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Gyrosensor, color sensor and ultrasonic sensor SOME OF YOU WILL ALSO TRY YOUR HAND AT THE INFRARED SENSOR.

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Presentation on theme: "Gyrosensor, color sensor and ultrasonic sensor SOME OF YOU WILL ALSO TRY YOUR HAND AT THE INFRARED SENSOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gyrosensor, color sensor and ultrasonic sensor SOME OF YOU WILL ALSO TRY YOUR HAND AT THE INFRARED SENSOR.

2 Basic guidelines  Robot starts at the ‘x’ and must use the two lines in helping you get your cans back to the landing zone. All three sensors must be used. Robots will begin with them positioned back to back but you can aim at the can you want. Notice that the cans are clumped together. Your collecting strategy must be able to overcome this. As we did on this last competition your goal is the most in the fastest time. We will go over a detailed rubric, but for full points you must get two cans in the landing zone AND develop some defensive plan.

3 Sensor Max map L Start X Landing zone

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