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Working with African Faith (Christianity) Leaders A Case Study of ‘It Starts With Me’ Network- North West by Revd Charles Kwaku-Odoi.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with African Faith (Christianity) Leaders A Case Study of ‘It Starts With Me’ Network- North West by Revd Charles Kwaku-Odoi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with African Faith (Christianity) Leaders A Case Study of ‘It Starts With Me’ Network- North West by Revd Charles Kwaku-Odoi

2 Background Generating Interest & Brokering Engagement The Summits How To Guide World AIDS Day celebration Lessons Learned- A Model that Works???

3 Background HIV prevalence Better engagement and education in the MSM community but difficulty in reaching the African community. Recognition that majority of Africans are people of faith; largely Christians and Muslims Pastors and Imams are gatekeepers 3

4 Initial Mapping Identifying potential members through existing networks Expression of Interest- Email request Follow up- Telephone Face-to-face group meeting- (an evening) Actions and timescales agreed

5 Motivation Selling the vision - benefits for church members Refreshment at meeting Travel Reimbursement Token of appreciation for time- meetings and email responses

6 How to Guide Terms Biblical (with a pentecostal touch) Four topics- Testing; Treatment, Precautionary behaviour, and Stigma & Discrimination Initial draft by Lead Comments and suggestions by email Draft agreed

7 1st Summit One day summit 20 African Faith Leaders Refreshments & Lunch Setting the context- by partner agency Qs & As Discussion on the ‘How to Guide’

8 Summit Recommendations 1.More information on transmission at future HIV conferences. 2.Faith leaders’ referral protocols for people testing positive. 3.Promote community testing that refers people for a second test. 4.Support faith leaders to offer pre and post marriage counselling. 5.Mentoring scheme for faith leaders to shadow sexual health outreach workers. 6.Develop a community sexual health scheme which includes community development and organisational workforce development. 7.Training and accreditation for faith leaders to provide confidential support; offering an approved counselling programme; maintaining a register of accredited counsellors who are faith leaders. 8.Engaging with HIV in faith events and activities such as prayer meeting. 9.A well-resourced peer support network for accredited faith leaders to become ambassadors and offer support for newly recruited faith leaders. 10.Medium-term plan of forming a consortium of organisations and churches providing faith-based sexual health.

9 2nd Summit 20 African Faith Leaders (some new participants) Session on HIV transmission HIV testing demonstration- using different test kits ‘How to Guide’ Discussion

10 Summit photos

11 How to Guide publication Testing Treatment Precautionary Behaviour Stigma & Discrimination ‘ Guide to HIV Prevention for Faith Leaders Guide to HIV Prevention for Faith Leaders ’- ges/Guide%20to%20HIV%20Prevention%20for%20Faith%20Leaders%20-%20FINAL.pdf

12 Post-Summit Commissioning churches to hold health day events with HIV testing as part of it. Participation in National HIV Testing Week; 22nd- 30th Nov 2014 World AIDS Day partnership participation & Church service @ St Ann’s Church, 1st December Vox TV special edition on HIV with a live interview

13 Social Media Campaign

14 THANK YOU!!! Questions?

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