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Microsoft ® Lync™ Server 2010 Bandwidth Management and Call Admission Control Module 15 Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft ® Lync™ Server 2010 Bandwidth Management and Call Admission Control Module 15 Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft ® Lync™ Server 2010 Bandwidth Management and Call Admission Control Module 15 Microsoft Corporation

2 Agenda Objectives Solution Overview Differentiators Planning and Provisioning 2

3 Problem Bandwidth Finite resource Difficult to “right provision” Affects real-time traffic and all other traffic Call Admission Control Control utilization of real-time traffic 3

4 Experience: OCS 2007 and OCS 2007 R2 User Impact Additional calls can always be placed Oversubscription affects all users Network Impact How to plan? Workarounds Set MaxAudioVideoBandwidth Disable Video DiffServ 4

5 Experience: Lync Server 2010 User Impact Calls are rejected if they result in oversubscription Guaranteed voice/video quality Network Impact Can now be architectured Protect network against unexpected spikes Off-load media through Internet Reroute voice traffic through Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) 5

6 Call Admission Control (CAC) Rich capabilities Reroute or fail session Fully configurable Dynamically enforced by link and media type Cost effective Simple – no additional physical servers required No requirement for specific network hardware or integration Unified Communications modality support Audio Video Customizable Customizable to meet customer needs 6

7 Concepts Allow/deny calls based on bandwidth Different implementations Same goals Not necessarily same design Not necessarily compatible 7

8 Call Admission Control Solution overview WAN link Site 3 Site 1 Policy Response Send response Accept call Reroute Reject invite Send response Accept call Reroute Reject invite Site 2 Policy Request Status synchronization Policy service 8

9 Link 1 Call Admission Control Re-route overview Internet PSTN 9

10 CAC – Bandwidth Policy Service Installed on one pool in each site Integrated High Availability (requires Enterprise Edition) Synchronized across pools Managed through Windows PowerShell™ Transparent to client applications 10

11 Requirements Internet Protocol (IP) subnets should map to geo- locations Media terminating endpoints must be Lync 2010 Clients Pools (including multipoint control units (MCUs)) Mediation Server Edge Server 11

12 Recommendations Profiling user utilization of network is useful in defining CAC policies Configure Quality of Service (QoS) and use in conjunction with CAC policies 12

13 Planning Process 1. Identify network hubs/backbones > network regions 2. Identify the locations within network regions > network sites 3. Determine the IP subnet(s) assigned to each network site 4. Identify the links that connect network regions For each link: a. Determine the maximum BW capacity b. Define the BW capacity (CAC policy) 5. Determine the preferred network route between every pair of network regions 13

14 UC Session Bandwidth Costs Bandwidth numbers include overhead for framing, encryption, and IP routing information in addition to actual encoded media and based on 20ms audio p-times Typical bandwidth values bit rate are measurements of typical activity level values under good network conditions (i.e. no FEC for audio sessions) Typical bandwidth number can be used for capacity planning to assess if a network should be considered “right provisioned” Upper Limit numbers can be used for initial capacity planning Monitor actual Bandwidth usage of UC sessions and then refine 14 Audio/Video Capacity Planning for Peer-to-Peer Sessions Audio/Video Capacity Planning for Conferences Audio Capacity Planning for PSTN MediaCodec Typical stream bandwidth (Kbps) Maximum stream bandwidth without FEC Maximum stream bandwidth with FEC AudioRTAudio Wideband39.86291 Audio RTAudio Narrowband 29.344.856.6 Main video CIFRTVideo220260Not applicable Main video VGARTVideo508610Not applicable Main video HDRTVideo12101510Not applicable Panoramic videoRTVideo269360Not applicable AudioG.72246.1100.6164.6 AudioSiren25.552.668.6 Main video CIFRTVideo220260Not applicable Main video VGARTVideo508610Not applicable Panoramic videoRTVideo269360Not applicable AudioG.71164.897161 Audio RTAudio Narrowband 30.944.856.6

15 Example: Identify Network Regions Identify network hubs and backbones Identify central site for each network region 15

16 Example: Identify Network Sites Sites with no bandwidth constraint Sites with Bandwidth constraint Collect following information: Total bandwidth capacity of the WAN link Bandwidth limit for audio Per Session Bandwidth limit for audio Bandwidth limit for video Per Session Bandwidth limit for video Site 1Region Bandwidt h (kbps) Audio limit (kbps) Audio session limit (kbps) Video limit (kbps) Video session limit (kbps) RenoNorth America1000040002002800700 PortlandNorth America500020002001400700 AlbuquerqueNorth America500020002001400700 ChicagoNorth America- DetroitNorth America- New YorkNorth America- WAN capacity – 5 mbps Audio limit – 2 mbps Audio session limit – 200 kbps Video limit – 1.4 mpbs Video session limit – 700 kbps 16

17 Example: Identify Cross Links NameSite 1Site 2Bandwidth (kbps)Audio limit (kbps) Audio session limit (kbps) Video limit (kbps) Video session limit (kbps) RENO-ALBU- CROSSLINK RenoAlbuquerqu e 20000120002005000700 17

18 Example: Populate IP Subnets per Network Site SiteRegion Bandwidth (kbps) Audio limit (kbps) Audio session limit (kbps) Video limit (kbps) Video session limit (kbps) Subnets RenoNorth America1000040002002800700,,, … PortlandNorth America500020002001400700172.29.77.0/24, AlbuquerqueNorth America500020002001400700172.29.79.0/23,,… ChicagoNorth America-, DetroitNorth America-, New YorkNorth America-,,… 18

19 Example: Identify Routes Between Network Regions NameRegion 1Region 2Network link NA-EMEA-ROUTENorth AmericaEMEANA-APAC-LINK, EMEA-APAC-LINK EMEA-APAC-ROUTEEMEAAPACEMEA-APAC-LINK NA-APAC-ROUTENorth AmericaAPACNA-APAC-LINK 19

20 Example Scenario CAC profile typeWAN link per session audio limit Available audioWAN link per session video limit Available videoPer user app sharing limit Optimized for Session Count (w/ Wide Band P2P) 60 kbpsRTAudio NB + FEC Siren + FEC RTAudio WB (no FEC) 250 kbpsRTVideo – CIF (15fps)256 kbps Balanced95 kbps(Above plus) RTAudio WB + FEC G.711 (no FEC) G.722 (no FEC) 600 kbps(Above plus) RTVideo – VGA (30fps) 512 kbps Optimized for Quality 165 kbps(All Above plus) G.711 + FEC G.722 + FEC 1500 kbps(All Above plus) RTVideo – HD (30fps) None New Jersey Redmond WAN Link Policy: Audio Session Limit = 60 kbps RT Audio WB (no FEC) 20

21 Example Scenario Profile typeWAN link per session audio limit Available audioWAN link per session video limit Available videoPer user app sharing limit Maximum Sessions 60 kbpsRTAudio NB + FEC Siren + FEC RTAudio WB (no FEC) 250 kbpsRTVideo – CIF (15fps)256 kbps Balanced95 kbps(Above plus) RTAudio WB + FEC G.711 (no FEC) G.722 (no FEC) 600 kbps(Above plus) RTVideo – VGA (30fps) 512 kbps Highest Quality165 kbps(All Above plus) G.711 + FEC G.722 + FEC 1500 kbps(All Above plus) RTVideo – HD (30fps) None New Jersey Redmond Internet WAN Link Policy: Audio Session Limit = 60 kbps RT Audio NB (+ FEC) 21

22 Network Quality of Service – DiffServ Where do we recommend Quality of Service (QoS)? When Right Provisioning not possible and so Constrained wide-area network (WAN) Links (pair with WAN bandwidth Policies) Audio prioritization already deployed for other Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution (ensure level playing field) Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) - field in an IP packet to assign levels of service for network traffic Example “Fully Managed” Network Deployment Media typePer hop behavior Queuing and droppingNotes: AudioEFPriority QueueLow loss, low latency, low jitter, assured BW Pair with WAN Bandwidth Policies on constrained links VideoAF41BW Queue + DSCP WREDClass 4. Low drop priority. Pair with WAN Bandwidth Policies on constrained links SIP SignalingCS3BW QueueClass 3. BW allocation should be sufficient to avoid drops App SharingAF21BW Queue + DSCP WREDClass 2. Low drop priority. Pair with End User Policy Caps File TransferAF11BW Queue + DSCP WREDClass 1. Low drop priority. Pair with End User Policy Caps 22

23 Demo 23

24 Bandwidth not managed Media Endpoint Requirements CAC functionality depends on called endpoint Call to legacy client will ignore CAC Will always be established Bandwidth will not be managed Lync Server 2010 Bandwidth managed Lync Server 2010 Bandwidth managed Bandwidth managed OCS 2007 OCS 2007 R2 24

25 User Experience Alternate path or rerouting Seamless to caller and callee Blocked call No pop-up for callee Missed call notifications WAN Bob Alice 25

26   Call delayed by 20 seconds PSTN Franz Bob User Experience 26

27 PSTN Rerouting Only audio No toast if no bandwidth Call deflection/redirection not possible Secondary ring list not rerouted E.g. team ring, delegates Conferencing not rerouted via PSTN Can join conference from another device Cannot escalate calls to conference via PSTN However, session to conference to auto attendant is rerouted through PSTN 27

28 Summary Fully configurable Locations, topology, links, and limits Specify routes for Audio and Video Policy rules by link and media type Policy override Dynamically enforced Full path assessed at session initiation Dynamic user-location-based policy enforcement High availability with real time redundancy If session would exceed limits, re-route or fail May use different route for audio and video if desired 28

29 Q&A 29

30 30 © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. This document may contain information related to pre-release software, which may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.

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