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MCAT Preparation Dr. Ken Crawford. Medical School Admissions Academic Record Application –Biographical Info –Activities –Personal Statement Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "MCAT Preparation Dr. Ken Crawford. Medical School Admissions Academic Record Application –Biographical Info –Activities –Personal Statement Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCAT Preparation Dr. Ken Crawford

2 Medical School Admissions Academic Record Application –Biographical Info –Activities –Personal Statement Committee Evaluation Interview MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)


4 The MCAT Computer Based Test ($ 230) –CBT Since 2007 –Visa or MC Fee Assistance Plan – reduces fee to $ 85 < 300% HHS Poverty Registration Began Nov. 2, 2009 for Jan.- May Dates Registration ends 14 days prior to test. (7 with late fee, $55) 28 Admin. on 26 Dates Jan. 29, 30 Mar. 27 Apr. 10, 17, 23 May 1, 21, 22, 27 June 17* July 8, 16, 29, 30 Aug. 4, 5, 12, 13, 19, 20, 24 Sept. 2, 3*, 9, 11 * Double Admin. PM Admin

5 Where ? MCAT is administered by AAMC through license to Thompson Prometric Testing Centers Regional Centers In: Madison, TN (Rivergate); Nashville (2), Clarksville, TN; Lexington; Louisville (2); Evansville, IN; Cincinnati, OH

6 The MCAT Download and read the MCAT Essentials Required by all U.S. Medical Schools >70,000 examinees each year Best Single Predictor of Success on USMLE, especially Step I. Assesses skills required for medical school as well as for the practice of medicine.

7 Test Day Note: Arrive at the Testing Center 30 minutes before scheduled start. Be aware of time zone issues! Proper ID No Personal Items, except foam earplugs No Calculator !!!! Dress in Layers, Bring Snacks / Beverage They Provide: white board/paper + pencil, headphones

8 Test Format SectionQuestionsTime (min) Tutorial (Opt.)--10 Physical Sciences5270 Break (Opt.)--10 Verbal Reasoning4060 Break (Opt.)--10 Writing Sample260 Break (Opt.)--10 Biological Sciences5270

9 Test Format Physical Sciences, 52 questions, 70 min. –7 Reading Passages (approx. 300 words) –4-8 multiple choice questions/ passage ~10-13 independent (discrete) MC questions –Covers: Physics and General Chemistry

10 Test Format Verbal Reasoning, 40 questions, 60 min. –6-7 Reading Passages (approx. 600 words) –6-9 multiple choice questions/ passage –Covers: Critical Reading, Critical Thinking

11 Test Format Writing Sample, 2 essays, 60 min. –Develop central ideas –Synthesize concepts –Present ideas logically –Present ideas clearly (grammar and syntax) –Covers: General Knowledge

12 Test Format Biological Sciences, 52 questions, 70 min. –7-8 Reading Passages (approx. 300 words) –4-8 multiple choice questions/ passage ~10-13 independent (discrete) MC questions –Covers: Biology (4-5 passages) and Organic Chemistry (2-3 passages)

13 Scoring Scores Released approx. 30 days after Date (THx) Multiple Choice – Raw Score (# of correct responses) –No penalty for incorrect responses Raw Score Converted to Normalized Score (1-15) Experimental Items do not Count Writing Sample – –Each essay evaluated by 2 graders (scored 1-6) –Raw score is total of 4 scores –Converted to Letter Score (J to T), O is the median Score reported as 8, 10, Q, 9 and 27Q

14 Voiding/ Rescoring/ Question Challenge Void Option – issued at end of test, no report, counts as an attempt Rescoring – may request, $55 for MC, $55 for writing, $110 whole test Question Challenge – flawed or ambiguous questions, within 5 days

15 Retesting Can Register for Another Date 48 hours after testing Scores released approx. 30 days Cannot hold more than 1 reservation at a time Can take no more than 3/year Do not plan on taking it twice, but…

16 Preparation ??? What’s Best For Me ? Formal Class ? –In House –Commercial Study on my own ? ExamKrackers- Audio Osmosis $199.95 Practice!!

17 AHEC Sponsored Prep Class Proven Results –2003 Class (Avg. Increase 5.5, range 2-10 ) –2007 Class (Avg. Increase 5.3, range 1-9) Features: –Full Length Practice Tests (4 CBT) 4 additional tests available from AAMC ( 2 additional in Kaplan Guide –Test Taking Tips –Subject Matter Review (all Professor taught) –Build Test taking “Stamina” –Only $100 –Practice Test #3Practice Test #3

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