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IEEE WhiteSpace Enabled Rural Broadband to Cognitive M2M

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1 IEEE 802.22 - WhiteSpace Enabled Rural Broadband to Cognitive M2M
Dr. Apurva N. Mody, Chair, IEEE Working Group Dr. Chang-woo Pyo Vice Chair, IEEE WG

2 IEEE 802.22 WG on Cognitive Radio Based Wireless Regional Area Networks
IEEE WG is the recipient of the IEEE SA Emerging Technology Award IEEE Standard – Wireless Regional Area Networks: Cognitive Radio based Access in TVWS: Published in July 2011 IEEE SA awards ceremony – Std for Enhanced Interference Protection using beaconing: Published in Nov. 2010 – Std for Recommended Practice for Deployment of Systems: Expected completion - Dec 2012 802.22a – Enhanced Management Information Base and Management Plane Procedures: Expected Completion - Dec. 2013 802.22b Enhancement for Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications a – Advanced Beaconing

3 Providing cost-effective RURAL broadband is a significant opportunity
Today, 73% of the people in the world (5.1 Billion people) do not have access to internet. More than half the population in the world live in rural areas with hardly any access to broadband. It is expensive to lay fiber / cable in rural and remote areas with low population density. Wireless broadband powered by license exempt or lightly licensed spectrum can help. Backhaul / backbone internet access for rural areas is very expensive (50% of the cost). Hence long distance communications technologies are very useful as well. This has created a DIGITAL DIVIDE / OPPORTUNITY

4 Relative Cost and Complexity of Various Technologies for Rural and Regional Area Broadband Service
Mobile broadband Fixed broadband at lower frequency 2.4 M 2.0 M Relative Complexity and Cost (%) 1.6 M (scaled x0.1066) USA Population per density bin (Million) 1.2 M Canada Comparison of different Broadband Access technologies with respect to their relative complexity/cost of implementation as a function of the density of population to be served over the territory. Wired technologies (ADSL, cable, fiber) are more suited for areas with a population density of about 60 person/km^2 and above. Wireless microwave technology (Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, HSPA, LTE) can extend the coverage to areas with somewhat lower population density. However, only wireless technologies operating in the VHF and UHF bands such as the Wireless Regional Area Network technology which is expected to operate on a non-interfering basis in the TV broadcast bands, can extend broadband access in a cost-effective way to rural areas with population density ranging between 1.5 to 60 person per km^2 because of the better RF signal propagation in this frequency range. An industry standard has been developed especially for extending broadband access to rural areas by the IEEE Working Group ( Satellite transmission technology is the only attractive solution for bringing broadband access to areas with population density below about 1.5 person per km^2. However, because of the extent of the propagation path to a geo-stationary satellite on the geo-stationary orbit, all transmissions will have to suffer propagation delays of about 1/3 second. Based on Canadian population census 2000 using a grid of 3 km radius hexagons. Based on USA population census of 2000: Rural as defined in FCC WT Docket No : 100 persons/mile^2 or 38.6 persons/km^2 0.8 M 0.4 M 0.0 M 4 W Base Station Satellite WRAN 100 W Base Station 4 W User terminal ADSL, Cable, ISM and UNII Wireless and Optical Fiber Courtesy: Gerald Chouinard: FCC Definition of ‘Rural’

5 Relative Complexity and Cost (%)
Spectrum: Optimum frequency range for large area Non-Line-of-sight Broadband Access Optimum frequency range for large area Non Line of Sight (NLoS) operation falls within the TV Band spectrum. Antenna aperture Phase noise Relative Complexity and Cost (%) Filter selectivity Noise Figure Courtesy: Gerald Chouinard:

6 IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio based Wireless Regional Area Networks for Broadband over Long Distances
Southern Ontario Canada Legend Available TV channels None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and + Many Channels Available in Rural Areas Rural Areas Urban Areas TV Channel Availability for Broadband Source: Gerald Chouinard, CRC and Industry Canada VHF / UHF bands traditionally have highly favorable propagation characteristics. Penetrating through foliage and structures, they reach far and wide IEEE Cognitive radio based Wireless Regional Area Networks provide broadband solutions for large areas and long range

7 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR) WhiteSpace Applications
BEFORE Now Rural Broadband and Backhaul

8 IEEE 802.22 WhiteSpace Applications
Tripple play Cellular offload Critical infrastructure monitoring Border protection Environment monitoring Emergency broadband infrastructure

9 IEEE 802.22 WhiteSpace Applications
Backhaul IEEE IEEE Rural Area Archipelago and marine broadband service. Servicing oil rigs Urban Area IEEE used for Backhaul Remote medical service C. W. Pyo, A. Mody et al. Use Cases for IEEE (Wi-FAR(TM)) Smart Grid and Critical Infrastructure Monitoring

10 TV Channel Modeling – IEEE 802
TV Channel Modeling – IEEE (Wi-FAR™ supports large multi-path delay absorption Long distance communication in the VHF/ UHF Band needs to deal with severe multipath and delay spread conditions Frequency selective with large excessive delay Excessive delay (measurements in US, Germany, France*) Longest delay: >60 μsec 85% test location with delay spread ~35 μsec Low frequency (54~862 MHz) Long range (up to 100 km) Slow fading Small Doppler spread (up to a few Hz) * WRAN Channel Modeling, IEEE /0055r7, Aug 05 Information provided by TV Broadcasters

11 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR™) – Cognitive Radio Capability
Channel Set Management Policies Subscriber Station Registration and Tracking Spectrum Manager Geo-location Self Co-existence Incumbent Database Service Spectrum Sensing Incumbent Database

12 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR™) – Frame Structure
Time Division Duplex (TDD) frame structure Super-frame: 160 ms, Frame: 10 ms OFDM/ OFDMA Transport QPSK up to 64 QAM modulation supported Convolutional codes and other advanced codes supported Throughput: Mbps per TV channel WITH NO MIMO. MIMO and channel bonding increase the throughput Spectral Efficiency: – 3.12 bits / sec / Hz Distance: 10 km minimum. Upto 30 km and even 100 kms MAC supports Cognitive Radio features Self-coexistence Window (SCW): BS commands subscribers to send out CBPs for IEEE prototypes are being announced Co-existence Beacon Protocol (CBP) burst used for self co-existence and terrestrial geo-location

13 Cognitive Machine to Machine (CM2M)
50 Billion machine to machine devices will be deployed by 2020

14 This approach can open as much as 600 MHz of Spectrum in the S-Band
IEEE Advanced Beaconing: Radar and Commercial Comms Spectrum Sharing in bands How will it Work: The designed beacon will contain Peace Time temporal patterns of the radars which when combined with some universal time clock such as GPS can help commercial communications systems to use the empty time slots for their operation. During Emergency Situations, the beacon will send Urgent Co-existence request, to ask all the commercial systems to shut down immediately. Security features for such beacons are very important. IEEE Std, has incorporated many such security mechanisms that may be applied to the band relatively readily. IEEE Like Beacon may operate in the same band or even UHF Band Current IEEE beacon protocol contains many security Features already Radar Pulses This approach can open as much as 600 MHz of Spectrum in the S-Band

15 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR™) Unique Proposition
First IEEE Standard for operation in Television Whitespaces First IEEE Standard that is specifically designed for rural and regional area broadband access aimed at removing the digital divide First IEEE Standard that has all the Cognitive Radio features IEEE (Wi-FAR™) provides Broadband Wireless Access to Regional, Rural and Remote Areas Under Line of Sight (LoS) and Non Line of Sight (NLoS) Conditions using Cognitive Radio Technology (without causing harmful interference to the incumbents). Cognitive Radio technology added to a simple and optimized OFDMA waveform (similar to the OFDMA technology used in other broadband standards Each IEEE (Wi-FAR™) cell can provide 22 to 29 Mbps per TV Channel and provide support for 512 devices. Enhancements to the IEEE are currently under way in several amendments.

16 References IEEE Working Group Website – IEEE Std Apurva Mody, Gerald Chouinard, “Overview of the IEEE Standard on Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN) and Core Technologies” PCAST Report – Report to the President – Realizing Full Potential of the Govt. held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth Richard Thanki, Economic Significance of License-exempt Spectrum. United States Federal Communications Commission – United Kingdom Office of Communications (OfCom) - UK OfCom presentation on Geolocation issues - UK OfCom update on TVWS issues Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan,

17 Backups

18 IEEE 802 Standardization Activities in Television White Spaces
More than $125M invested in creating TV WhiteSpace Standards IETF Standardization on Database Access (IETF PAWS) COEXISTENCE (On going) m 802.11AF 802.16h Applicable to TVWS (Completed) 802.22 EEE 802

19 Cognitive Node: Reference Architecture
IEEE (Wi-FAR™) Cognitive Node: Reference Architecture IEEE (Wi-FAR™) Provides Three Mechanisms for Incumbent Protection Sensing Database Access Specially Designed Beacon Security Sub-layers are introduced to protect non-cognitive as well as cognitive functions Cognitive Plane is used to control the Cognitive Radio Operation. Security Sublayer 2 is introduced for protection against Cognitive Threats

20 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR™) Standard – a solution for rural broadband and cognitive M2M applications
IEEE (Wi-FAR™) provides Broadband Wireless Access to Regional, Rural and Remote Areas Under Line of Sight (LoS) and Non Line of Sight (NLoS) Conditions using Cognitive Radio Technology (without causing harmful interference to the incumbents). Cognitive Radio technology added to a simple and optimized OFDMA waveform (similar to the OFDMA technology used in other broadband standards Meets all the regulatory requirements such as protection of incumbents, access to the database, accurate geolocation, spectrum mask, control of the EIRP etc. Large regional area foot print can allow placement of the Base Station closer to the area with cheaper internet backhaul / backbone.

21 IEEE 802.22 (Wi-FAR™) – Spectrum Sensing
TV and Wireless Microphone Protection Using Spectrum Sensing- Several blind and signal specific feature-based sensing schemes have been proposed and thoroughly evaluated using TV Broadcaster supplied over-the-air collected signals Spectral correlation based sensing, Time domain cyclostationarity, Eigen value based sensing, FFT – based pilot sensing, Higher order statistics based sensing, etc. Pd = >99%, Pfa = 10%, -20dB Wireless Microphone Protection Using Beacon Many studies have suggested that FCC R&O target for wireless microphones is not sufficient to protect wearable microphones (where body attenuation of as much as 27dB is possible according to the manufacturers) has designed a beacon signal which will be transmitted from wireless microphone operations with up to 250 mW (as compared to 10 mW for microphones). These beacon signals consist of repeated pseudo-noise (PN) sequences and occupy a bandwidth of 78 kHz. Security features are provided for beacon authentication DTV Detection Results based Cyclostationary Feature Detection -114 dBm Wireless Microphone Beacon Sensing Results

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