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KANSAS CITY, GOOGLE, DIGITAL DIVIDE Google Fiber as a catalyst for digital inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "KANSAS CITY, GOOGLE, DIGITAL DIVIDE Google Fiber as a catalyst for digital inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 KANSAS CITY, GOOGLE, DIGITAL DIVIDE Google Fiber as a catalyst for digital inclusion

2 Presenters Moderator: Angela Siefer, Senior Research Associate, Center for Digital Inclusion, University of Illinois Angela Siefer Panelists:  R. Crosby Kemper III, Executive Director, Kansas City Public Library R. Crosby Kemper III  Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner, Deputy Executive Director, Kansas City Public Library Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner  Erica Swanson, Program Manager, Digital Inclusion, Google Fiber Erica Swanson  Michael Liimatta, President, Connecting for Good Michael Liimatta #SHLBConf2014

3 GOOGLE FIBER AND LIBRARY INITIATIVES Crosby Kemper III – Executive Director of the Kansas City Public Library

4 Google Fiber in Kansas City  Library host and venue for community meetings and conversations  Google Fiber Rollout and Fiberhoods  Public Building Connections (Free for 10 Years)  Mobilization of the community to insure connections of libraries  Digital Divide and Importance of Anchor Institutions  Mobility (40% of the Students in the District)  Catalyst for increased collaboration

5 Library Initiatives and Strategies  Digital Media Labs  Mobile Apps  Literacy Centers  Creative Commons  Software Lending Library

6 Library Initiatives and Strategies  MOOCs – Digital and Physical Spaces  Local Khan Academy – Emphasis on Local Content and Resources  Connected Learning and the Social Aspects of a Local Khan Academy  David McCullough intro to Jackson County history, Best 8th Grade Algebra teacher lecture  Partnership with Rockhurst University to create lesson plans for Meet the Past based on curricula  Writers at Work programs integrated with UMKC curricular program in high schools

7 Library Initiatives and Strategies  Collaboration with Rebecca Solnit and UMKC on a Community Geo History Initiative  UMKC Innovation Center - Proof of Concept center for the KC region  Gigabit Access for Entrepreneurs and Small Business

8 GOOGLE’S DIGITAL INCLUSION EFFORTS Erica Swanson - Program Manager of Digital Inclusion at Google Fiber

9 Addressing affordability as a barrier to Internet service Gigabit Internet Gigabit + TV Free Internet $70/m $120/m $0/m $300 construction fee (payable @$25 x 12mo) No recurring monthly fee for a minimum 7 years 2 year contract 1 year contract

10 Building partnerships & trainings that drive digital literacy

11 Creating an ecosystem of support for local digital inclusion work

12 CONNECTING FOR GOOD Michael Liimatta, President Connecting for Good

13 Google’s Kansas City Digital Divide Study  Non-users are older, African Americans, Hispanic less educated, and make less than $25K. AgeKC Pop. Non- users 18-2410%2% 25-3420%7% 35-4420%10% 45-5418%15% 55-6415%19% 65-748%17% 75+7%27% 44% of Seniors are Non-Users IncomeKC Pop.Non- Users Less than 25K19%42% $25 - $50K23%21% $50-$75K17%9% $75 -$100K14%3% 100K +15%4% 42% of those who make less than 25K are non-users

14 Google Study Contd... EducationKC Pop.Non- Users High School or Less 31%64% Some College 25%20% College or More 41%11% Less educated are heavily disadvantaged EthnicityKC Pop.Non-Users White59%35% Hispanic9%8% African American 26%46% African Americans and Hispanics are heavily disadvantaged Other Data not Google’s but from the Kansas City School District is that 70% of their kids do not have access at home

15 Broadband Adoption by Household

16 About Connecting for Good  Nonprofit organization that has been working to bridge the Digital Divide in the Kansas City metro area since 2011. Digital Divide  Dedicated to making sure that everyone has access to Broadband regardless of their incomes.  Believe in connectivity in the home.  Wireless Internet Service Provider: Uses wireless microwave technology to bring Internet access to low income families via WiFi mesh networks.WiFi mesh networks  Free Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the city.  Low cost refurbished PCs.  Digital life skills classes.  Technology assistance to nonprofit organizations.

17 Current Activities  Promoted low cost Google to underserved neighborhoods - 7 years of 5 Mb connectivity for $300.  Free Wi-Fi Internet to over 500 households at three low income housing projects.  Provided over 600 refurbished low cost computers.  Over 1000 have been trained in Digital Life Skills.  Community Computing Centers.

18 KANSAS CITY DIGITAL INCLUSION ALLIANCE Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner, Deputy Executive Director Kansas City Public Library

19 Vision Various organizations including the Library up to now have undertaken many individual efforts to try and address the digital divide but a larger opportunity exists for Kansas City to transform itself by putting in place a community wide collaborative effort to narrow the divide.

20 Goals  Produce a community wide plan and create a joint vision for adaption and delivery.  Barriers to access are removed through proximity, connectivity, affordability, quantity and collaboration.  Access to free internet, public Wi-Fi, public computing centers, low cost computers, digital literacy, job resources, education resources, and health resources.  Public Computing Centers in libraries, schools, public housing, churches, community centers, senior centers, social service agencies etc.,  Inclusive: Immigrants and those with disabilities.  Funding and Fundraising Plan.

21 Action Plan  KC Digital Inclusion Portal  Digital Inclusion Summit  Formation of an official KC Digital Inclusion Alliance Leadership Team  Planning Grant

22 Working Group  Connecting For Good  City of Kansas City  Kansas City Kansas Public Library  Kansas City Public Library  Kansas City School District  LINC  Mid-Continent Public Library  Metropolitan Community Colleges  YMCA  Housing Authority  Parks and Recreation  Kansas City Digital Drive  Urban Tech

23 Presenters Moderator: Angela Siefer, Senior Research Associate, Center for Digital Inclusion, University of Illinois Panelists:  R. Crosby Kemper III, Executive Director, Kansas City Public Library  Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner, Deputy Executive Director, Kansas City Public Library  Erica Swanson, Program Manager, Digital Inclusion, Google Fiber  Michael Liimatta, President, Connecting for Good #SHLBConf2014

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