy Policy (2006) 2834. B B Rest is projected Population will stabilize by 2050

6 Installed capacity 1947  1363 MWe 1980-81  30,214 MWe
Growth rates : 9.54,8.14 and 6.26%/yr Beyond 2022, intensity fall by 1.2 %/yr R. B. Grover et al., Energy Policy (2006) 2834 # Shah RKD, Indian National Academy of Engineering (1998)

7 Installed capacity : Beyond 2050
Without fusion With 10 % fusion Shows 890 GWe (34 %) by Nuclear in 2100 Fall of contribution from coal near GWe by 2060 and 250 GWe (10%) by fusion in 2100 R. Srinivasan and the Indian DEMO Team, JPFRS (2010)

8 Indian Fusion Program Power Plant DEMO ITER Participation SST-1
Fusion Power Reactor Power Plant 2050 Qualification of Technologies Qualification of reactor components & Process Qualification of materials DEMO 2037 Fusion Test Reactor (FTR) 2022 scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy ITER Participation 2005 Steady State Physics and related technologies SST-1 2004 ADITYA Tokamak 1986 2 x 1GWe Power plant by 2060

9 Fusion Test Reactor Fission suppressed hybrid reactor to produce fissile fuel Medium size tokamak device with Q ~ 3 -5 Capable of producing about 50 Kg fissile U-233 in one FPY (try to attain fuel for 250 MW fission reactor) Build with available technologies and materials Neutron wall load should be up to 0.25 MW/m2 (existing technologies can be used) Should have tritium breeding blankets to produce the tritium required for self-sufficiency (try to achieve) Auxiliary power should be around 20 MW (realizable with present capabilities)

10 FTR : Physics design Fusion performance or fusion gain (Q) has to be around 3-5 Further gain will be achieved from burning fissile fuel (Qhyb ~ [7-10] Qfus) Fusion power and availability (20 – 50 %) decides the amount of fissile breeding Q depends on plasma performance Confinement time Impurity level n/nGW N Normalized power crossing the separatrix In-directly depends on the geometry of the system Maximum toroidal field at the TF conductor Area available for the neutron load (breeding and damage) Area available for the heat removal

11 (IpHHA[n/nGW ])3=f(Q)G
A, HH, n/nGW Ip q95, Btmax,BS,, R0, a, Bt,n,nGW Q Pfus Paux E Power balance T Check for Pfus, Q

12 Model : ITER-FEAT Model prediction Plasma parameters ITER-FEAT R0 6.2
6.13 a 2.0 1.98 Bt (T) 5.3 5.4 Ip(MA) 15.0 15.1 Ploss/PLH 2.5 2.1 Pfusion (MW) 500 Paux(MW) 50 <n20> 1.1 <T> keV 8.9 N 1.9

13 Plasma Parameters for FTR
Fusion Test Reactor (FTR) Parameters Plasma Parameters for FTR Plasma Parameters Major Radius R0 (m) 4.4 Minor Radius a (m) 1.5 Aspect Ratio (A) 3.0 Toroidal Magnetic field Bt (T) 5.4 N 1.3 Plasma Current Ip(MA) 11.2 fbs(%) 12 Power Loss, Ploss(MW) 40 Fusion Power Pfusion (MW) 100 Auxiliary heating Paux(MW) 20 Power gain Q 5 n/nGW 0.93 Plasma Temperature <T>keV 4.5 FW : First Wall TFC : Toroidal Field Coil SOL : Scrape of Layer VV : Vacuum Vessel CS : Central Solenoid TF : Toroidal Field

14 Coupling of energy and fuel between fusion and fission reactors
Hybrid reactor fuel cycle Thorium is a naturally occurring, mildly radioactive element Thorium as a nuclear fuel has been proposed for various nuclear reactors. Tritium bred in the reactor has to be used as fuel Coupling of energy and fuel between fusion and fission reactors Fission Reactor (Th- U233 Cycle) Fusion Test Reactor (FTR) Lithium Thorium To Grid Deuterium U233 Tritium

15 1-D nuclear design and analysis of FTR

16 FTR: Radial build-up The tritium breeding blanket concept is Lead Lithium cooled Ceramic Breeder (LLCB)

17 LLCB concept

18 1-D nuclear model: Radial view
Structural material: RAFMS Fission breeder: Thorium Vacuum Vessel and shield: SS316+water Monte Carlo tool and Fendl-2.1 has been used. 1-D nuclear model has been prepared using concentric cylinders. Reflecting boundary conditions are applied at the top and bottom of the cylinders. A 14 MeV D-T neutron source has also been modeled using cylinders. The neutronics model describes the blankets, vacuum vessel and TF coils. Plasma Central Solenoid space Plasma Inboard Outboard FTR 1-d radial view

19 1-d nuclear model: Top view
In the present blanket design, we considered Pb-Li eutectic as tritium breeder at the inboard side. At the outboard side the neutrons first enter into the fission blanket and then they pass through the tritium breeding blanket. Nuclear responses such as neutron fluxes, Uranium-233 production in fission blanket, tritium production in fusion breeder blanket and radiation damage in steel structure have been calculated. Plasma 1-d FTR top view

20 Main results The total amount of U-232 produced in fission blanket (by the neutron capture in Th-232) is ~ mg/s. In a Full Power Year operation of FTR it is expected to produce ~ 62.3 kg of U-233. The total tritium atoms produced is E+19 per second and in the present blanket configuration, TBR value is found to be 1.1 It is expected that the five FPY operation of FTR will cause around 8 dpa at outboard mid-plane first wall location.

21 Conclusions Fusion has an important role in reducing CO2 emission
An accelerated fusion program with fission can meet this requirement Hybrid reactors can support the fission reactor program in a major way Medium size device can produce about 50 kg/FPY Fissile fuel for fission reactors with 250 MW power can be supplied with FTR like device The projected nuclear power growth (20 %) by 2050 can be achieved early through fission suppressed hybrid program

22 Thank you

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