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Beef Round, Loin, Flank, Rib. IV. Miscellaneous Information A.Roasts are two inches thick or thicker B.Steaks are one inch or less C.Pork Dressing % -

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Presentation on theme: "Beef Round, Loin, Flank, Rib. IV. Miscellaneous Information A.Roasts are two inches thick or thicker B.Steaks are one inch or less C.Pork Dressing % -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beef Round, Loin, Flank, Rib

2 IV. Miscellaneous Information A.Roasts are two inches thick or thicker B.Steaks are one inch or less C.Pork Dressing % - 70, Beef – 60%, Lamb - 50% D.Rib eye grade – between 12 th and 13 th rib E.Loin Eye is Canadian Bacon F.Lamb – flakey fat like a pie crust, almost transparent, meat can look blue through fat G.Pig has doughy fat

3 BEEF – It’s What’s for Dinner Large cuts Cherry red in color Large bones Back fat average.4 to.6 inches Wholesale cuts – Quartering – Eight – round, loin, flank, rib, chuck, plate, brisket, shank

4 Beef Round Large muscles Very few muscles per cut Round bone Course texture “elbow texture” Lighter red color than other beef cuts

5 1. Beef Round Bottom Round Roast 2 major muscles Boneless

6 2.Beef Round Bottom Round Steak Same as #1 About one inch thick

7 3.Beef Round Eye Round Roast Seam of fat - sometimes Elbow texture Little taper

8 4.Beef Round Eye Round Steak Same as 3 ¾ inch thick

9 5.Beef Round Heel of Round Roast Eye round included Elbow texture Slopes off May be space where bone was removed

10 6.Beef Round Round Steak Top round Bottom round Eye round Round bone near edge of cut

11 7.Beef Round Round Steak - Boneless Same as 6 No bone Same muscles

12 8.Beef Round Rump Roast (Boneless) Any roast from the round without a bone Eye round & bottom round muscles Usually tied

13 9.Beef Round Tip Roast Baseball Roast Ball with a seam of gristle Glove Cap off OR Cap on

14 10.Beef Round Tip Steak Same as 9 only thin Cap on OR cap off

15 11.Beef Round Top Round Roast Long and narrow Top portion of round steak One single muscle

16 12.Beef Round Top Round Steak Same as 11 only thin

17 Beef Loin Body length is important Most money from a beef animal comes from this wholesale cut Marbling – flecks of fat within the muscle Bone shapes: t-bone (back bone), sirloin bones (round, wedge, flat or spoon)

18 13.Beef Loin Porterhouse Steak If the tenderloin is the size of a silver dollar or larger, it is a porterhouse NOT t-bone

19 14.Beef Loin Boneless Sirloin Steak Mississippi Delta (fat pattern) Oval muscle Hanging tenderloin – Tenderloin is very expensive

20 15.Beef Loin Sirloin steak Mississippi Delta Weird bone at the edge of cut Hanging tenderloin

21 16.Beef Loin T-Bone Steak Same as porterhouse only smaller tenderloin Size of ½ dollar

22 17. Beef Loin Tenderloin Steak Tender “C” No elbow texture Most expensive cut of meat

23 18.Beef Loin Top Loin Steak Exclamation point

24 19.Beef Loin Top Sirloin Steak No tenderloin attached Mississippi Delta

25 20.Beef Flank Flank Steak Only retail cut from this wholesale No external fat Lengthwise muscle fibers

26 Beef Rib Marbling Rabbit shaped muscle Rib bone

27 21.Beef Rib Eye Roast Rabbit crawling into Cave

28 22.Beef Rib Eye Steak Same as 21 only thin Rabbit Cave

29 23.Beef Rib Roast Large End Bone in Extra muscle 3 bones Rabbit Cave

30 24.Beef Rib Roast Small End No extra muscle

31 25.Beef Rib Steak Small End Same as roast only thin

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