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A look into Deaf Education’s history around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "A look into Deaf Education’s history around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 A look into Deaf Education’s history around the world.

2  Ancient Egypt and Greece  Egypt honored deaf people and believed gods blessed them with deafness  Ancient Greeks honored spoken Greek.  Anyone who couldn’t speak were considered Barbarians

3  First Teachers of Deaf: Spain  1520- Ponce De Leon developed a manual alphabet  1550- Licenciado Lasso theory opposes Aristotle; believes deaf can learn

4  Early Teachers of Deaf  1550- Geronimo Cardano- Italian who taught his deaf son through writing and home signs.  1615- Manuel Ramirez de Carrion- develops method of education with speech.

5  Methods are Growing  1620-Juan Pablo Martin Bonet’s method is published.  1783- Braidwood method is developed (manual/sign)

6  Schools for the Deaf  1778 Samuel Heinicke- Opened the first deaf institution in Leipzig, Germany. Used an oral/aural method of instruction.  1762- Abbe' de l'Épée opens first free public school for the deaf in France. Which 2 countries believed in oral method? Which 2 countries believed in manual?

7  Schools in America  1817- American School for the Deaf established  1857- Edward Miner Gallaudet helps establish Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Blind in Washington, DC

8  Rise of the Oral/Audio Method  1867- Clarke School for the Deaf. First Deaf school to promote Oral/Audio Method.  Alexander Graham Bell- Opposed Sign Language

9   International Conference devoted to Deaf Education  Oral/Audio vs. Manual Method  Decision: Pure Oral Method is deemed better than Sign Language.  Sign Language is now banned.  “Dark Age of Deaf Culture”  National Association of the Deaf is established Milan Conference of 1880

10   V_GUM5s8zpoHWw74X7QDkL1 V_GUM5s8zpoHWw74X7QDkL1  Deaf President Now (DPN) Write the 4 demands of the protesters.

11   Signed Exact English (SEE)  Morphemic Signed English (MSE)  Cued Speech  Total Communication  Conceptually Accurate Signed English (CASE)  Also known as Pidgin Signed English (PSE) or Contact Sign. ASL signs with English grammar Write the names and definitions of each Sign English System Signed English Systems

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