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Plumsted Township School District Emergency Management Presentation August 22, 2012.

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2 Plumsted Township School District Emergency Management Presentation August 22, 2012

3 Presentation Overview 1.Brief Background 2.Changes to Law and ‘Minimum Requirements’ 3.District Initiatives

4 Background 2001: The NJDOE guides schools for the development of a District-Wide School Safety Plan (SSP) 2006: Codes and regulations for SSPs are revised and updated (NJAC 6A:16-5.1) 2007: Model Policies outlined 2011: Minimum Requirements streamline focus for SSPs

5 Security Drill Changes All Schools must complete: 1 Fire Drill Per Month (First drill completed within first 10 days of beginning of school) 1 School Security Drill per month (Lockdown, etc.) First School Security Drill must be completed within 15 days of the beginning Signed Statement of Assurance by end of June Feedback

6 What are the ‘Minimum Requirements’? Required elements that must be included in SSPs A ‘checklist’ of items and/or assessments to include in the SSPs A framework to enhance existing policies and procedures

7 Minimum Requirements Section I: Planning process participants, information about schools, facilities and building occupants (100% new items) Section II: Outlines requirements dealing with stakeholders and planning process (44% new items) Section III: Outlines prevention and mitigation strategies (35% new items) Section IV: Outlines required procedures and protocols (29% new items) Section V: Outlines the tools that are to be used by districts to aid procedures (50% new items) Section VI: Outlines protocols and procedures for recovering from a crisis (100% new items) Section VII: Outlines requirements regarding training and drill completion (0% new items)

8 District Initiatives Communication - Two way Communication system - School to School Communication - Website usage - Community Relations Meetings - Security Meetings with Stakeholders - Letter to parents - Chain of Command Security Technology - Cameras in all schools with various capabilities - Proximity Cards and Access - T-Pass System

9 District Initiatives Security Meetings - Annual ‘Tabletop’ Security Meetings - Meetings to Debrief following security events - Student Resource Officer involvement - Buildings and Grounds Facilities - Walk through of facilities with stakeholders this summer - NJDOE site facilities checklist completed Annual Staff Training

10 Meeting the Minimum Requirements Meet with stakeholders to discuss SSPs Make changes based on checklist Conversations with NJDOE regarding our plan – Deborah Bleisnick Security Walkthroughs to gauge strengths and weaknesses Annual review of SSPs with stakeholders Drill compliance SSPs /training to staff

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