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Development Structure Common Plants and Adaptations

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Presentation on theme: "Development Structure Common Plants and Adaptations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Structure Common Plants and Adaptations
Salt Marsh Development Structure Common Plants and Adaptations

2 Development of a New England Salt Marsh

3 Establishment of a salt marsh
Low energy environment Accumulation of fine sediments Colonized by marsh plants

4 Spartina alterniflora
Early colonizer also known as a pioneer species Binds anoxic mud together stabilizing the sediment Found along water’s edge but not submerged completely Halophytic


6 Marsh hay Spartina patens

7 Spikegrass Distichlis spicata Glasswort Salicornia europaea These two species are common to recently disturbed locations in the mid marsh. Good colonizers and tolerant of anoxic mud and high salinity.

8 Common weedy plants in high marsh
Marsh goldenrod Salidago semperviens Marsh aster Aster tenuifolius Common weedy plants in high marsh Competition limits their distribution Sea lavender Limonium nashii

9 Phragmites – usually the outer border of upper marsh

10 What is causing these patterns?



13 Mechanisms for Salt Tolerance



16 Salt Marsh Snail

17 Fiddler Crab


19 Mud Snail

20 Salt Marsh Meiofauna

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