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By: Noel Corral and Jackie Salazar ALBINISM. GENETIC DISORDER Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder due to a defective X-chromosome In order to have.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Noel Corral and Jackie Salazar ALBINISM. GENETIC DISORDER Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder due to a defective X-chromosome In order to have."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Noel Corral and Jackie Salazar ALBINISM

2 GENETIC DISORDER Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder due to a defective X-chromosome In order to have Albinism both parents must have a defective gene. – Statistics show that about 1 in 17,000 people suffer from some form of albinism

3 SYMPTOMS A person with Albinism will have one of the following symptoms: – Absence of color in the hair, skin, or iris of the eye – Lighter than normal skin and hair – Patchy, missing skin color

4 DIAGNOSIS For Diagnosis there are several ways to know whether or not you have Albinism – Physical examination – Description of changes in pigmentation – Thorough examination of the eyes – Comparison of your child's pigmentation to that of other family members

5 PROGNOSIS Albinism does not usually affect lifespan People with Albinism may be limited in their activities because they can't tolerate the sun.

6 TREATMENT There is no type of cure for Albinism for it happens in the genetics There are certain recommendations for the symptoms – For the eyes: Visual aids (glasses) – For the skin: Precaution in the sunlight (use of sunscreen)

7 CURRENT RESEARCH The National Eye Institute has come up with a hypothesis; it being that nitisinone would improve the vision in Albinism patients. They are currently testing on mice with Albinism and have been able to conclude that nitisinone increases hair and eye pigmentation

8 GENETIC COUNSELING If the parents would want to know whether or not their child had a possibility in having Albinism they would get told the following – If both parents were not albino but carried the genetic disorder, there is a 1 out of 4 chance their baby will be born with Albinism.

9 STORY ON VEDASTUS ZANGULE Vedastus Zangule was a 13 year old albino child when Harry Freeland went to Tanzania to make a documentary on the suffering albino kids. Harry met Vedastus and filmed him and several other albino kids because they were getting bullied at school and threatened by their community After the video was published an organization for the funding of his education was started and financial aid for his family was given.

10 CREDITS "Albinism - Types - Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment - FAQs | Medindia." Medindia - Medical/Health Website. Web.. "What Happened To Vedastus Zangule After The Documentary?!." Southern Africa's Children UK Charity. Web.. happened-to-vedastus-zangule.html " Is Albinism Treatment On The Anvil? | Medindia." Medindia - Medical/Health Website. Web.. 1.htm "What Is Albinism? What Causes Albinism." Medical News Today: Health News. Web.. "Albino Stories." Southern Africa's Children UK Charity. Web..http://www.southern- "Albinism: Tests and diagnosis -" Mayo Clinic. Web.. diagnosis "Albinism - PubMed Health." National Center for Biotechnology Information. Web..

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