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Your Name: Cira-Marie Frias Class Period: 6th Subject of Biography: Robert E. Lee Title of Book: Robert E. Lee Author: James I. Robertson Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name: Cira-Marie Frias Class Period: 6th Subject of Biography: Robert E. Lee Title of Book: Robert E. Lee Author: James I. Robertson Jr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name: Cira-Marie Frias Class Period: 6th Subject of Biography: Robert E. Lee Title of Book: Robert E. Lee Author: James I. Robertson Jr.

2 facebook @Robert E. Lee It is well that war is so terrible. We should grow too fond of it. #War Springfield, Virginia WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Robert. E Lee @General Grant I can’t do this anymore I surrendered to General Grant of the Union army. Expand Robert E. Lee @Mary Anne Randolph Custis I am confident we will beat the Unions. I will do this for… them. Expand General Winfield Scott @Robert E. Lee Wow! Many more Generals to take my place. #Old Generals Expand Robert E. Lee @General Jackson General Jackson died from an accidental shot by one of his own men. #Loss of a General. Expand Robert E. Lee @Mary Anne Randolph Custis I held off the Union for so long. I don’t think I can anymore. My dear daughter died at 21 from the Typhoid Fever. #reminders 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE 12 TWEETS 3 FOLLOWING 100,000 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following 3 Followers 100,000 Favorites 2 Lists 3 Recent Images @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers

3 facebook Your Example Twitter Name View My Profile Page 12 3 100,000 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Robert E. Lee @General Winfield Scott The Unions- Ha! Sounds like onion asked me to straighten out the South. I refused. Scott was not happy. The south offered me a position fighting the Unions. I accepted. I will fight for my native state. #Virginia Expand Robert E. Lee @General Winfield Scott General Winfield Scott. Boy, that General-in-Chief knows what he is doing! I love this guy, even though his battle plans are absolutely cray- cray. Met him a couple of weeks ago. #Officers Expand General Winfield Scott @Robert E. Lee Wow! Many more Generals to take my place. #Old Generals Expand Robert E. Lee @Mary Anne Randolph Custis I married the love of my life today. Oh, my. Mary Anne Randolph Custis is mine! #Lovestruck Expand Robert E. Lee @Robert E. Lee Look out world! West Point graduate coming through! Yeah, I graduated 2 nd at my military Academy. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE Robert E. Lee @General Jackson I was introduced to a new General, General Jackson, Whom I will work with. I am General of another Confederate army. #General rox Expand Robert E. Lee @ General Jackson So far we are whipping those Unions- they’re such Onions. My soldiers think I am a good General, even though I felt my position should have gone to an abler man. #Pride Expand Tweets Compose new Tweet… General Winfield Scott @Scott Promoted Follow Mary Anne Randolph Custis @Lee Follow General Jackson @Jackson Follow Who to Follow Refresh View All Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #edchat Promoted EducationIsMyLife #obama2012 #romney2012 iPhone ISTE Flat Classroom

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