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Published byJewel Heath Modified over 9 years ago
1 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Do you still call it a 405 Survey? Get up to date on the new FAA AC 150/5300-18B Timothy Roe, Program Manager, Airport and Airspace Programs FAA, Air Traffic Organization, System Operations, AIM and Airspace Aeronautical Information Management (AJR-32) Architecture and Planning Team
2 Federal Aviation Administration 2 Why Implement Such A Process? The role and importance of airport and aeronautical data in meeting the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation changed significantly with the implementation of area navigation (RNAV), required navigation performance (RNP) and airborne computer based navigation systems.
3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 Answer … To provide a common platform for the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of airport and aeronautical information and sharing of the data for improved efficiency of airport operations for both the sponsor and the FAA. Current initiatives within aviation industry (moving maps, electronic flight information, advanced avionics) require a data centric airport environment, as opposed to the traditional product based environment.
4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 Why Implement Such A Process? To meet the challenges of the changing role of aeronautical data in the system, the FAA needed to rethink the way it collects, stores, and maintains the data about airports. managingWe need to focus on managing our airport and aeronautical data.
5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 collectively Provide an interoperable web-based system for the collection, management, maintenance and sharing of airport data addressing the needs of the FAA lines of business and the individual airports collectively rather than individually. Airport Surveying/GIS Program Vision In other words … data sharing “All I need to know about airport data … I learned in kindergarten.”
6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 Organization of AC 150/5300-18B Though it looks daunting from the outside … it’s not really that bad! The AC has five (5) chapters and appendices Chapter 1 discusses general survey guidance and specifications Chapter 2 discusses specific survey specifications and standards Chapter 3 discusses geospatial standard and specifications (GIS rules) Chapter 4 discusses data translation and existing data Chapter 5 discusses specific about the airport features Chapter 1 – 4 cover about 100 pages the rest is chapter 5!
7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 New Philosophy on Airport Surveys AC 150/5300-18 is designed to collect data about the airport as a whole rather than as a group of individual projects. Since most everything on an airport is interconnected or has a relationship to other things and these relationships should be preserved. Data collection projects should build on one another. Data provided as part of a design should be incorporated into the airport data set and later verified rather than collected new.
8 Federal Aviation Administration 8 Alphabet Soup Eye Chart or Survey Requirements ??? ANA-LPV ANAPC PIR CGR BV NP-D AV C D Obstruction Surveys
9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 Types of Surveys Under the previous standard (FAA 405) there were as many different types of surveys These multiple types did not always provide the information required and most were incorrectly based on 14 CFR 77 AC 150/5300-18B has only two types of “obstruction surveys” … it is a single multifaceted surface not individual pieces Vertically Guided Non-Vertically Guided
10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 Vertically Guided Airport Airspace Analysis Surface These specifications support the airport’s planning and design activities for the development of vertically guided instrument approaches such as ILS, PAR, MLS, LPV, TLS, RNP and Baro/VNAV
11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 Non-Vertically Guided Airport Airspace Analysis Surface Use the following specifications and associated figures to complete object identification on and surrounding airports to runways designed for visual or non-vertically guided (NVG) operations (Lateral Navigation (LNAV), Localizer Performance (LP), VOR, NDB, Localizer, Localizer Directional Aid (LDA), etc.)
12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 The New Surfaces Are Bigger And Cost A Lot More! 6,000-runway at an airport with one runway Vertically Guided Airport Airspace Analysis Surface (-18B) is … 42.1839487 sq miles Full Part 77 (Approach Surface to 50,000 feet) is … 56.8643939 sq miles Part 77 (Approach surface shortened to 20,000 feet) is … 31.4683884 sq miles
13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 New Philosophy on Airports Surveys Runway Extension Example A position an elevation of the new runway end is determined during the design phase These values can and should be used to coordinate the changes to instrument procedures once the design is finalized. Most if not all of the information for procedure design is in the design … runway end position, elevation, touchdown zone elevation, elevation of centerline abeam navigational aids etc. Once construction is complete these numbers need to be validated … remember what validation is? The obstruction analysis can also be completed off these numbers the key is maintaining the analysis (new objects) once it is completed until the runway is done.
14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 The New Requirements Provides Depth To The Airport Data To Complement The Breadth Of Info Available Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; 115.80 Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ 10.136”N Long. 122 deg 22 26.008”W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; 115.80 Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ 10.136”N Long. 122 deg 22 26.008”W AIP Grant: AIP No. 3-06- 0221-40 Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No. 3-06- 0221-40 Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No. 3-06- 0221-40 Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No. 3-06- 0221-40 Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 WE CAN DO BETTER NOW! RICHER BY PROVIDING A RICHER DATA SET THE RESULT: COMPLETE A COMPLETE PICTURE FOR NEXTGEN PLANNING
15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 Types of Surveys Surveys are on completed on airports for many different reasons Boundary Construction Utilities Obstruction Each served a single purpose, each was not coordinated sometimes collecting similar or the exact same data Some even happening at the same time!
16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 Other Types of Surveys AC 150/5300-18B for the first time discusses standards for other types of surveys relating to or happening on Airports, most of which you are familiar with Boundary/Land Use Sub Surface Utility Engineering Topographic Airport Mapping Database Construction Airport Pavement
17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 Cat II/III Operations Area Surveys The area of consideration is 3000 feet long 400 feet wide Centered on the runway centerline extended In this area provide only terrain data Classify the terrain using the Contour feature type in Chapter 5.
18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 Cat II/III Operations Area Surveys This is a special topographic survey completed to provide specific information for the installation, maintenance and development of instrument procedures for Category II and III operations. The purpose of this area is to define the terrain within the area, which could provide for false radar altimeter readings. The collection of this information meets the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Annex 15 regarding Area 4.
19 Federal Aviation Administration 19 Airport Mapping (ICAO AREA 3) Plan ViewProfile View
20 Federal Aviation Administration 20 ARP Policy on Permanent Geodetic Control (PACS/SACS) Permanent Control. FAA Regional Airports Divisions will determine which airports require permanent geodetic control monumentation in the form of PACS or SACS based on the activity (operational or proposed future construction) at the airport. However, for all airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), we strongly recommend that at least the PACS be established. AC 150/5300-16, paragraph 2.2 Airports Requiring Geodetic Control Monumentation
21 Federal Aviation Administration 21 Why Do We Require Imagery? The role and importance of airport and aeronautical data in meeting the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation changed significantly with the implementation of area navigation (RNAV), required navigation performance (RNP) and airborne computer based navigation systems. There are 2 reasons we require imagery. quality of the aeronautical informationThe primary reason we require imagery for projects involving safety critical data is to ensure the quality of the aeronautical information collected. Secondly, we feel that the use of imagery is an accurate and potentially cost saving method of collecting this type of data. Current initiatives within aviation industry (moving maps, electronic flight information, advanced avionics) require a data centric airport environment, as opposed to the traditional product based environment.
22 Federal Aviation Administration 22 Independent Verification and Validation of Data Due to the critical nature of some airport features, the FAA requires their independent verification and validation by the Aeronautical Survey Program of the National Geodetic Survey or a designated representative. Typically, these features are those associated with the airport’s movement areas, navigational systems or those affecting navigable flight such as objects surrounding the airport. NGS reviews the Safety Critical Data
23 Federal Aviation Administration 23 What is Safety Critical Data? ICAO Annex 15 defines data as critical when “there is a high probability when using corrupted critical data that the continued safe flight and landing of an aircraft would be severely at risk with the potential for catastrophe.” Today’s navigational databases and advanced avionics in aircraft require the highest integrity data …
24 Federal Aviation Administration 24 Verification vs. Validation objective evidence that the specified requirements are fulfilledVerification: The confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the specified requirements are fulfilled. Verification is necessary to ensure the data set accurately represents the specifications and is uncorrupted. Verification is testing against an independent measurement set (different tools or software) meets the particular requirements of the intended useValidation is the confirmation by examination and provisions of objective evidence showing the data set meets the particular requirements of the intended use. The purpose of the validation process is to demonstrate the data set has sufficient overall integrity to satisfy the requirements for its intended application. Validation answers the questions “is the data reasonable when compared against known data” and “does it meet the identified need.” Validation means is the data reasonable and acceptable
25 Federal Aviation Administration 25 Verification vs. Validation Validation (done by the system) is … you built the product right Verification (done by examination) is … you built the right product!
26 Federal Aviation Administration 26 NGS Verification
27 Federal Aviation Administration 27 Why Do We Require Imagery? “leaving footsteps …” read as must Others should (read as must) be able to retrace the original surveying or mapping product (without having to contact the person who created it!)
28 Federal Aviation Administration 28 What is Needed? Under the Airport Surveying-GIS Program, the collection of airport data consists of … The use of existing data The collection of new data or verification of existing data How do you (or the airport sponsor) determine what data is required? AC 150/5300-18B, Table 2-1 provides information on what is required.
29 Federal Aviation Administration 29 Data Collection Requirements Matrix
30 Federal Aviation Administration 30 Attributes Attributes add alphanumeric descriptors to the geometry of a feature. Attributes typically contain information such as the name, type, or condition of a feature. For example, the attributes of a runway include its designator (e.g., 15R/33L), material type (e.g., concrete) and length (e.g., 6,500 feet). lowerCamelCaseIn this standard attributes are typed in lowerCamelCase letters. Airport sponsors should work with the consultants to completely attribute each feature submitted to the FAA.
31 Federal Aviation Administration 31 Attributes UDDF (Universal Data Delivery Format) delivered data … it was an outline, it did not tell the whole story! This runway entry only shows the geographic position (latitude/longitude, true bearing, touchdown zone elevation, and four (4) elevation points on an 11,500 foot runway.
32 Federal Aviation Administration 32 What Attributes are required and Which are Optional? whole Airport Surveying-GIS program looks at the airport as a whole rather a group of disconnected individual parts…so it should be attributed as a whole. The SOW determines who does what.
33 Federal Aviation Administration 33 What Attributes Are Required and Which Are Optional? All attributes and features located on the airport are required … Some are required from the surveyor Others are required of the sponsor or their consultant The SOW determines who does what
34 Federal Aviation Administration 34 Domain Values or Enumerations Sometimes it is necessary to limit the range of values for an attribute In AC 150/5300-18B use the domain for an attribute to list acceptable values Two Types Code List – provides values but allows others to be input and still be compliant Enumeration List – provides a listing but does not allow users to add to the list … Airports GIS uses enumeration lists.
35 Federal Aviation Administration 35 How Do You Tell That An Attribute Is An Enumeration? Feature Attributes Attribute (Datatype)Description name (String50)The name of the feature description (VARCHAR2(255)) A description of the feature status (Enumeration: codeStatus) A temporal description of the operational status of the feature. This attribute is used to describe real-time status. signType (Enumeration: codeSignTypeCode) The type of sign height (Real)The overall height of the feature
36 Federal Aviation Administration 36 Reading The Enumeration Table
37 Federal Aviation Administration 37 Using Existing Data Many airports have developed and collected data over the years through different projects or planning efforts. This data exists in many forms from drawings in a CADD system, to individual records in databases or through a hardcopy management system Why should we not reuse this data … if its traceable to the source?
38 Federal Aviation Administration 38
39 Federal Aviation Administration 39 Establishing the Number of Field Verification Points The number of required field verification points is dependent on the size and complexity (volume of air traffic) of each airport Using the table (4-3) in conjunction with the acreage and operations information available within an airport’s 5010 form, intersect the columns and rows to establish the number of field verification points required to quality control the legacy datasets for an airport.
40 Federal Aviation Administration 40 Establishing the Number of Field Verification Points Chicago O’Hare has 7,280 acres and 958,643 operations requiring 180 points Nashville International has 3,900 acres and 213,287 operations requires 120 points 213,287 ÷ 958,643 = 0.222488455 120 x 22 % = 26.4 + 120 = 146.4 or 150 x 0.222488455 = 33.4 (150 – 33.4) = 116.6 Δ = 3.6 and 3.4 so yes, the matrix makes sense.
41 Federal Aviation Administration 41 Error Analysis From reviewing similar types of features, an analysis of the errors can show when there are systematic errors that can be corrected or random errors that require data be verified or recollected to meet the accuracies required in AC 150/5300-18B, Chapter 5.
42 Federal Aviation Administration 42 Data Migration Tool The FAA developed the Data Migration Tool (DMT) to assist the data provider in translating their data to comply with the standards established in this AC. The DMT requires Autodesk Civil 3D 2008™ to run. Versions of the DMT for use with other CADD and GIS software will be made available when they are developed and tested. Data in other formats can be imported into Civil Design 3D for use with the DMT The DMT can be downloaded from the Airports GIS web site.
43 Federal Aviation Administration 43 Integrated Data Process Data Submittal to Airport GIS Automatic Validation Type Of Data Submitted Airport GIS Existing Airport Data (FAA DMT) Survey Fail Non-NPIAS Airport NPIAS Airport Fail NGS Verification Pass Corrected
44 Federal Aviation Administration 44 The NGS Datasheet The NGS Data Sheet See file dsdata.txt for more information about the datasheet.dsdata.txt DATABASE =,PROGRAM = datasheet, VERSION = 7.61 1 National Geodetic Survey, Retrieval Date = JULY 29, 2008 JY1548 *********************************************************************** JY1548 CBN - This is a Cooperative Base Network Control Station. JY1548 PACS - This is a Primary Airport Control Station. JY1548 DESIGNATION – AIRBORNE JY1548 PID - JY1548 JY1548 STATE/COUNTY- OH/CLINTON JY1548 USGS QUAD - WILMINGTON (1979) JY1548 JY1548 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL JY1548 __________________________________________________________________ JY1548* NAD 83(2007)- 39 25 40.09606(N) 083 47 51.98199(W) ADJUSTED JY1548* NAVD 88 - 320.98 (meters) 1053.1 (feet) GPS OBS JY1548
45 Federal Aviation Administration 45 Game !! Set !! Match !!!
46 Federal Aviation Administration 46 Why Do We Required Survey and Quality Control Plans? If you have to surveyors measure the same line or determine the same position, you will get two different answers. The differences will be small but there will be differences based on personal experience and other errors inherent to measurement. Survey and Quality Control Plans allow the FAA and NGS as the government’s technical representative to review the consultant’s procedures, equipment, methods and understanding of the requirements prior to work beginning.
47 Federal Aviation Administration 47 Submitting the Plans Submit all plans for evaluation using the Airports GIS system. This allows for everyone (the airport sponsor, the ADO/Region, State DOT, FAA HQ, NGS) to see the plans in a single place. It provides a system for tracking when something was received ands when it was reviewed and approved. It provides traceability of the information for use in future projects.
48 Federal Aviation Administration 48 Last Words … It really doesn’t matter how they collect the data, what coordinate system or unit of measure they use, as long as they tell us what it is. It follows the old adage of instruction … Tell them what you are going to tell them (Survey and Quality control Plan). Tell them (The data and associated deliverables) Tell them what you told them (Final Report)
49 Federal Aviation Administration 49 One Final Thought …
50 Federal Aviation Administration 50 Questions
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