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Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop UNICEF supported data dissemination software (DevInfo)

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop UNICEF supported data dissemination software (DevInfo)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop UNICEF supported data dissemination software (DevInfo)

2 Objectives of Session To introduce participants to DevInfo functionality To outline the new support structures available to help countries disseminate MICS data using technology-based platforms

3 What is DevInfo? DevInfo is a UN-supported initiative that aims to translate large investments in data collection into improved development outcomes through the use of data

4 DevInfo Objectives Easy retrieval of data Analysis of trends over time Multiple sources of data Strengthening national monitoring INDICATORS Database All data compiled in one system A database system that facilitates… Data

5 Other Databases Integration with Existing Systems System Integration The DevInfo database system is designed to be integrated with existing systems through data exchange mechanisms Integration of various tools/formats

6 Customized Databases More than 140 national statistics organizations and other agencies have adapted DevInfo into over 400 versions Adaptable


8 Compliance with statistical standards

9 Data Structure Definition (DSD)

10 1901 INDIA Population Density

11 1911 INDIA Population Density

12 1921 INDIA Population Density

13 1931 INDIA Population Density

14 1941 INDIA Population Density

15 1951 INDIA Population Density

16 1961 INDIA Population Density

17 1971 INDIA Population Density

18 1981 INDIA Population Density

19 1991 INDIA Population Density

20 2001 INDIA Population Density

21 L02 States Population Density INDIA

22 L03 Districts Districts of the State of Tamil Nadu Population Density INDIA

23 L04 Sub-districts Sub- Districts of the State of Tamil Nadu Population Density INDIA

24 50 Point Layer Earthquake Earthquake simulation INDIA 751,000 children

25 Number of students in preschool education


27 DevInfo Online & My Data Demo Ability to upload your own data immediately

28 CME Info Dashboard powered by DevInfo

29 data dashboards


31 Kosovo Census 2011

32 di Profiles

33 Kosovo Census 2011

34 Countdown to 2015 Profiles

35 Old DevInfo Model DSG CSF DIA social media planning newsletters FODs implementation coordination

36 Support (Old Model) DSG “One-stop-shop” under CSF LTA (2009- 2013)  Helpdesk  Software maintenance  Training DevInfoLAC A few ad hoc individual consultants Master Trainer’s Network

37 Support (New Model) Separate: the initiative, software, vendors Multiple LTAS holders -> competition Continue DevInfoLAC model No more “DevInfo Support Group” Encourage individual consultants Open Source Community UNDG Expert Roster coordinated by UNICEF

38 UNDG Expert Roster Formalize UN staff support mechanism Cost-effective support to UNCTs Endorsed by UNDAF Programming Network (UN Development Group / UNDOCO) To be managed jointly by UNSSC and UNICEF

39 Rationale for Change DevInfo implemented by a single service provider for 20 years Master Trainer Network defunct Scope to modernize dissemination tools at lower cost by switching to open-source approach and bringing in new ideas Following recommendations of audit and evaluation activities.

40 Scope of LTAS “Technology-Based Data Dissemination Services” Five service categories with 14 personnel profiles 1. Training and Technical Services (TTS) 2. Mapping 3. Software Development and Maintenance 4. Data-driven Websites 5. Other (Non-Technical) Services

41 Seed Scientific Experience:, UNDP My World visualizations Specialized expertise in data visualization Based in New York, USA

42 ThoughtWorks Larger, global company Experience with UNICEF projects, refactoring code, large software projects Provides different rates for three different localities Based in Chicago, USA

43 SDRC Smaller company with DevInfo experience Excellent references from DevInfo-related work in the Philippines and elsewhere Based in Bhubaneswar, India

44 CSF Previous LTA holder Deep experience with DevInfo implementation Based in Ann Arbor, USA and Delhi, India

45 Using the LTAS Mini-bidding process, to ensure competitive procurement of services Contracting office to prepare detailed scope of services (TOR) Share with LTAS awardees Review technical and financial proposals (based on LTAS daily rates) Select best option DPS to assist throughout this process

46 Using the LTAS DPS involvement strongly suggested due to: –Global perspective of LTAS use –Prevent duplication of services –Ensure projects within scope of LTAS –Sharing best practices –Open source management –Monitoring use against ceiling –Supervisory role for LTAS recipients

47 Open Source Portal Open access to source code Latest version always available Proper documentation Contributions from LTAS holders and others Allow contributions from community Use under appropriate licensing DevInfo Open Source Community Consultant onboard for 6 months

48 Next Steps? What role could DevInfo play, or what other products/approaches should UNICEF take to promote the dissemination and use of MICS data? Should UNICEF update the MICS4 template, based on the new list of indicators and tabulation plan, to produce a MICS5 template i.e. would any countries be interested in that?

49 Contacts For further support with DevInfo : Peter Leth (global UN focal point)

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