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June 4, 2014 We will begin at 1:00 Eastern time. Please stay connected.

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Presentation on theme: "June 4, 2014 We will begin at 1:00 Eastern time. Please stay connected."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 4, 2014 We will begin at 1:00 Eastern time. Please stay connected.

2 Lynn Tuttle Past President State Education Agencies Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) Director of Arts Education Arizona Department of Education

3 Dr. James Catterall Professor Emeritus & Past Chair of the Faculty UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies Dr. Catterall recently became Director and Principal Investigator at the Centers for Research on Creativity, (CRoC), based in Los Angeles and London, UK (

4 Laurence Gartel Digital Media Artist Gartel taught Andy Warhol how to use the Amiga Computer when Andy received the commission to produce the Debbie Harry (Blondie) album cover. Gartel's work has been exhibited with the Museum of Modern Art, Long Beach Museum of Art, Princeton Art Museum, PS 1, Norton Museum and Joan Whitney Payson Museum and in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of American History.


6 Julie Richard Executive Director Maine Arts Commission Most recently held the position of President & CEO of the West Valley Arts Council in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona. Before that she was the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Arts Council in Greenville, South Carolina.

7 Russ Sperling Coordinator of Visual & Performing Arts San Diego County Office of Education Immediate Past President California Music Educators Association


9 Stefan Pryor Commissioner of Education State of Connecticut

10 Dennis Inhulsen Principal Patterson Elementary School, Michigan Dennis taught art for all ages for twenty-one years and has served in school leadership for thirteen years while leading art education initiatives at state and national levels for his entire career.


12 Robert L. Lynch President & CEO Americans for the Arts With more than 39 years of experience in the arts industry, he is motivated by his personal mission to empower communities and leaders to advance the arts in society and in the lives of citizens.

13 Jonathan Katz CEO National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) NASAA guides the nation’s fifty-six state arts agencies, sharing knowledge and strategic thinking, developing leadership and professionalism, and advocating the value of the arts and culture. This year, state arts agencies and their regional consortia will manage $350- plus million in state, federal and other funds.


15 Jaune Quick-to- See Smith artist, curator, lecturer, printmaker and professor Smith calls herself a cultural art worker. She uses humor and satire to examine myths, stereotypes and the paradox of American Indian life in contrast to the consumerism of American society. Her work is philosophically centered by her strong traditional beliefs and political activism.

16 Suzanne Henneman 2013 Outstanding Leadership in K-12 Education award recipient National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) Henneman is also a dance consultant with Anne Arundel County Public Schools and Baltimore County Public Schools


18 Marcia McCaffrey Past President State Education Agencies Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) Arts Consultant New Hampshire Department of Education

19 Tee Lambert President Washington Elementary School District Governing Board, Arizona "As a longtime community and public schools advocate, I am committed to WESD being a district that families are proud to call their own, providing quality academics, art, music and physical education programs for all students. I believe there is a direct correlation that when we have successful neighborhood schools that are well maintained our communities will prosper and flourish. WESD works together with parents, staff, students, community organizations and businesses, creating and maintaining neighborhoods that we are all proud to call home."

20 Melissa Hronkin National Elementary Art Educator 2014 National Art Education Association (NAEA) Hronkin teaches grades K-5 at Houghton Portage Elementary School in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She has been teaching since 2001 and active in her State Art Association as a conference co-chair and regional liaison


22 Sharon Malley Special Education Specialist John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Dr. Sharon Malley leads the team of national arts and disability professionals responsible for ensuring that the core arts standards are inclusive of students with disabilities. Her career spans over 30 years in the field of disabilities, as a special education teacher in public schools and therapeutic recreation specialist incorporating arts education.

23 John Abodeely Deputy Director President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) John serves as a graduate instructor in education policy at the Corcoran College of Art and Design, served on the board of the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative, and has been a panelist for national, state, and local grants and awards.


25 Dru Davison Fine Arts Advisory Shelby County Schools, Memphis, TN Davison consults for the US Department of Education, and also consults for the Tennessee Department of Education. He is Chair-Elect of the NAfME National Council of Music Program Leaders, serves on the Bill and Melinda Gates College Readiness Advisory Council, and is chair of the TN Student Growth Measures Committee.

26 Donna Collins Executive Director Ohio Alliance for Arts Education & Ohio Citizens for the Arts Representing more than 1.8 million students and thousands of members, both individuals and organizations, Ohio Citizens for the Arts and the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education work to ensure the arts are integral to education and the lives of all Ohioans.


28 Howard Sherman Former Executive Director American Theatre Wing Howard Sherman is an arts consultant specializing in management and communications, as well as a writer about theatre and other arts.

29 Paul Cothran Executive Director VH1 Save The Music Foundation The Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in America’s public schools by restoring music programs in cities across the country, and raising awareness about the importance of music participation for our nation’s youth.


31 June 4, 2014 Thank you for attending! This event will be archived for future viewing.

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