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Human Resource Development

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1 Human Resource Development
4/19/2017 Human Resource Development By Bhupendra Ratha, Lecturer S. L. I. Sc., D.A.V.V., Indore Id: THRD-160-2

2 4/19/2017 HRD Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization or HR department to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. THRD-160-2

3 Relationship Between HRM and HRD
4/19/2017 Relationship Between HRM and HRD Human Resource Management (HRM) has many functions. Human Resource Development (HRD) is just one of the functions within HRM THRD-160-2

4 Functions of HRD Training and development (T&D)
4/19/2017 Functions of HRD Training and development (T&D) Organizational development Career development THRD-160-2

5 Training and Development
4/19/2017 Training and Development Training – improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees for the short-term, particular to a specific job or task. Employee orientation Skills & technical training Coaching THRD-160-2

6 Training and Development
4/19/2017 Training and Development Development– Preparing for future responsibilities, while increasing the capacity to perform at a current job Management training Supervisor development THRD-160-2

7 Organizational Development
4/19/2017 Organizational Development The process of improving an organization’s effectiveness and member’s well-being through the application of behavioral science. Focuses on both macro- and micro-levels HRD plays the role of a change agent THRD-160-2

8 4/19/2017 Career Development Ongoing process by which individuals progress through series of changes until they achieve their personal level of maximum achievement. Career planning Career management THRD-160-2

9 Organizational Structure of HRD Departments
4/19/2017 Organizational Structure of HRD Departments Depends on company size and status. No single structure used. THRD-160-2

10 Librarian’s Role in HRD
4/19/2017 Librarian’s Role in HRD A “front-line participant” in HRD Implements HRD programs and procedures On-the-job training (OJT) Motivational lecture Career and employee development Integrates HRD with organizational goals and strategies Promotes HRD as a profit enhancer Tailors HRD to corporate needs and budget Institutionalizes performance enhancement THRD-160-2

11 Challenges for HRD Changing workforce demographics
4/19/2017 Challenges for HRD Changing workforce demographics Competing in global economy Eliminating the skills gap Need for lifelong learning Need for organizational learning THRD-160-2

12 A Framework for the HRD Process
4/19/2017 A Framework for the HRD Process HRD efforts should use the following four stages: Needs assessment Design Implementation Evaluation THRD-160-2

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