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The other side of the story: Female perpetrators and male victims of domestic violence Hilde Pape & Wenche Jonassen.

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Presentation on theme: "The other side of the story: Female perpetrators and male victims of domestic violence Hilde Pape & Wenche Jonassen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The other side of the story: Female perpetrators and male victims of domestic violence Hilde Pape & Wenche Jonassen

2 The feminist movement in different countries put domestic violence on the agenda… …proposing that domestic violence was an expression of women’s subordinate position in society

3 That violence against women is related to gender inequality has become a «mainstream» assumption The occurrence of such violence has been taken as an indication that gender inequality exists An example – related to the UN gender gap index economic position, educational attainment, political enpowerment health/survival


5 Norway has been described as «a heaven for gender equality» […] From However, inequalities remain, including violence against women

6 However, research has shown that not only men, but women too perpetrate violence in intimate relationships (in Norway and elsewhere) Cross-cultural studies: Gender equality pays Gender equality and equal rights for males and females: Treatment programs for violent females Shelters for male victims of domestic violence (?)

7 Norwegian shelters imposed by law Shelters run by NGOs, funded by public means 1. of January 2010: The Law of municipal shelters was put into action

8 The law includes two reforms: (Changes in funding) Shelters are now open to men exposed to violence in intimate relationships

9 Mini pilot study: Men’s problems – 20 cases Physical violence and psycological harassment (female and male partners and spouse) Threat from family due to «wrong» sexual preference of partner Threat of forced marriage Splitting with family

10 Continues…. Sons (18 years+) who come with their moms Other family problems Mental health problems Person lacking identification papers (brought to the shelter by the police)

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