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Welcome Back!. Windows 7 What you need to know Microsoft is no longer supporting XP Over the summer all computers were upgraded to Windows 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!. Windows 7 What you need to know Microsoft is no longer supporting XP Over the summer all computers were upgraded to Windows 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!

2 Windows 7

3 What you need to know Microsoft is no longer supporting XP Over the summer all computers were upgraded to Windows 7

4 What was XP: Logging In

5 What is 7: Logging In

6 What was XP: Logging In

7 What is 7: Logging In

8 What was XP: Home screen

9 What is 7: Home screen

10 What was: Email Web-Based

11 What is 7: Email Outlook Client

12 Outlook 2010 Faster and SPELL CHECK!

13 Outlook 2010 - Inbox

14 Printers With Windows 7, your printer may not work. Please take the following steps: – Print a document – If you are unable to print, ask your school’s secretary if there is a network printer near the kitchen you can use. – Email this information to your program manager. Printer name and location (RCH 5000, Lewis Office)

15 Voicemail There is a new general password for all schools, do not change this password. In the event you are absent, managers and rovers can easily check voicemail

16 Phone Greetings Over the summer, we went through each voicemail greeting. If the school’s name was not given and/or the employee no longer works for our department, the greeting was changed.

17 What is: Locking the Computer Ctrl – Alt – Del

18 What is: Locking the Computer

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