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Strategic Envisioning Process Progress Report June 1, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Envisioning Process Progress Report June 1, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Envisioning Process Progress Report June 1, 2014

2 Agenda  Vision video  Introduction - Lead Team  Implementation Team Reports:  Community Outreach – Daniel Sattizahn  Disciple Making – James Fowler  Mobilization – Juanita Bowden  Prayer time for these strategic areas  Implementation Team Reports:  Leadership Development – Nancy Crawford  Location & Facilities – Jon King  Staffing – Booder McWhorter  Prayer time for these strategic areas  Implementation Team Reports:  Finance – Jim McDonald  Creativity & Innovation – Sally Binnix  Communications – Brian Polito  Lead Team  Prayer time for these strategic areas  Closing remarks

3  Oct. 2013 - Strategic Leadership Team  Formed 26-member team as cross-section of congregation  Began monthly weekend sessions to examine strategic areas within the church  Dec. 2013 - Implementation Teams  Formed 10 teams to leverage more participation  Began developing strategies in key areas  Jun. 2014 - Progress Report  Implementation Teams concluding  Preparing for next phase of ministry Strategic Envisioning Process

4 Meadows Mission Statement

5  Prayer  Community Outreach  Disciple Making  Mobilization  Leadership Development  Location & Facilities  Staffing  Finance  Creativity & Innovation  Communications Implementation Team Review

6  Objective: Intercede in prayer for the Strategic Envisioning process  Tasks Completed  Provide personal prayer support for each SLT member  Hold prayer sessions during each SLT weekend meeting  Pray for each Implementation Team  Pray for each aspect of the SE process Prayer Team

7  Provide prayer support for all ministries  Develop detailed prayer guides for specific events  Expand opportunities for corporate prayer  Encourage development of effective prayer habits & techniques Prayer Strategies

8  Objective: Develop strategies to reach our community for Christ  Tasks Completed  Identify the boundaries of our community  Analyze the demographics of our community  Research problems faced by our community  Define specific projects to impact our community Community Outreach Team

9  Church-wide, on-campus outreach events  Easter Egg Hunt, etc.  Recurring group-specific events  PESH Free Lunch Day, Fitness classes, Good News Clubs  Off-campus service projects  Opportunities to plant and support non-English congregations  Training resources: inviting skills, evangelism, other Community Outreach Strategies

10 Outreach Ownership: Each One Reach One Strategies provide contexts through which our CONGREGATION can reach out into our COMMUNITY and attract a CROWD to worship Jesus. Cultural Evolution: Widespread personal ownership needed in the CONGREGATION, not just the CORE and COMMITTED.

11  Objective: Develop a strategy for growing mature disciples of Christ  Tasks Completed  Identify the characteristics of a mature disciple  Identify current ministries for making disciples: Worship, Bible Study  Identify new ministries for making disciples: Life Groups  Define an intentional, disciple-making pathway Disciple Making Team

12 Path to Discipleship Outreach Team Visitor s New Member Class MBC Member Worship Bible Study Life Groups Fellowship Evangelism Worship Service Member Outreach Grow Faith – Serve Christ – Share Gospel Bible Study Stewardship Evangelism Bible Study Fellowship Evangelism Bible Study Fellowship Evangelism Bible Study Worship Fellowship Evangelism Bible Study Service Worship Fellowship Evangelism Bible Study Stewardship Service Worship Fellowship Evangelism Bible Study Outreach Team Visitor s New Member Class Outreach Team Visitor s Member Outreach New Member Class Outreach Team Visitor s Christ-Centered

13 Implement Life Groups as Third Primary Ministry Worship Life Groups Bible Study Share Christ Know Christ Love Christ Christ Centered

14  Objective: Develop a strategy for mobilizing the congregation for ministry  Tasks Completed  Identify current ministry opportunities  Research personal assessment tools  Examine ways to educate new members  Design process to get people effectively engaged Mobilization Team

15  Establish Meadows 101 for new members  Introduction to MBC, beliefs, processes  Provide assessment tools  Spiritual gifts, talents, temperament, passion  Establish a process for assimilation  Personal guidance to get guests connected  Collect and publicize ministry opportunities  Connect people with opportunities Mobilization Strategies

16 Mobilization Process Connect Educate Mentor Serve

17  Community Outreach  Disciple Making  Mobilization Prayer Time

18  Objective: Develop strategies for developing leaders within the church  Tasks Completed  Define leadership: A leader is one who is called by God to influence others toward a shared vision, holding others and themselves accountable  Identify types of leaders at Meadows  Specify leader qualifications Leadership Development Team

19  Establish Leadership Development role for lay person who will serve on Personnel Committee  Review potential candidates twice per year based on various sources: Nomination, Observation, Recommendation, Volunteers  Process to include core beliefs, spiritual gifts assessment, mentoring, evangelism training, leadership style assessment  Leadership Recognition Retreat Leadership Development Strategies

20  Objective: Develop strategies to address the ministry setting  Areas investigated  Coffee station  Lobby area & Welcome station  Fabric panels  Lights  AED  Carpet  West asphalt parking lot  Interior signage  Exterior signage  Storage  Landscaping Location & Facilities Team

21 1.Replace carpet in Children’s area 2.Address exterior signage in front of church 3.Improve interior signage 4.Enhance landscaping 5.Construct storage building 6.Improve west parking lot 7.Enhance coffee station & Welcome Center Location & Facilities Strategies

22  Objective: Develop strategies for building and enhancing the staff team  Tasks Completed  Create job descriptions for all staff members  Develop annual staff evaluation process  Determine role of staff in training leaders  Evaluate current staff deployment  Create a blueprint for recruiting future staff Staffing Team

23  Research elder leadership through God’s word and other churches Staffing Strategies Jesus Christ Elder Board w/ Senior Pastor Finance Committee Deacon Body Leadership Team Associate Pastor Family Education Pastor Children’s Minister Preschool Sunday School Children’s Sunday School RA’s GA’s Children’s Choir Youth Minister Youth Sunday School Wednesday Night EPIC Youth Life Groups Adult Sunday School Director Adult I – Young at Heart Adult II Adult III Adult IV Adult V Adult VI Life Group Director Life Group ‘A’ Life Group ‘B’ Life Group ‘C’ Future Life Groups … Women’s Ministry Men’s Ministry Music Minister Music Ministry Chapel Choir Celebration Choir Children’s Choir Orchestra Pianist Praise Band Communicatio n & IT Performances Facilities Director Grounds Facilitator Building Maintenance Facilitator Office Staff Secretary / Receptionist Financial Secretary Future Ministry Growth …

24  Leadership Development  Location & Facilities  Staffing Prayer Time

25  Objective: Develop strategies to effectively fund ministries  Tasks Completed  Review current budget process  Examine stewardship patterns  Identify discretionary funds available  Plan for enhanced budget process Finance Team

26  Provide stewardship education and visibility into current process  Investigate financial audit for 2015  Expand Finance Committee experience base  Identify funding options for 2014 ministry projects  Revise 2015 budgeting process around strategic ministry areas Finance Strategies

27  Objective: Build a creative, innovative church that can adapt quickly to culture change.  Tasks Completed  Vision: “Get God out of the box”  Projects: Tech Team Organization  Focus Groups  Create avenues for ideas: Creativity & Innovation Team

28  Provide creativity consultant resource available to all teams  Evaluate ways to keep corporate worship meaningful and moving  Keep abreast of current trends in all aspects of church life  Ensure effective use of technology Creativity & Innovation Strategies

29  Objective: Develop strategies for communicating with the congregation and the community  Tasks Completed  Research how people want to receive information  Create template for publicizing events  Develop new church logo and branding  Update church website  Create social media pages: Facebook, Twitter  Photograph campus and congregation Communications Team

30  Provide focal point for consistent, effective communications internally and externally  Ensure consistency in presentation  Launch semi-annual message marketing campaigns  T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.  Provide electronic data entry at Welcome Center  Better guest experience, more efficient follow up  Maintain and update online presence  Take the message to the people Communications Strategies

31  Objective: Facilitate the SE process  Plan & evaluate monthly SLT sessions with consultant  Assist & support Implementation Team activities  Review & prioritize Implementation Team strategies  Integrate & assess the “big picture” strategy Lead Team

32  Create teams covering each strategic area of ministry  Outreach  Discipleship  Leadership Development  Prayer  Mobilization  Communications  Worship  Creativity  Facilities  Finance (existing team)  Personnel (existing team)  All other teams/activities aligned with a strategic area Ministry Strategy Teams

33 Next Phase: Summer 2014 33 Strategic Leadership Team Discipleship Mobilization Worship Facilities Finance Personnel Outreach Children’s Ministry Student Ministry Women’s Ministry Men’s Ministry Senior Adult Ministry Lead Team Cross-functional team with representatives from: Ministry Strategy Teams Age-Targeted Teams Facilitated by Lead Team Monthly meetings for: Strategic planning Project execution Team accountability

34  Prayer  Time  Funding  People Turning Ministry Strategies into Ministry Success will require:

35  Finance  Creativity & Innovation  Communications Prayer Time

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