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Living Things Need Energy. Energy  Sunlight is the source of energy for almost all living things.

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Presentation on theme: "Living Things Need Energy. Energy  Sunlight is the source of energy for almost all living things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living Things Need Energy

2 Energy  Sunlight is the source of energy for almost all living things.

3 Begins with the SUN as the source of energy for all living things Photosynthesis occurs because of the sun 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + sunlight & chlorophyll  C6H 12 O 6 + 6O 2

4 Producers  Organisms that use sunlight to make food

5 Consumers  Organisms that get energy from eating other organisms

6 Herbivore  Organisms that eats plants (gophers, grasshoppers)  PRIMARY CONSUMERS

7 Carnivore  Organisms that eat other animals (wolf, coyotes, owls)

8 Omnivore  Organisms that eats both plants and animals (bears, humans)  SECONDARY/TERTIARY CONSUMERS

9 Scavengers  They eat dead things  Coyotes  Vultures

10 Decomposers  Break down the remains of other organisms (recycles)

11 Consumer Levels  Primary Consumers (1 st level) – get their energy from plants HERBIVORES  Secondary Consumers (2 nd level) – get their energy from other organisms – CARNIVORES/OMNIVORES  Tertiary Consumers (3 rd level) – get their energy from other organisms – CARNIVORES/OMNIVORES/SCAVENGERS

12 Food Chain  Shows the transfer of energy in one pathway

13 Food Web  Shows many energy pathways in an ecosystem

14 Another way of showing the transfer of energy in an ecosystem is the ENERGY PYRAMID.

15 Energy Pyramid Interactive  Webpage Webpage

16 Energy pyramids show  Trophic level indicates an organism’s position in a food chain.  The number of consumers in a level will decrease as the trophic levels get higher because they have to eat more organisms to stay alive


18 Not all energy is used by producers 10% of the energy stored can be passed on to organisms that cannot make their own food. 90% of the energy is used for everyday life processes (breathing, moving, digestion, etc…) Some energy is lost as heat. Energy


20 Closer look at food webs  Food Web - Menu Food Web - Menu Food Web - Menu

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