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Therapeutic Exercise Using Swiss Balls and Foam Rollers Adam R. Freeman, Ed. S., ATC.

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Presentation on theme: "Therapeutic Exercise Using Swiss Balls and Foam Rollers Adam R. Freeman, Ed. S., ATC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Therapeutic Exercise Using Swiss Balls and Foam Rollers Adam R. Freeman, Ed. S., ATC

2 Challenges of Swiss Balls Used for flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance Open and closed chain activities Makes simple activities more complex

3 Increasing the Difficulty Add weights, tubing, bands or manual resistance Push-ups become more difficult when the ball is moved under the shins

4 What do I need to get started? Physioball / rubber ball from toy store No belt buckles: Only athletic clothes Tennis shoes Restrain hair Do not bounce the balls

5 Baseball Specific Exercises Trunk rotation Medicine balls require more proprioception Develops core body strength Involves more muscles

6 Bridging Exercises Strengthens the back extensors and hamstrings Increases control of body’s center of gravity Prone bridging (right)improves gluteal group and lower abdominals

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