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ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES 1.What were the first battles of the American Revolution? 2.What did the colonists want in the British parliament? 3.What.

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Presentation on theme: "ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES 1.What were the first battles of the American Revolution? 2.What did the colonists want in the British parliament? 3.What."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES 1.What were the first battles of the American Revolution? 2.What did the colonists want in the British parliament? 3.What did colonists dress up as during the Boston Tea Party? 4.Why did colonists believe they shouldn’t be subject to British taxes? 5.What law required colonists to provide the shelter for British troops? 6.Explain the cause and effect relationship of the French and Indian War and British tax policy. 7.During the French and Indian War, fighting broke out between what two groups in North Carolina? – USE Ch. 9 p. 164 8.The French and Indian War was part of what greater world conflict?

2 PATRIOTS and LOYALISTS and NEUTRALISTS: - Copy this exact T-Chart onto Unit 6 entry 4 yes patriot reasonsLoyalist reasons SEPARATE FROM BRITIAN? YES NO MY CONCLUSION:

3 PATRIOTS -Read your mini-biography - What reasons do you argue for or against separation? - write those reasons down on ‘patriot reasons’ side of T-Chart on p.4 Neutralists: - Read your mini-biography - What reasons are you neutral?? - Come up with an event that would make you a patriot or a loyalist *You do not need to write anything down yet LOYALISTS: -Read your mini-biography - What reasons do you argue for or against separation? - write those reasons down on ‘loyalist reasons’ side of T-Chart on p.4

4 Patriots: - You have 3 minutes to find other patriots and copy down their reasons for wanting to separate - make sure you write this down because you will need to ARGUE WHY YOU DO WANT TO SEPARATE Neutralists: - on the sheet of paper given to you write out why you are neutral - on that same paper, write at least 2 questions to ask loyalists and patriots about why they would separate or not want to separate - below those questions predict why some people are patriots and others are loyalists Loyalists: - You have 3 minutes to find other loyalists and copy down their reasons for wanting to separate - make sure you write this down because you will need to ARGUE WHY YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEPARATE

5 Make a group of three: one patriot, one loyalist, one neutral – quickly, you have one minute! Neutralists: - Listen to the arguments for Loyalists & Patriots. - ASK CLARIFYING QUESTIONS for their arguments - after 3 minutes you will have to decide whether you want to separate or not separate (DECIDE WHO MADE THE BEST ARGUMENT) Loyalists: - Using your filled in ‘loyalist reasons’ chart you will attempt to convince the neutralist in your group they should NOT separate from Britain Patriots: - Using your filled in ‘patriot reasons’ chart you will attempt to convince the neutralist in your group they should separate from Britain After 1 st three minutes, SHIFT GROUPS, REPEAT STEPS


7 MY CONCLUSION: Your conclusion states your opinion. You also include three points that support this opinion ** Add these together in one sentence and you have a THESIS STATEMENT!

8 Sons of Liberty - 1765 Created in Wilmington, NC to protest Stamp Act Remember, the one that taxed paper?

9 Non-Importing Association - 1769 NC Assembly defies Gov. Tryon and joins boycott even after he tells them to go home and closes Assembly First action taken independent of any colonial governor

10 Edenton Tea Party – Oct. 25, 1774 WOMEN in NC town protest and boycott against British tea Britain does not take them seriously

11 Unit 6 Entry 4 - Independence Documents Halifax Resolves – April 12, 1776 –after Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, these resolves (formal statements of purpose) declared independence for the 1 st time in North Carolina Mecklenburg Resolves – May 20, 1775 - document created in 1775 by Mecklenburg County colonists that ended British laws and established an independent local government in NC

12 Declaration of Independence – July 4, 1776 – Second Continental Congress established colonial independence and explained why colonies were separating from Britain North Carolina Constitution 1776 – Created a General Assembly made of House of Commons an Senate, new governorship, and new law courts. Gave more power to the Assembly (not the governor).

13 Answer in full sentences 9. What was the main source of conflict between the North Carolina Assembly and the royal governors? 10. Why were the Sons of Liberty established in North Carolina? 11. How did the government described in the North Carolina Constitution differ from the royal government? 12. What document listed the colonists’ reasons for wanting to split from the king? 13. What document established an independent local government in North Carolina? 14. What document did North Carolina use to declare independence from the British? 15. What was the Edenton Tea Party? 16. What was the significance of the North Carolina Assembly’s approval of the Non Importing Association?

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