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Ifremer : Sophie Leonardi, Emilie Leblond, Patrick Berthou, Youen Vermard, Martial Laurans Cefas : Georg Engelhard, Fabrizio Manco Action 6.1. Exploitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ifremer : Sophie Leonardi, Emilie Leblond, Patrick Berthou, Youen Vermard, Martial Laurans Cefas : Georg Engelhard, Fabrizio Manco Action 6.1. Exploitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ifremer : Sophie Leonardi, Emilie Leblond, Patrick Berthou, Youen Vermard, Martial Laurans Cefas : Georg Engelhard, Fabrizio Manco Action 6.1. Exploitation data

2 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Objectives Exploitation data in CHARM 3 Atlas : Fishing effort and landings for main gears and main exploited species  Using different available data sources Community Fishing Fleet Register Logbook : long-term information, coarse scale (ICES rectangle) VMS : from 2005 only, fine-scale effort data  Common UK-FR methodology and presentation Common concepts (fleet / metier…) and referential data (gear, species…) Comparison of FR and UK data availability Common methodology for data analyses (especially for VMS )  Underlining the lack of information and the reliability of data : Logbooks and VMS are not exhaustive  identification of percentage of vessels without logbooks among the whole fishing fleet active in the Channel

3 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Our approach Comprehensive view of vessels active in the Channel (FR, UK, foreign) Vessels characteristics Reliability of data Main gearsMain species Vessels characteristics Fishing effort Landings Vessels characteristics Landings Percentage of vessels transmitting log-books or national fishing forms  Specific methodologies for : Identification and selection of vessels active in the Channel VMS data analyses

4 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Data sources How can we identify vessels active in the Channel that do not return log-books ? - UK vessels - FR vessels before 2000 ? To identify vessels active in the Channel and to estimate indicators

5 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Selection of vessels active in the Channel Proposition of methodology for French vessels without log-books: Criterion for decision rules based on Fleet Register : vessel length, port of registration Rules checked with activity calendars for 2000 – 2008 Rules applied for French vessels without log-books / national fishing forms before 2000

6 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Avant 2000 : ex 1999 French vessels in the Community Fishing Fleet Register : 4341 Identification of statistical rectangles in the Channel (7D + 7E) Resident vessels : 1771Non resident vessels : 2570 Use of log-books / national fishing forms LB / NFF (1079 vessels – 60%) No LB / NFF (692 vessels – 40%) Activity in the Channel based on LB / NFF Activity in the Channel based on decision rules 81 vessels not active in the Channel 688 vessels active in the Channel 4 vessels not active in the Channel LB / NFF (1532 vessels – 60%) No LB / NFF (1038 vessels – 40%) Activity in the Channel based on LB / NFF 179 vessels active in the Channel Activity in the Channel based on decision rules 1353 vessels not active in the Channel 10 vessels active in the Channel 1028 vessels not active in the Channel An example : selection of French vessels active in the Channel in 1999 998 vessels active in the Channel 1875 vessels active in the Channel 698 (37%) without log-books

7 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Perspectives :  Cefas to apply similar methodology to identify UK Channel vessels (based on experts knowledge when no log-books?)  To use VMS data to improve the identification of Channel vessels (FR, UK, foreign) from 2005 Selection of vessels active in the Channel

8 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES VMS data processing Two different methodologies between Ifremer and Cefas - Geographical allocation of effort - Speed threshold Ifremer : FR vessels are fishing when net speed < 4,5 knots  working on specifying threshold per gear Cefas : UK vessels are fishing when net speed = [1;6] knots  French methodology maybe more accurate but less easy to run A B AxAx BxBx Ifremer : hypothesis of straight-line tracks between two VMS spots. Allocation of effort per cell of the grid. Cefas : Allocation of total effort between 2 spots to cell where is located the point B.

9 French vessels in the UK waters (2008) VMS data processing IfremerCefas IfremerCefas UK vessels in the French waters

10 VMS data processing Perspectives Globally, results seem to be similar with both methodologies at a coarse scale. More differences with a fine-scale resolution; Ifremer and Cefas are currently applying their own methodology on common data set  comparison and choice of a common methodology.

11 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Indicators: proposition for UK & FR vessels active in the Channel Characteristics of vessels Length, power, age, geographical origin… Reliability of data Number and % of vessels without log-books : trends by length categories Main gears Fishing effort: fishing time (hrs) by length categories ( = 15m) geographical distribution, trends Landings: trends by length categories, seasonality by species Technical characteristics of vessels Main species Landings: geographical distribution and trends by length categories, seasonality by gears Technical characteristics of vessels

12 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Resident vessels Evolution of resident vessels of the Channel. French vessels UK vessels 19992009Evol. UK3 7002 200- 40% FR2 6001 500- 42% 2009 - vessels <10m : 50% 2009 - vessels <10m : 85% FR resident vessels: 5 – 10% not active in the Channel FR vessels active in the Channel : 10 – 16% are non resident

13 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES French vessels active in the Channel: Characteristics % of vessels per length categories 1999 - 2009 Pyramid of ages : 1999 - 2009 Evolution of the capacity Nb of vessels : -11% Total power : -7% 1999 Average age: 18 2009 Average age: 22

14 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES French vessels active in the Channel: geographic origin

15 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Reliability of data Vessels returning log-books (and national fishing forms) 1999 : 63% 2009 : 90%  Improvement of the reliability of data % of vessels returning log- books by length

16 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES French vessels active in the Channel: main gears used 10 main gears used  Individual sheet on fishing effort and landings Number of vessels and number of months of activity per gear (average on 2006-2008) Source : Log-books

17 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Demersal otter trawls : fishing effort Vessels <15m Vessels >=15m

18 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Demersal otter trawls: landings Vessels <15m Vessels >=15m Seasonality

19 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Indicators Perspectives: Assessment of dependence rate for vessels active in the Channel Indicators on foreign (non UK-FR) vessels active in the Channel : characteristics, fishing effort (VMS)

20 ACTION 6.1 EXPLOITATION DATA – 26-28/10/10, RENNES Thank you for your attention….. … any questions ?

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