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United States Federal Government President Vice President Barack Obama Joe Biden.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Federal Government President Vice President Barack Obama Joe Biden."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Federal Government President Vice President Barack Obama Joe Biden

2 United State Federal Government Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of Education Attorney General John Kerry Ashton Carter Arne Duncan Eric Holder

3 Speaker of the House United States House of Representatives David Cicilline James Langevin John Boehner RHODE ISLAND Representative District 1 (Jamestown) RHODE ISLAND Representative District 2 (North Kingstown

4 R.I. Senator (Senior) Sheldon Whitehouse United States Senate Orrin Hatch Senate President Pro Tempore Jack Reed R.I. Senator (Junior)

5 Chief Justice United States Supreme Court John Roberts

6 US Supreme Court Justices Samuel A Alito Bush /2005 Antonin Scalia Reagan / 1986 Anthony Kennedy Reagan / 1988 Clarence Thomas Bush / 1991 Ruth Ginsburg Clinton / 1993 Stephen Breyer Clinton /1994 Sonia Sotomayor Obama/ 2009 Elena Kagan Obama/ 2010

7 Rhode Island State Government Governor LT. Governor Gina Raimondo Daniel McKee

8 Rhode Island State Government Secretary of State Commissioner of Education General Treasurer Seth Magaziner Nellie Gorbea Deborah Gist

9 Rhode Island Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul A. Suttel Other RI Justices: Maureen McKenna Goldberg, Francis X. Flaherty, William P. Robinson III, Gilbert V. Indeglia Peter Kilmartin R.I. Attorney General

10 General Assembly Districts

11 Senate Representive Districts

12 Rhode Island Senate James Sheehan Senator District 13 (JT) Senator District 35 (NK) Senator District 36 (NK) Teresa Paiva-Weed Mark Gee

13 R.I. General Assembly Speaker of the House Representative District 32 (NK) Representative District 31 (NK) Rep. District 74 (JT) Doreen Costa Rob Craven Nicholas Matiello Deborah Ruggierio

14 Structure Town Manager (appointed) Mike Embury Town Council School Committee People of town pay taxes firefighters/police/libraries/ schools Public officials / Public buildings North Kingstown Government

15 Town Council Responsibilities Any subject necessary for security, general welfare, and convenience Preserve the health, peace, and order and good government Adopt a budget Adopt zoning and subdivisions regulations Contract for police services Own and sell or lease property; Other powers as enumerated in the codes.

16 North Kingstown Town Council Kevin Maloney Kerry McKay Ellen Waxman Carol HuestonJason Albuquerque

17 School Committee Elected by the Public Four year terms Responsibities: School Budget and Policies

18 N.K. School Committee Cheryl Clarkin (Chair) Lynda AvanzatoSheila McGauvran Robert JonesGregory Blasbalg

19 N.K. School Officials Superintendent Curriculum Director Dr. Mancieri Dr. Phil Auger Dr. Michele Humbyrd NKHS Principal

20 You Want to Know More About Government? / s/summary.php?cid=N00000362

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