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Effects of electronic correlations in iron and iron pnictides

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1 Effects of electronic correlations in iron and iron pnictides
A. A. Katanin In collaboration with: A. Poteryaev, P. Igoshev, A. Efremov, S. Skornyakov, V. Anisimov Institute of Metal Physics, Ekaterinburg, Russia Special thanks to Yu. N. Gornostyrev for stimulating discussions

2 Iron properties a - bcc, g - fcc, e - hcp a  g Ts =1185 K
Mikhaylushkin, PRL 99, (2007) a-iron: TC = K, meff =3.13mB g-iron: qCW =-3450K, meff =7.47mB a - bcc, g - fcc, e - hcp a  g Ts =1185 K Arajs. J.Appl.Phys. 31, 986 (1960) Parsons, Phil.Mag. 3, 1174 (1959)

3 Itinerant approach (Stoner theory)
𝐼𝑁 𝐸 𝐹 =1 Large DOS implies ferromagnetism, provided that other magnetic or charge instabilities are less important - Too large magnetic transition temperatures, no CW-law Moriya theory: paramagnons Reasonable magnetic transition temperatures, CW law Local moment approaches (e.g. Heisenberg model) CW law

4 Rhodes-Wollfarth diagram
a-Iron (almost) fulfills Rhodes-Wollfarth criterion (pc/ps  1) Proposals for iron: Local moments are formed by eg electrons (Goodenough, 1960) 95% d-electron localization (Stearns, 1973) Local moments are formed from the vH singularity eg states (Irkhin, Katsnelson, Trefilov, 1993)

5 The magnetism of iron a-Iron shows features of both, itinerant (fractional magnetic moment) and localized (Curie-Weiss law with large Curie constant) systems Can one decide unbiasely (ab-initio), which states are localized (if any) ? What is the correct physical picture for decribing local magnetic moments in an itinerant system? Itinerant (Stoner and Moriya theory) Local moments (Heisenberg model) Mixed (Shubin s-d(f) = FM Kondo model) How the local moments (if they exist) influence magnetic properties? What is the similarity and differences between magnetism of a- and g- iron?

6 Dynamical Mean Field Theory
Energy-dependent effective medium theory The self-energy of the embedded atom coincides with that of the solid (lattice model), which is approximated as a k-independent quantity A. Georges et al., RMP 68, 13 (1996)

7 Spin-polarized LDA+DMFT
U = 2.3 eV, J = 0.9 eV Magnetic moment (3.13) Critical temperature K (1043K) Lichtenstein, Katsnelson, Kotliar, PRL 87, (2001)

8 a (Bcc) iron: band structure
eg t2g t2g и eg states are qualitatively different and weakly hybridized A. Katanin et al., PRB 81, (2010) Correlations can “decide”, which of them become local

9 a-iron: orbitally-resolved self-energy
Imaginary frequencies Comparison to MIT: t2g states - quasi-particles Linear for the Fermi liquid Divergent for an insulator eg states - non-quasiparticle! Bulla et al., PRB 64, (2001) A. Katanin et al., PRB 81, (2010)

10 Self-energy and spectral functions at the real frequency axis
Real frequencies a-Fe Comparison to MIT: From: Bulla et al., PRB 64, (2001)

11 How to see local moments: local spin correlation function
J=0.9 J=0 S(0)S() Local moments are stable when Fulfilled at the conventional Mott transition. Can it be fulfilled in the metallic phase ? t A. Katanin et al., PRB 81, (2010)

12 Fourier transform of spin correlation function

13 Fourier transform of spin correlation function
Local moments formed out of eg states do exist in iron!

14 Which form of 𝜒 𝑙𝑜𝑐 𝜔 one can expect for the system with local moments?
Broaden delta-symbol: (𝜔≪𝐽) g is the damping of local collective excitations For a-iron: 𝜇 eff =3.3 𝜇 𝐵 𝛾≈𝑇/2 There is an interval in densities where spin correlation function depends weakly on temperature

15 Curie law for local susceptibility
eg t2g Total neg =2*1.30=2.6=3-0.4=(up-up-down)-0.4 nt2g =3*1.46=4.4=3+1.4=(up up down)+1.4=1+3.4=(up)+3.4 Коллективизировано 3/7=42% local moment p(eg) = 0.56 p(t2g) = 0.45 p(total)=1.22 agrees with the experimental data (known also after A.Liechtenstein, M. Katsnelson, and G. Kotliar, PRL 2001)

16 Effective model The local moments are coupled via RKKY-type of exchange: RKKY type (similar to s-d Shubin-Vonsovskii model). The theoretical approaches, similar to those for s-d model can be used

17 (fcc) iron TN≈100K Which physical picture (local moment, itinerant) is suitable to describe g-iron ? What is the prefered magnetic state for the g iron at low T (and why)?

18 LDA DOS The peak in eg band is shifted by 0.5eV downwards with respect to the Fermi level

19 (fcc) iron P. A. Igoshev et al., PRB 88, 155120 (2013)
More itinerant than a-iron ?

20 DOS with correlations

21 Static local susceptibility
P. A. Igoshev, A. Efremov, A. Poteryaev, A. K., and V. Anisimov, PRB 88, (2013)

22 Dynamic local susceptibility

23 Size of local moment

24 Magnetic state: Itinerant picture
QX=(0,0,2) SDW2 Comparison of energies in LDA approach Shallcross et al., PRB 73, (2006)

25 Magnetic state: Heisenberg model picture
A. N. Ignatenko, A.A. Katanin, V.Yu.Irkhin, JETP Letters 87, 555 (2008) For stability of (0,0,2p) state one needs J1>0, J2<0.

26 The polarization bubble, low T
LDA LDA+DMFT k m m' k+q T=290К 2p(1,0,0) 2p(1/2,1/2,1/2) 2p(1,1/2,0)

27 Experimental magnetic structure
q = (2p/a) (1, 0.127, 0) Tsunoda, J.Phys.: Cond.Matt. 1, (1989) Naono and Tsunoda, J.Phys.: Cond.Matt. 16, 7723 (2004)

28 Colorcoding: red – eg, green – t2g, blue – s+p
Fermi surface nesting Colorcoding: red – eg, green – t2g, blue – s+p (0,x,2p) state is supported by the Fermi surface geometry – an evidence for itinerant nature of magnetism

29 The polarization bubble, high T

30 Uniform susceptibility
k m m' k 1/ From high-temperature part: 𝜇 𝑒𝑓𝑓 =4.07 𝜇 𝐵 ( 𝑝 𝐶 ≅3/2)

31 (fcc) iron 𝜇 𝐶𝑊 =7. 7 𝜇 𝐵 The experimental value of the Curie constant is reproduced by the theory, although the absolute value of paramagnetic Curie temperature appears too large Strong frustration! Nonlocal correlations are important

32 Magnetic exchange in -iron
𝜒 𝐪 = 𝜒 0 1− 𝐽 𝐪 𝜒 0 𝜒 𝐪 = 𝜒 irr (𝐪) 1−Γ 𝜒 irr (𝐪) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J z/2,K -669 173 -449 17 -25 -123 -116 29 𝐽 𝐪 =− [𝜒 irr (𝐪)] −1 +𝐶 𝐽 𝟎 =−2500𝐾 𝐽 𝐐 =1200𝐾 The Neel temperature is much larger than the experimental one, similar to the result of the Stoner theory: Paramagnons Frustration, i.e. degeneracy of spin susceptibility in different directions

33 Local spin susceptibility of Ni
A. S. Belozerov, I. A. Leonov, and V. I. Anisimov, PRB 2013

34 Iron pnictide LaFeAsO Antiferromagnetic fluctuations Superconductivity
Itinerant system in the normal state Effect of electronic correlations? Possibility of local moment formation?

35 Density of states 387K 580К 1160К xy 0.142 0.242 0.454 xz, yz 0.131
0.163 0.306 3z2-r2 0.054 0.092 0.228 x2-y2 0.053 0.101 0.334 Damped qp states Electronic correlations qp states dxz, dyz, dxy states can be more localized No qp states

36 Local susceptibility 387K 580К 1160К xy -0.142 -0.242 -0.454 xz, yz
-0.131 -0.163 -0.306 3z2-r2 -0.054 -0.092 -0.228 x2-y2 -0.053 -0.101 -0.334

37 Spin correlation functions
The situation is similar to g-iron, i.e. local moments may exist at large T only, and, therefore, seem to have no effect on superconductivity

38 Orbital-selective uniform susceptibility
Local fluctuations are responsible for the part of linear-dependent term in (T) S. L. Skornyakov, A. Katanin, and V. I. Anisimov, PRL ’ 2011

39 Summary The peculiarities of electronic properties (flat bands, peaks of density of states) near the FL may lead to the formation of local moments; Analysis of orbitally-resolved static and dynamic local susceptibilities proves to be helpful in classification of different substances regarding the degree of local moment formation In alfa-iron: The existence of local moments is observed within the LDA+DMFT approach The formation of local moments is governed by Hund interaction In gamma-iron: Local moments are formed at high T>1000K, where this substance exist in nature, but not at low-T (in contrast to alfa-iron); the low-temperature magnetism appears to be more itinerant Antiferromagnetism is provided by nesting of the Fermi surface

40 Conclusions Thank you for attention ! In the iron pnictide:
Electronic correlations are important, but, similarly to g-iron, local moments may be formed at large T only Different orbitals give diverse contribution to magnetic properties Linear behavior of uniform susceptibility is (at least partly) due to peaks of density of states near the Fermi level In the iron pnictide: Thank you for attention !


42 Spin correlation functions



45 Spectral functions Damped qp states qp states No qp states


47 Effective model and diagram technique
(similar to s-d Shubin-Vonsovskii model). Treat eg electrons within DMFT and t2g electrons perturbatively Simplest way is to decouple an interaction and integrate out t2g electrons “bare” quadratic term quartic interaction Kind of boson (“4”) model, containing both, itinerant and local moment degrees of freedom

48 Diagram technique: perspective

49 The dynamic susceptibility
“Moriya” correction bare bare RKKY Influence of itinerant electrons on local moment degrees of freedom Exchange integrals and magnetic properties can be extracted

50 Local moments in transition metals
Two different approaches to magnetism of transition metals (and explaining Curie-Weiss behavior): Itinerant (Stoner, Moriya, …) Local moment (Heisenberg, …) Local moments in transition metals Since they are (good) metals, at first glance no ‘true’ local moments are formed However, under some conditions the formation of (orbital-selective) local moments is possible: Weak hybridization between different states (e.g. t2g and eg) Presence of Hund exchange interaction Specific shape of the density of states Can one unify these approaches (one band: Moriya, degenerate bands: Hubbard, …) More importantly: what is the ‘adequate’ (‘appropriate’) effective model, describing magnetic properties of transition metals ?

51 Local moments in transition metals
Since they are (good) metals, at first glance no ‘true’ local moments are formed However, under some conditions the formation of (orbital-selective) local moments is possible: Weak hybridization between different states (e.g. t2g and eg) Presence of Hund exchange interaction Specific shape of the density of states

52 Dependence on imaginary frequency

53 Paramagnetic LDA+DMFT
U = 2.3 eV, J = 0.9 eV, T = 1120 K t2g states eg states Weakly correlated compound ?!?!?!?

54 t2g и eg состояния качественно различны и слабо гибридизованы
Важно учесть влияние электронных корреляций

55 U dependence J = 0.9 eV, b = 10 eV-1

56 Stability with temperature

57 Weak itinerant magnets
Saturation magnetic moment is small The thermodynamic properties are detrmined by paramagnons; Hertz-Moriya-Millis theory: for ferromagnets (d=3, z=3) the bosonic mean-field (Moriya) theory is sufficient to describe qualitatively thermodynamic properties even close to QCP. “paramagnon” Curie-Weiss-like susceptibility

58 Frustration in Heisenberg FCC model

59 Polarization bubble m m' eg t2g t2g-e2g

60 G. Stollhoff, 2007

61 Diagram technique: perspective

62 Spin correlation function at different U
S(0)S() eg almost flat ! t2g

63 Weak itinerant magnets
Saturation magnetic moment is small The thermodynamic properties are detrmined by paramagnons; Hertz-Moriya-Millis theory: for ferromagnets (d=3, z=3) the bosonic mean-field (Moriya) theory is sufficient to describe qualitatively thermodynamic properties even close to QCP. “paramagnon” Curie-Weiss-like susceptibility

64 Effective model it loc (similar to s-d Shubin-Vonsovskii model).
Treat itinerant electrons perturbatively: introduce effective bosons for an interaction between itinerant electrons and integrate out itinerant fermionic degrees of freedom “bare” quadratic term quartic interaction

65 The dynamic susceptibility
“Moriya” correction bare bare RKKY Influence of itinerant electrons on local moment degrees of freedom Exchange integrals and magnetic properties can be extracted

66 Return to a-iron

67 Return to a-iron How do we recover RKKY exchange for a-iron? Assume:
𝜒 irr (𝐪) = 1/𝐼+ 𝜒 ′ irr (𝐪) 𝜒′ irr ≪1/𝐼 𝐽 𝐪 =− (𝜒 irr ) −1 +𝐶= 𝐶 ′ +𝐼2 𝜒 ′ irr (𝐪) I ~ 1 eV – extracted in this way, in agreement with performed analysis and band structure calculations

68 Size of local moment

69 Orbitally-resolved DOS
LDA U = 4 eV, b = 10 eV-1 a-Iron can be viewed as a system in the vicinity of an orbital-selective Mott transition (OSMT)

70 Ratio of moments

71 The size of the instantaneous and effective moment

72 Magnetic exchange: r r' L(S)DA formula:
(A. I. Liechtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, et al.) Requires a ‘reference magnetic state’ to calculate exchange integrals: Reference state is needed to introduce magnetic moment in an itinerant approach In which cases one can avoid use of the ‘reference state’ ? Example: (one-band) Hubbard model at half filling due to metal-insulator transition the electrons are localized, Jij=4t2/U

73 NM FM (2,0,0) ,,) FM, bcc

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