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Presented by Sylvia Schneider. Technology has made it faster and easier to stay in touch. But people are less connected today than ever before. More competition.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Sylvia Schneider. Technology has made it faster and easier to stay in touch. But people are less connected today than ever before. More competition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Sylvia Schneider

2 Technology has made it faster and easier to stay in touch. But people are less connected today than ever before. More competition in the marketplace. Less customer loyalty.


4 The cost of acquiring a new customer is 4-30 times more than the cost of keeping an existing one (depending on the industry or market sector your customers are in). 5% improvement in customer retention equals 25%-85% improvement in profitability. 62% of your customers are not taking advantage of all of the products or services you offer.

5 WHAT CAN YOU DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE ?… Become more intentional about getting to know people as people. Make them feel valued by expressing appreciation for their business. Build a know-like-trust relationship. Increase Top-of-Mind awareness so that your customers remember you.

6 Relationship Marketing The better you are at MASTERING RELATIONSHIPS, the better you will be at thriving in your personal and business life. Why? People can research anything online they want to gain knowledge about. You really have to differentiate yourself by showing people how much you care about them.

7 Relationship Marketing Relationship Marketing is about focusing on the first word, RELATIONSHIP, over the second word, MARKETING. 80/20 Rule Focus on building Relationships 80% of the time, and Marketing 20% of the time.

8 Mary Kay Ash’s key to success: “Make your people feel important.” She taught her beauty consultants to send three handwritten thank you notes every night before going to bed. Mary Kay Cosmetics ($4 billion empire)

9 Tom Hopkin’s Thank you Note Habit Within 5 years he went from making less than $50 a month in Real Estate to building an ANNUAL sales volume of over $14 million SECRET WEAPON: 10 hand-written thank you cards every single day Result: 99% of his business was by referral within 3 years

10 Tom Hopkins: Thank You Note Habit Thank you for talking with me on the telephone. Thank you for meeting with me. Thank you for your business. Thank you for your kind referral. Thank you for the excellent service you have provided for me. Thank you for taking your time to consider letting me serve you (after first refusal). Thank you for taking your time to analyze my services (after they bought from someone else). Thank you for using our service/product (sent at one year anniversary).

11 Joe Girard was born during the great depression in one of the most deplorable ghettos in Detroit. How successful did Joe become? The Guinness Book of World Records: "World's Greatest Retail Salesman" for 12 consecutive years. Sold an average of 6 cars every day. Sold 13,001 cars during his selling career… all at retail. What was his secret? He built and maintained relationships. Joe sent 13 cards to each of his prospects and clients every year. He created top-of-mind awareness by keeping in touch with them.

12 What kinds of cards did Joe send?* Thank you notes Cards of encouragement Cards of congratulations (wedding, baby, job promotion) Birthday cards Holiday cards (Season’s Greetings, Valentines, etc.) Helpful news and information Small gifts to his best customers and referral partners *An automated system was not available at the time, so Joe hired three full-time employees to buy his cards and hand write messages for him.

13 WBN Girl’s Night Out

14 Apology Card I Mailed for Canceling an Appointment I got the second appointment!

15 Relationship Marketing 1.Reach out in the spirit of Building Relationships first (80% of the time) and marketing second (20% of the time). 2.Build a personal brand with friendship, celebration and service. People don’t buy your service, people buy YOU. Make sure they remember you when they decide to make a buying decision - stay in touch! 3.Master the bridge between high-tech and personal touch. Find a convenient system that works for you and start making good use of your rolodex.

16 Relationship Marketing So, How do you do this? You become an expert by creating new habits, and those habits start with little things and work their way up to bigger things. Three Key Areas to Relationship Marketing: 1.Relationship with Self 2.Personal Relationships 3.Business Relationships

17 Relationship Marketing 1.FOR YOUR SELF 1.Read positive books. 2.Listen to positive tapes. 3.Never go to bed after watching the news. 4.Go to bed after you read or listen to something positive (this helps your subconscious mind focus on good thoughts/vibes.) 5.Know WHY you are in business. This will keep you motivated when the going gets tough.

18 Relationship Marketing 1.FOR PERSONAL 1.Always smile at others, everywhere you go. 2.Say hello to people and express positive greetings. 3.Open doors, give people the parking space and let people in traffic. 4.Always be pleasant, you never know who you are talking to. 5.Say please and thank you. 6.Listen more than you speak. 7.Share compliments and appreciation daily.

19 Relationship Marketing 1.FOR BUSINESS 1.Make a list of everyone you know and put them in a Contact manager. 2.Organize each one into 3 categories: 1) Contacts 2) Prospects 3) Customers 3.Always add people to your list and move them through these 3 categories. 4.Take detailed notes on all of your contacts. 5.Reach out in the spirit of RELATIONSHIP 80% of the time. 6.Listen more than you speak and always make it about them and how you can help solve their problems. Be genuine.

20 Relationship Marketing 1.MY RECOMMENDATIONS 1.When you meet someone new send them a “Nice to Meet You” card. 2.When someone gives you a referral send them a “Thank You For the Referral” card. 3.Celebrate birthdays (most people only receive one birthday card a year and that is either from their mother/father or spouse). 4.Find others reasons to stay in touch! Reach out to each contact at least 3 – 4 times a year. New house, new baby, graduation, award, etc. You are building a relationship.

21 Harvey Mackay #1 Best Selling Author “Find a unique way to stay in touch with your “rolodex” a few times a year”

22 Harvey Mackay says: “Bottom line: Business is all about building relationships. If you want to make more money and enjoy more lifestyle, you have to build better relationships than the next person. SendOutCards helps to do that both personally and professionally. It’s the first company I have ever endorsed because it fits perfectly with my philosophy. You would have to be crazy not to use it.” - Harvey McKay

23 The Fortune is in the Follow-Up! Why Multiple Contacts?

24 Do you say to yourself, “I can’t afford it!” ? Then you and I need to seriously have a 1-to-1

25 Actually -- you can’t afford NOT to! In fact, your competition is hoping you don’t.

26 “It doesn’t matter how much someone knows, likes and trusts you if they don’t REMEMBER you when they’re ready to make a buying decision.” - Kathy Paauw The Key = TOP-OF-MIND Relationship Marketing can & will help you do that!

27 Relationship Marketing is the most powerful marketing of all... "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou Be remembered as someone who makes others feel VALUED!


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