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Abraham Lincoln By Lincoln Dubej. Life Information Date of Birth-Feb. 12, 1809 Place of Birth-Kentucky. He is dead.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham Lincoln By Lincoln Dubej. Life Information Date of Birth-Feb. 12, 1809 Place of Birth-Kentucky. He is dead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham Lincoln By Lincoln Dubej

2 Life Information Date of Birth-Feb. 12, 1809 Place of Birth-Kentucky. He is dead.

3 Why is this person famous? 1.My person is Abraham Lincoln and he freed the slaves. 2.He was our 16 th President!

4 1.He was born in Kentucky. 2.He freed the slaves. 3.He lived in a log cabin. 4.He never lied. 5.He was shot in a movie theater. Facts about Abe:

5 This information was taken from: 1. ts/abrahamlincoln ts/abrahamlincoln

6 The End Thanks for watching!

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