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Creative Writing: Writing Fan Fiction. What is Fan Fiction? Fan Fiction is a story that you (a fan) write based on someone else's original work. An example.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Writing: Writing Fan Fiction. What is Fan Fiction? Fan Fiction is a story that you (a fan) write based on someone else's original work. An example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Writing: Writing Fan Fiction

2 What is Fan Fiction? Fan Fiction is a story that you (a fan) write based on someone else's original work. An example of Fan Fiction would be writing a story using the characters from the Harry Potter books or movies. A lot of Fan Fiction is based on tv shows. You can find a huge selection of Fan Fiction at You will be writing fan fiction based on your Independent Reading Novel.

3 In fan fiction (or “fanfics”), new stories are created using characters from existing works, by fans of the original. When writing fan fiction, stick to the original work’s format. The idea is to honor the original, not mangle it. That said, feel free to throw in a twist they couldn’t or wouldn’t have done on the original. You are the writer, after all. Pander to what fans would want to see, but bear in mind that not everyone wants to see the same things you do. Basic Fan Fiction Directions

4 Begin by completing a Story Plan Worksheet Write an original short story that is at least Three Pages Typed, Font Size 12, Double-spaced Develop the setting, the character(s), the dialogue, and the plot (creating the conflict - both external and internal), rising action, climax and resolution). Incorporate rich sensory details and show-not-tell. Use at least 15 “Words to Know” vocabulary words in your story. Underline these words in your story. Your hard copy of your Story Plan Worksheet is due Thursday, November 21 st and your story is due to Turnitin by 11:59pm. Use MLA format.

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