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Good to the last drop! Chapter 5.2 1. Essential Question What factors affect the weather? How Does Water Move Through the Atmosphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Good to the last drop! Chapter 5.2 1. Essential Question What factors affect the weather? How Does Water Move Through the Atmosphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good to the last drop! Chapter 5.2 1

2 Essential Question What factors affect the weather? How Does Water Move Through the Atmosphere?

3 Page 160 3

4 Page 161 4

5 Interesting Facts In illustrations raindrops usually are drawn tear shaped, but actually look more like the top of a hamburger bun. According to the USGS, you may drink the same water as a dinosaur did 180 -245 million years ago. And you thought your parents were OLD! 5

6 Interesting Facts Water droplets combine with millions of other droplets until they become heavy enough to fall. The average speed of a raindrop is 14 miles an hour. A raindrop is only.04 to.24 inches in diameter. A raindrop must be this big otherwise it is considered drizzle. 6

7 The "Water Cycle” The earth has a limited amount of water. That water keeps going around and around and around and (well, you get the idea) This cycle is made up of a few main parts: Evaporation (and Transpiration) Condensation Precipitation Collection: infiltration, runoff 7

8 Evaporation Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor/steam and goes into the air. 8

9 Transpiration Do plants sweat? Well, sort of.... people perspire (sweat) and plants transpire. Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water out of their leaves. 9

10 Condensation Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. Watch a glass of cold water on a hot day. Water forms on the outside of the glass. That water didn't leak through the glass! It came from the air. 10

11 Precipitation Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. 11

12 Collection When water falls as precipitation, it may land in the oceans, lakes or rivers or land. 12

13 Collection When water ends up on land, it can soak into the earth “infiltration” and become part of the “ground water” or it may “runoff” the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts……all over again. 13

14 Water Cycle Song adapted to the tune: "She'll be Coming Round the Mountain" Water travels in a cycle yes it does. Use pointer finger to draw a large circle in the air. Water travels in a cycle, yes it does. Repeat motion above. It goes up as evaporation, The trees do transpiration, Raise arms at side with palms up. Forms clouds as condensation, Bring hands together above head, forming large cloud shape with arms. Then falls down as precipitation, yes it does. Slowly lower arms at side with palms down, fingers moving. Yes it does! Dance Country Crazy 14

15 One is not so fancy… The other looks very scientific….. but its all the same! 15

16 16

17 17

18 Page 162 & 163 18

19 Page 163 19

20 Extra Credit Step 1: Place the handout in a zip lock bag. Outline the handout on the outside of the bag with a permanent multi-surface marker. 20

21 Extra Credit Step 2: Remove the worksheet. Place chunk of ice and wet rocks in the bottom of the bag. Blow air into bag and seal. Place under heat source for 30 minutes. 21

22 Extra Credit Step 3: Observe and record changes to the bag. Note the evaporation of the moisture and the precipitation (droplets of water) on the inside of the bag. Watch the water cycle happen right before your eyes! 22

23 CHALK TALK! Draw the water cycle on your desk! Don’t forget the following vocabulary words: Evaporation Transpiration Condensation Precipitation Infiltration Runoff Ground water 23

24 Home Learning Complete Lesson 2 Assess Your Understanding Review & Assessment #4+5 Page 185 Extra Credit Backpack & Supplies Extra Credit Thermometer 10/1 Extra Credit Water cycle in a Bag 10/8 Chapter 5 Vocabulary 10/18 Fairchild Activity #2 Writing: 10/23

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