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Power supply planning for upgrade OT  Scintillating Fibre Wilco Vink On behalf of the SciFi group 19 May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Power supply planning for upgrade OT  Scintillating Fibre Wilco Vink On behalf of the SciFi group 19 May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power supply planning for upgrade OT  Scintillating Fibre Wilco Vink On behalf of the SciFi group 19 May 2014

2 OT Wiener Maraton systems ◦ 72 outputs * 300W = 21.6kW ◦ 6 power boxes,12 channels per power box Wiener output max 8v/50A ◦ But: 1v margin needed for cable voltage drop (25m+25m) ◦ Currently configured Vout = 7V, voltage at front end +/- 6V Detector power for 432 front-end boxes + controls: 11kW LV Power supplies LV Power supplies Wilco Vink 219 May 2014

3 Wilco Vink 319 May 2014 LV distr box1 LV distr box2 LV distr box1 FE Boxes 6 rectifiers and controllers 6 power bins in bunker below trackers 3 C-side 3 A-side Shielding Wall FE Boxes Low voltage cabling TO each C-frame 12  35 mm 2

4 Thick cables to detector distribution box ◦ 25m*2 35mm2 for 27A  For upgrade up to 45A Thin cables from distribution box to FE- modules/ROB ◦ 8m*2 2.5mm2 ◦ 9 FE-modules  6 ROB Same supply cabling for upgrade Wilco Vink 419 May 2014 Wiener1: +6V/45A Wiener2: +6V/45A Wiener3: +6V/45A Wiener4: +6V/45A Wiener5: +6V/45A Wiener6: +6V/45A Wiener7: +6V/45A 12 Cframes LV distribution boxes

5 FEASTMP DC-DC converters Power requirements not yet all known, expected to have more details from test results Q3/Q4 2014 ◦ Test of PACIFIC2 with analog and digital circuits second half of this year ◦ Microsemi FPGA, proto boards planned for Q4 2014. Upgrade FE consumption Wilco Vink 519 May 2014 Cern DC-DC converter ◦ Specifications  Vin=5-12V  Vout=0.6-5V  Iout<=4A  frequency=1.8 MHz Power supplies needed for front-end modules ◦ 1.2v:  GBT-SCA  Microsemi FPGA core voltage ◦ 1.5v:  GBT 1.5V  Microsemi FPGA  PACIFIC ◦ 2.5v:  LD VTTX 2V / 0.15 A  TIA VTRx 2V / 0.1 A  Microsemi FPGA 2.5V / 0.5A, 4*= 2A

6 Per ROB worst case, not all front-end boxes will be equipped with all data GBT’s transmitters ◦ PACIFIC/Microsemi FPGA unknown (??W) ◦ 16 GBTx 1.5V/728mA (~17.5W) ◦ 16+1 LD 2.5V/0.15A (~6.4W) ◦ 1 TIA 2.5V/0.1A (0.25W) ◦ 2+8 SCA 1.2V 0.1A (0.12W) ◦ 2 Master GBT chipset : 2W (4W) Total per ROB: (28W + unknown) DC/DC FEASTMP converters efficiency ~75% Upgrade FE consumption Wilco Vink 619 May 2014

7 Reuse the OT Maratons Additional Wiener power boxes in tunnel ◦ Extra Maraton systems ◦ Extra thick supply wires from power box in bunker to LV- distribution box on detector ◦ New distribution box (no of connections and only positive voltages) Upgrade of the LV Wilco Vink 719 May 2014

8 CEAN experiment multichannel system SY1527LC HV supply boards: A1833BPLC, double width, using 28 HV channels with positive polarity Cabling: ◦ 48 long-distance multi-wire cables ◦ 12 Cframes x 4 cables/Cframe ◦ from Patch panels in D3 to the C-frames are connected to the HV power supplies by means of two junction boxes, one per detector side(located: D3-D03) OT HV power supplies and distribution Wilco Vink 819 May 2014 Most of this not usable for SciFi!

9 100v Max. required ◦ 50mV resolution  30V for KETEK SiPM  65V for Hamamatsu Total number of HV channels: ◦ 288 Read Out Boxes * 16 SiPM’s ◦ Share a HV line per 4 SiPM’s (1152 HV channels)  Assuming:  sufficient current available  good uniformity among SiPM array Vbd  good temperature uniformity Ordered for SiPM test @ EPFL ◦ Caen 32 10mA channels, per module ◦ 8 modules per crate 10mA per output  Planned for the final system 15mA / channel HV for upgrade Wilco Vink 919 May 2014 Guido Haefeli (EPFL) looking into HV system for SiPMs

10 LV supplies ◦ We can reuse the Wiener Maraton power supplies (assuming maintenance contract ok!)  Re-configure the Negative output to positive ◦ We need additional power supplies and cabling ◦ Voltage drop over thick cables will increase with higher currents  less margin ◦ Q3/Q4 2014 will give us a better view of total power HV supplies ◦ OT HV modules not usable for upgrade (mainframe?) ◦ (re)use of cabling needs further study Conclusion Wilco Vink 1019 May 2014

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