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Market Segmentation, and Market Targeting

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1 Market Segmentation, and Market Targeting
Chapter 4 Opportunity Analysis, Market Segmentation, and Market Targeting

2 In this chapter, you will learn about…
Opportunity Analysis What is a Market? Market Segmentation Benefits of Market Segmentation Bases for Market Segmentation Requirements for Effective Market Segmentation

3 In this chapter, you will learn about…
Offering-Market Matrix Market Targeting Market Sales Potential and Profitability Estimating Market Sales Potential Sales and Profit Forecasting

4 Marketing Strategy involves…
Selection of Markets Customer Satisfaction Organizational Objectives Development of programs to reach these markets

5 Opportunity Analysis Involves…
Opportunity Identification Opportunity - Organization Matching Opportunity Evaluation

6 Opportunity Identification
Identifying new types of classes of buyers Uncovering unsatisfied needs of buyers Creating new ways or means for satisfying buyer needs

7 Opportunity-Organization Matching
Determines whether an identified opportunity is consistent with an organization’s business, mission, and competencies SWOT Analysis often employed Financially attractive opportunities are sometimes rejected at this stage due to lack of match

8 Opportunity Evaluation
Has both qualitative & quantitative phases Qualitative Evaluates the likelihood of capitalizing on a market niche Quantitative Yields estimates of market sales potential and company sales forecasts

9 Opportunity Evaluation Matrix
Market niche criterion Competitive Activity Buyer Requirements Demand/ Supply Political, Technological, and Socioeconomic Forces Organizational Capabilities Buyer Type Buyer Needs Means for Buyer Needs

10 “Offering” rather than product or service
A Market Consists of… Prospective buyers willing and able to purchase the existing or potential offering of an organization. Focus on Buyers Effective Demand “Offering” rather than product or service Prospective buyers willing and able to purchase the existing Or potential offering of an organization. Market Share

11 What is Market Segmentation?
The breaking down or building up of potential buyers into groups called Market Segments

12 Benefits of Market Segmentation
Identifies opportunities for new product development Helps design marketing programs most effective for reaching homogenous groups of buyers Improves allocation of marketing resources

13 Market Segmentation Variables
Socioeconomic Behavioral Market Segmentation Variables Psychographic Benefits Sought

14 Fundamental-Buyer Related Questions
Who are they? What do they want to buy? How do they want to buy? When do they want to buy? Where do they want to buy? Why do they want to buy?

15 Each Market Segment should be…
Measurable Differentiable Substantial Accessible

16 Sample Offering - Market Matrix for Handheld Calculators
Market Segments (User Groups) Business Scientific Home School Simple Moderate Complex Very complex

17 Market Targeting Specifying segments to pursue
Organization Differentiated Marketing The organization pursues several different market segments simultaneously Market

18 Market Targeting Specifying segments to pursue
Organization Concentrated Marketing The organization focuses on a single market segment Market

19 Market Sales Potential
Maximum level of sales available to all firms serving a defined market in a specific time period given: The marketing mix activities and efforts of all organizations A set of environmental conditions

20 Market Sales Potential and Profitability Chain Ratio Method
Market Sales Potential is a function of: The number of Prospective Buyers (B) The Quantity Purchased (Q) The Price of an Average Unit (P) Market Sales Potential = B x Q x P

21 Chain Ratio Method Example
Market Potential for cola-flavored carbonated drink in Canada: Population (P) = 32,000,000 Proportion of P that consumes carbonated beverages (R) = 95% Proportion of R that consumes cola-flavored carbonated beverages (C) = 70% Average number of liters of cola consumed per cola-consumer per week (L) = 1.7 liters Average price per liter of cola (A) = $ 0.50 Market Sales Potential = P x R x C x L x A = 32 Million x 0.95 x 0.70 x 1.7 x 52 x 0.50 = $94.06 Million

22 What is a Sales Forecast?
Level of sales a single organization expects to achieve based on a chosen market strategy and an assumed competitive environment.

23 Forecasted Sales reflect…
The size of the target market The marketing mix chosen for the target market The assumed number of competitors and competitive intensity in the target market

24 Making a Sales Forecast
Sales Forecast is a function of: Market potential (M) Proportion of market you are Targeting (T) Extent of market Coverage (C) Number of Units expected to sell per customer during the year (U) Average Price per unit (P) Sales Forecast = M x T x C x U x P

25 Making a Sales Forecast Example
Total number of potential buyers = 1 Million Target Market (25%) = x 0.25 Market Coverage (75%) = x 0.75 Units purchased per year (20) = x 20 Average Price ($10) = x $10 Forecasted Sales = $ 37.5 Million

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