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Where is Harm’s Way? (Mapping Disaster Risk in the Philippines)

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Harm’s Way? (Mapping Disaster Risk in the Philippines)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Harm’s Way? (Mapping Disaster Risk in the Philippines)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Manila Observatory 15 March 2005

2 Can you guess this hazard?

3 And this one…

4 Where does the money go?

5 Disaster Language Risk = Hazard x Exposure x Vulnerability Risk
likelihood of harm, loss, disaster Hazard physical impact of disturbance Exposure elements affected by hazard Vulnerability capacity of community to prepare, absorb, recover from hazard Risk = Hazard x Exposure x Vulnerability

6 Risk = H x E x V

7 Hazards Natural Anthropogenic Typhoon Drought (El Nino)
Earthquake (Tremor, Landslide) Volcano Tsunami Anthropogenic Deforestation Mining Climate change (historical, projected)

8 Hazard: Typhoon Data source: Joint Typhoon Warning Center ( )

9 Hazard: Drought (El Nino)
Data source: IPCC Data Distribution Centre-Climate Research Unit

10 Hazard: Earthquake

11 Hazard: Landslide (E-quake)

12 Hazard: Volcano

13 Hazard: Tsunami

14 Hazard: Deforestation

15 Hazard: Mining

16 Hazard: Climate change (historical rain, temperature)
Source: IPCC Data Distribution Centre-Climate Research Unit

17 Hazard: Climate change (projected warming)
Source: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

18 Hazard: Climate change (projected rainfall)
Source: Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

19 Exposure Population Natural habitat Conservation areas Groundwater

20 Exposure (Population)
Data source: NSO, (Population in 2000)

21 Exposure (Natural Habitat)

22 Exposure (conservation areas)

23 Exposure (groundwater)

24 Vulnerability Human Development Index Urban centers
Education Health Economy Urban centers Socio-eco pressures Transport

25 Vulnerability (HDI)

26 Vulnerability (urban centers)

27 Vulnerability (socio-eco pressure)

28 Vulnerability (transport)

29 Risk Typhoon Drought (El Nino) Earthquake (tremor, landslide) Tsunami
Volcano Climate Change (temperature, rainfall)

30 Risk: Typhoon

31 Risk: Drought (El Nino)

32 Risk: Earthquake

33 Risk: Landslide (Earthquake)

34 Risk: Tsunami

35 Risk: Volcano

36 Risk: Climate Change (Temperature)

37 Risk: Climate Change (Rainfall)

38 In sum, harm’s way: Typhoon Drought (El Nino)
Luzon (north, southeast), Visayas (east) Drought (El Nino) Mindanao (central, west) Earthquake (tremor, landslide) + Tsunami Northwest to southeast diagonal across RP Volcano Luzon (west central, south, southeast), Visayas (central, east), Mindanao (central) Climate Change Temperature: Mindanao, Visayas (central) Rainfall: Luzon (central, south, southeast), Visayas (east)

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