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Incoming Chair: Paul Jasien Outgoing Chair: Jackie Trischman.

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Presentation on theme: "Incoming Chair: Paul Jasien Outgoing Chair: Jackie Trischman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incoming Chair: Paul Jasien Outgoing Chair: Jackie Trischman

2  Bachelor of Science in Chemistry  Chemistry Option 43 majors  Science Education Option 1 major  Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry 100 majors  Total: 144 majors  Minor in Chemistry 21 minors  Biochemistry and Chemistry Degrees– ACS Certified  18 graduates in past AY  13 students did undergraduate research in past AY

3  Taught 30 different courses  - 53 sections of lecture  - 38 sections of lab  - 12 sections of independent study  Average FTES = 233 (215 Fall/250 Spring)  Average SFR = 21.2  Concern (SFR 8.3 in lab courses and 27.0 in lecture courses)

4  General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Life (Chem 105 & 105L)  - 4 lecture sections (~200 students) & 10 lab sections (~200 students)  - solely for pre-NURS & KINE majors  General Chemistry (CHEM 150 & 150L)  - 4 lecture sections (~300 students) & 13 lab sections (~ 260 students)  - enrollments dominated by BIOL & KINE majors  Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 201& 201L)  - 4 lecture sections (~200 students) & 7 lab sections (~130 students)  - enrollments dominated by BIOL majors & pre-MED  Organic Chemistry II (CHEM 202 & 202L)  - 2 lecture sections (~80 students) & 4 lab sections (~60 students) - significant numbers of pre-MED Biochemistry (CHEM 341, 351, & 351L) - adjustments made when UD-BB requirement for science majors changed - CHEM 341 (Biology and Chemistry majors) - CHEM 351, 351L, 352 (Biochemistry majors & pre-Meds)

5  GES 100 - Physical Science Around Us LDGE B1  - 5-6 sections per year with sections of 60 students  GES 101 - Matter, Molecules,… LDGE B1 and B3 – not taught – no suitable lab  GES 105 – 1 Intro to Physical Science LDGE B1- pre-service teachers  - 2 sections per year with 120 students (split with PHYS)   GES 110 - Activities in Physical Science LDGE B3 – not taught – no suitable lab  Chem 311- Chemistry and the Environment- UDGE BB  - 2 sections of 35-40 per year – usually on-line  Chem 312- Chemistry of Life – UDGE BB & E  - 2 sections of 45 students per year  Chem 315 - Science in Film and TV - UDGE BB  - 2-3 sections of 45 per year  Chem 316/390_1 - Chocolate, Coffee, and Cocaine … - UDGE BB – new course  ES 314 - The Geosphere in Context – UDGE BB & ES requirement – occassionally taught  ID 381 – Natural Science for Teachers – UDGE BB (ICP) – not taught - no suitable lab

6  Courses  Chem 316 – new UDGE course  Chem 106/106L, 107/107L – 2-semester sequence for KINE students  Degree Biochemistry M.S. To be proposed in Spring, 2012 Working with other science programs to figure out snags they have hit and how to avoid them. 18 course units, 12 research/internships/project units ◦ Core would be Biochemistry courses with electives in other disciplines as well as some Chemistry courses. ◦ Possible track for HS Science Teachers

7  7 tenure track  11 lecturers / lab instructors (“adjunct vs lecturer” language)  0 graduate students  Last two tenure track hires – 1998 and 2005  (2 in last 14 years)

8  PAUL G. JASIEN Professor of Physical Chemistry  Research interests: Quantum Chemistry (Intermolecular Interactions) and Chemical Education  SAJITH JAYASINGHE Associate Professor of Biochemistry  Polypeptide-membrane interactions and elucidating the molecular details of protein misfolding related diseases.  JOSE A. MENDOZA Professor of Biochemistry  Protein structure, folding and protein-protein interactions.  WAI MAN (KARNO) NG-ALSTON Associate Professor of Bio-Analytical Chemistry  Development of High Performance Liquid Chromatography and laser-based polarimetry  for the separation and detection of bio-molecules and pharmaceuticals.  MICHAEL H. SCHMIDT Professor of Bio-inorganic Chemistry  Control of biomineralization by peptides and the behavior of DNA-binding metalloproteins.  JACQUELINE A. TRISCHMAN Professor of Bio-organic Chemistry  Isolation & structure elucidation of marine natural products by NMR spectroscopy and the chemical ecology of marine microorganisms.  STEVEN C. WELCH Professor of Bio-organic (Synthetic) Chemistry  Not engaged in research at present - Retirement planned at the end of 2011-12.

9 Active:  All faculty have either been part of or are about to be part of the Q&C grant  All faculty successful at funding from internal grants to support student research Pending:  Sajith Jayasinghe. Submitted 09/2010. $444,000. NIH/NIGMS SCORE SC3. Elucidating the Structure of Thin Aggregative Fimbriae of Salmonella  Jose Mendoza. Submitted 09/2010. $444,000. NIH/NIGMS SCORE SC3. A Proteomic Approach to Identify the Major Substrates of GroEL during Stress  Jose Mendoza. Submitted 05/2011. $148,000. NIH Small Grant Program (R03). pH induced changes in the interaction of Hsp60 and urease from H. pylori  Sajith Jayasinghe. Submitted 06/2011. $148,000. NIH Small Grant Program (R03). Thin Aggregative Fimbriae of Salmonella (Title not provided, but work is in this area). Previous: Jacqueline Trischman - NIH/NIGMS SCORE, SBRI (2x) Jose Mendoza - NIH/NIGMS SCORE Paul Jasien – NSF – TE

10  IST III – Sally Jo Divis. Responsible for preparing labs in 2 buildings across campus at the same time, along with all accounting, inventory, safety, etc. for labs.   Fall semester (21 lab sections / 7 different labs)  Equipment Technician – Demetrius “Meach” Klimi. Initially split 80% Chemistry & Biochemistry, 20% other programs. With the purchase of a new NMR system, he will be setting this up much of the Fall as well as continuing to keep equipment running.  Student Assistants. We sometimes use student assistants to help with lab set-up and routine equipment needs – calibration, checking operation before labs, etc.  Note: For stockroom staffing, we were told a student assistant was not permitted without supervision in the building. It is not practical to have student assistants for set- up and support when the IST is running between buildings constantly.

11  Operating Funds (General Funds): Student Assistant Salaries: $2,731 Expendable Supplies: $37,958 Course Fees:$18,240 Lottery Funds Expendable Supplies: $24,776 Equipment maintenance and repair: $86,096*  *$50,000 to NMR – deferred HPLC that was in the budget for teaching (replacing 1993 instrument).

12  SCIENCE-1  106 & 106A - Inorganic/Organic Research Lab  109 - Small Instructional/Instrument/Computerl Lab  110/110A - Organic/Inorganic Instructional Lab (capacity 21)  111 + aux - Physical/Instrumental/Inorganic Instructional Lab (capacity 18)  112 –Stockroom – (prep room, flammables, health hazard storage – ALL FULL)  115/115A Organic Research Lab  117-NMR Room and Equipment Technician office  SCIENCE-2  140 - Biochemistry Research Lab  340 - Analytical Research Lab (with specialized equipment and restricted access)  342 - Analytical/Organic Research Lab  345 - Analytical Instructional Lab (capacity 18)  345A - Small Prep Lab (Physical Chemical Research)  347 - General Chem Instructional Lab (capacity 22-24)  349 – Stockroom-(prep room, flammables)  351- Organic Instructional Lab (capacity 21)

13  Faculty – Tenure Track ◦ 2 on 1 st Floor SCI 1 ◦ 2 on 1 st Floor SCI 2 ◦ 3 on 3 rd Floor SCI 2  Faculty – Lecturers ◦ Arranged each semester ◦ Dedicated office in SBSB?  Staff  IST and ET offices on 1 st Floor SCI 1  ASC in ACD

14  Some Grading – especially with courses >75 students  Set-up/Take-down help  Instrument prep for courses  Learning assistants in Chem 150  Testing of lab protocols  Student assistants in upper division labs – 404L, 416 – would like them for 105L and 150L

15  Personnel  - Organic Chemist – replacement for Steve Welch  - Laboratory Technician – lab support due to growth and split facilities  - Biochemist– growth to support Biochemistry, Kinesiology, and  Nursing & initiation of M.S. Biochemistry  - Analytical Chemist – growth to support Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, and pre-Health  Space  - instructional lab space -CHEM 105L (provides growth to CHEM 150 and CHEM 105) - instructional lab space for GES 101 (currently not taught by Chemistry)  - research lab space for biochemistry (supports undergraduate and graduate research + faculty development) Budget - continued support for instrument upkeep

16  Interdepartmental  - Pre-Health Advisor is desperately needed  - CSM vs. University issue?

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