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 This unit consists of five lessons that progressively walk the students through the steps needed to create a short story. The unit concentrates on using.

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2  This unit consists of five lessons that progressively walk the students through the steps needed to create a short story. The unit concentrates on using the information gathered all semester on writing skills, grammar and sentence structure.  Additionally, the unit focuses on story development such as sequence, plot and setting, and characters. The unit is designed to assess each and students’ needs to ensure they receive the instruction they need to be successful.

3  Standard 3-4 The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of written Standard American English Indicators: 3-4.2 Use complete sentences (including compound sentences) in writing. 3-4.3 Create paragraphs that include a topic sentence with supporting details and logical transitions. 3-4.6 Edit for the correct use of written Standard American English, including  Standard 3-5 The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences. Indicators: 3-5.2 Create narratives that include characters and setting and follow a logical sequence. 3-5.3 Create written descriptions about people, places, or events.

4  Students will know how to edit using the correct use of Standard American English.  Students will know how to create paragraphs that include a topic sentence with supporting details and logical transitions.  Students will understand the difference between a protagonist and antagonist.  Students will be able to create written descriptions about people, places, or events by displaying this in their short stories.  The students will be able to create a short story that includes character development and setting and follows a logical sequence.  The students will be able to use the computer program known as Word Art to create a cover page for their short stories.  The students will be able to use the computer program known as Microsoft Office to type their short stories.

5  The students will have read a variety of short stories to gain an understanding of how to properly construct their own.  The first step will be for the students to select a theme for their short story. They will have an interactive worksheet to help guide them through this process.  Each student is able to choose their own topic to write about. This could be based on their favorite sport, celebrity, animal, and passion (art or music).  After the students have selected their theme for their short story it is now time to create a title

6  The students will come up with at least two characters that are going to be in their book.  They will receive an interactive worksheet that will guide them through this process. Each character must contain:  Full name  Description of their appearance  Interests  Personality

7 Designing the Story  Plot  Setting  Antagonist  Protagonist Book Title

8  Each student will have an assigned partner to switch their work with.  The students will be given a sheet that outlines exactly what they are looking for in their partners papers: Strong characters ( at least two), a definite plot, detailed setting, clear and concise writing, and grammar.

9  Each student will have a chance to present their short stories to the class. Options:  Read entire story  Summarize  Explain why they chose the plot, characters, and setting they did  Describe their favorite part

10  Flexible Grouping Small group Whole group Individual  Anchor Activities  Orbital's  Activities promoting different types of learners Kinesthetic Auditory Visual

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