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LISP and PROLOG AI Programming Language Submitted To: Dr. Hesham El-Zoka Submitted By: Eng. Ismail Fathalla El-Gayar.

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Presentation on theme: "LISP and PROLOG AI Programming Language Submitted To: Dr. Hesham El-Zoka Submitted By: Eng. Ismail Fathalla El-Gayar."— Presentation transcript:

1 LISP and PROLOG AI Programming Language Submitted To: Dr. Hesham El-Zoka Submitted By: Eng. Ismail Fathalla El-Gayar

2 AI Programming Languages

3 FeaturesYearLanguage support programs that could perform general problem solving, including lists, associations, schemas (frames), dynamic memory allocation, data types, recursion,, functions as arguments, and cooperative multitasking Information Processing Language 1956. IPL practical mathematical notation for computer programs based on lambda calculus. Linked lists are one of Lisp languages' major data structures LISt Processing 1958, LISP is a hybrid between procedural and logical languages. It gives a procedural interpretation to logical sentences where implications are interpreted with pattern-directed inference. MIT 1969PLANNER declarative language where programs are expressed in terms of relations, and execution occurs by running queries over these relations. Prolog is particularly useful for symbolic reasoning, database and language parsing applications. programmatio n en logique 1970s PROLOG language for expressing automated planning problem instances Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver1971 STRIPS

4 So Why We Learn Logic Programming Languages???

5 System Usability PROLOG has many denotation, functional languages other than Lisp

6 System Usability Why Prolog here? It is a particularly interesting language - the “feeling” is completely different from Java,C,... - forces to see programming in a different way - programming as writing a “logic theory” Recently, renewed interest in Prolog in order to rapidly prototype: – complex algorithms, reasoning-like computations, dynamic structures, XML-like features – governing interaction inside system infrastructures

7 System Usability Why Prolog here? Conceptual reasons: new programming idiom – programming is NOT writing in Java language Prolog as an “engine” to study models and language Practical reasons: integration between Prolog and Java – Java as the part handling more “in-the-large” aspects network, graphics, connection with the O.S. and libraries – Prolog as the engine to handle (complex) algorithms optimization algorithms, reasoning, core logic, data structures

8 System Usability Comparing Java / Prolog Java (C,C++) forces a procedural and deterministic view over computation Prolog allows for a more declarative way of programming – expressing the problem, not the solution! – it works very well when finding solutions is “exploring a tree”. Other applications – dealing with knowledge representation and knowledge inference, typical use in AI

9 System Usability LISP & PROLOG Programming Language

10 Atom: One Component Out Of List ex: x, y, k LIST: Brackets Containing Atom ex: ( 2 3 x ) ATOM & LIST

11 PROLOGLISP Point Of Comparison 2+3(+ 2 3)Add (5-2)(- 5 2)Subtract (2*3)(* 3 2)Multiplication (6/2)(/ 6 2)Division ( 3 + (3 * 2) + 4 )(+ 3 (* 3 2) 4)braces Arithmetic Operations

12 PROLOGLISP Point Of Comparison 3<4 Yes (< 3 4) True Smaller 2>5 no (> 2 5) Nil Greater 3 =<2 no (<= 3 2) Nil Smaller than or equal 6=>2 Yes (>= 6 2) True Greater than or equal 3 =:= 4 no (= 3 4) Nil Equal 3 =\= 4 yes (\= 3 4) True Not Equal Logic Operations

13 PROLOGLISP Point Of Comparison max([1,2,4,6,53,0],X). X=53 ( max 1 2 4 6 53 0 ) 53 Max min([1,2,46,53,0],X). X = 0 ( min 1 2 4 6 53 0 ) 0 Min sum(X,Y,Z)plus(A, B, C) C is A + B. Sum Functions the both languages are Object Oriented Programming Languages

14 Since We Said that Lisp Is A List Processing Language we will talk about how we deals with List:- -(list '1 '2 'foo)  ( 1 2 Foo ) - list 1 2 (list 3 4)) => ( 1 2 (3 4)) - ( + 1 2 3 4)  10 - (if nil (list 1 2 "foo") (list 3 4"bar"))  if (var)=nill Do (1 2 Foo) else (3 4 bar) List Processing Language

15 Lambda(to assign A variable) (lambda (arg) (+ arg 1)) =>arg=arg+1 ((lambda (arg) (+ arg 1)) 5) =>arg =6 List Processing Language

16 Example : [mia, vincent, jules, yolanda] Dealing With List: [Head| Tail] = [mia, vincent, jules, yolanda] means:- Head = mia Tail = [vincent,jules,yolanda] yes Lists In PROLOG

17 Example: Concatenation list procedure cat(list a, list b) { list t = list u = copylist(a); while (t.tail != nil) t = t.tail; t.tail = b; return u; } In an imperative language In a declarative language In a functional language cat(a,b)  if b = nil then a else cons(head(a), cat(tail(a),b)) cat([], Z, Z). cat([H|T], L, [H|Z]) :- cat(T, L, Z).

18 Example in PROLOG ( Fact&Rule) elephant(george). elephant(mary). elephant(X) :- grey(X), mammal(X), hasTrunk(X). Procedure for elephant Predicate Clauses Rule Facts

19 Example in PROLOG ( Fact&Rule) ?- elephant(george). yes ?- elephant(jane). no Queries Replies

20 Execution of Prolog Programs Prove that goal is satisfiable Search of facts/rules is top-down Execution of sub-goals is left to right Closed-world assumption: – anything not in database is false Integer calculation, I/O don’t fit well into logical proof search

21 Applications of Prolog:- Expert systems Relational database queries Parsing of context-free languages Natural language processing Teaching programming, as early as in grade school

22 LISP Compiler BEE POPLOG LISP WORKS GNU C LISP PROLOG Compiler B-Prolog GNU Prolog C# PROLOG Open Prolog Strawberry Prolog

23 Paul Brna,Prolog Programming A First Course. Fernando C. N. Pereira, Stuart M. Shieber,Prolog and Natural Language Analysis. Ulf Nilsson, Jan Maluszynski,Logic Programming and Prolog 2 nd edition. Amzi,Adventure in Prolog. - Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos, Kristina Striegnitz, Learn Prolog Now!,_Functions_and_Equality References


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