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the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers Renzo Rubele President of Eurodoc ERA-MORE Launching event of the Greek Mobility Centres.

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2 the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers Renzo Rubele President of Eurodoc ERA-MORE Launching event of the Greek Mobility Centres Network Thessaloniki, 5 th November 2004 Widening Europe for Young Researchers

3 Eurodoc is the federation of the national associations of PhD candidates and junior researchers in Europe What is eurodoc ? Members Individualcontacts Applying for membership

4  Bologna declaration, 1999  Lisbon strategy, 2000, "3% objective" in R&D  Knowledge-based society: a challenge for Europe Why was eurodoc founded ?  PhD candidates’ associations from Europe met in Uppsala, Sweden, in February 2001  Need for an official frame of representation and discussion at the European level  02-02-02  Foundation and 1 st annual meeting Eurodoc 2002 in Girona, Spain Eurodoc 2002 in Girona, Spain

5  7-member Board  Annual Conference (Eurodoc 2004 in Athens)  Delegates representing countries from all Europe  Workgroups for a number of priority issues:  PhD Supervision & Training  International Mobility  Professional Future  Labour Conditions  Gender Equality  Communication How does eurodoc work ?

6 Mobile researchers: building a value for Europe  International dimension of research  Manifold ways for a mobility experience  Go out for a research degree  Period of stay abroad during a research degree programme  Doctoral networks/joint degrees/co-tutelle arrangements  Postdoctoral position  Network of scientific collaborations  Sabbatical/Leave of absence  Personal development – new environment  Fight inbreeding and bad practices of localism  Mobility can be also disciplinary/sectorial

7 The mobility gradient in Europe  South-north and east-west  Environment for research  Economic treatment  Academia-industry relationships  Professional future  Visibility and social role All this is true in general for the Europe-USA relationship

8 Foreign Ph.D. candidates Source: OECD

9 Bologna Process with 3 tiers « […] Ministers consider it necessary to go beyond the present focus on two main cycles of higher education to include the doctoral level as the third cycle in the Bologna Process. […] Ministers call for increased mobility at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels and encourage the institutions concerned to increase their cooperation in doctoral studies and the training of young researchers. […] » Berlin Communiqué of Ministers, 19 th september 2003

10 The doctorate as the 3 rd cycle Problems  National and local traditions prevail – laws and rules vary a lot among departments and disciplines  To what extent might it be useful to introduce common structures? Similar practice? The ECTS credit system? The Diploma Supplement? Qualification frameworks? Evidence  Doctoral programmes are the link between Higher Education and Research  Everywhere in Europe candidates must defend a thesis in front of a committee, with original research

11  Identification of best practices at the international level  Discussion of relevant problems, exchange of experience  Evaluation of institutions and of the funding agencies  Partecipation in the External Advisory Group of the Marie Curie Actions, public interventions, conferences Working Group on International Mobility and surveys on countries…

12  Family-related issues (10)  Financial issues (10)  Loss of reintegration prospects in the country of origin (9)  Bureaucratic/Administrative obstacles (6)  Language problems (5)  Social and Cultural problems (5)  Lack of information (5)  Difficult transfer of social benefits (4)  Lack of international networking (3)  Opposition by the supervisor (2) Reported obstacles to mobility

13 Defining a professional profile  Which identity for a researcher? Necessity to build on the existing definitions (e.g. Frascati Manual) and deepen our understanding of various practices  What are duties and rights? Address the mixing of researching, administrating research and communicating the results of research  Consider the various environments: disciplinary, geographical, employer type, contract type, position of responsibility, …  Young researchers’ concerns: "status" of doctoral candidates, post-docs; openness, perspectives …

14 Annual Conference Annual Conference Strasbourg, 10-13 march 2005 Annual Conference Annual Conference Strasbourg, 10-13 march 2005 eurodoc Web site: Contact:

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