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1 普及計算 Embedded Interactive Systems (Pervasive & Ubiquitous Computing) Hao Chu ( 朱浩華 ) 2/20/2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 普及計算 Embedded Interactive Systems (Pervasive & Ubiquitous Computing) Hao Chu ( 朱浩華 ) 2/20/2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 普及計算 Embedded Interactive Systems (Pervasive & Ubiquitous Computing) Hao Chu ( 朱浩華 ) 2/20/2006

2 2 Outline Faculty Intro Student Intro What is Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing? Course Topics Course Format Course Projects Grading

3 3 Faculty Intro Ubicomp Lab, i-space Labs Education: –PhD (1999), Computer Science, UIUC –BS (1994), Computer Science, Cornell Previous Work Experience: –Xerox, Intel, NTT DoCoMo USA Labs Married with a 3.5Y daughter Hobbits: reading, traveling, movies, sports (skiing, swimming, golfing, etc) Personality: friendly, easy-going, happy, perfectionist, quiet, careless, forgetful, changeable

4 4 Students Intro Please tell us about: –Current (future) research area, interests, & faculty advisor –Background Software programming skills (C/C++, Java) Hardware skills Networking User Interface Vision Interdisciplinary English (presentation, reading, and writing) –Why are you interested in this course?

5 5 What are computers for? calculations vs. communications getting a computing job done vs. communicating information (capture, process, transmit, interaction)

6 6 Ubiquitous Computing Vision Provide (natural) access & interaction of digital information for humans in the physical world

7 7 Ubicomp Defined What is pervasive & ubiquitous computing (ubicomp)? –Ubiquitous = 到處存在的 ; 遍在的 –Other names: everyday computing, context-aware computing, invisible computing, ambient intelligence, embedded interactive computing, etc. How to realize ubicomp? –One approach: embed computing (sensing, networking, and processing) into everyday objects.

8 8 Toward Smart Everyday Objects Wall can sense temperature, humidity, lighting, and adjust air conditioning, de-humidifier, lighting accordingly. Calendar can tell you meeting schedule. Pencils can record everything you write. Book shelf can tell you the location of the book/paper you need. Shoes can tell you where you have walked to. Refrigerator can offer dinner recipes and dietary recommendation. Clothes can show the latest fashion or monitor your physical/mental health. Medicine cabinet can remind you when to take medicines. Dresser can give you fashion advices. Washing machines and dryers adjust to washing & drying instructions on dirty clothes. Credit card will warn if you are spending too much money. Smart chair, smart dining table, etc.

9 9 Smart Objects (I) Posture Chair (MIT) Bionic Running Shoes (Adidas) Tasting Spoon (MIT) Emotional Décor (NYU) Moving Portrait (MIT)

10 10 Smart Objects (II) History table cloth (EU Equator) Key Table (EU Equator) Counter Intelligence (MIT) Smart mirror (Candy & Candy)

11 11 Ubicomp is the Future … “The (Computing) World is not a desktop!”... Mark Weiser “The PC today is an obedient, powerful, but unaware and narrow-minded beast confined within a box.” … Jane Hsu Ubicomp is about “Moving beyond Desktop Computing’ –Unleash the power of computing outside of the black box –Break boundary between digital and physical world How? –in everyday activities –invisibly through embedding in the physical objects

12 12 Evolution Path of Ubicomp How does Ubicomp come about? (the evolution path) –Distributed systems (PC + networks) Challenges: performance, scalability, reliability, networking … –Mobile computing (Mobile devices + wireless networks) Challenges: resource limitation, unpredictable network, power saving, … –Ubiquitous computing (Everyday objects + wireless networks) Challenges: user experience & human computer interaction, understanding user intention & context, heterogeneous ubicomp environments, …

13 13 Course Topics (Tentative) Vision Smart objects Localization systems Ambient and tangible interfaces Security and privacy Smart environments (Persuasive computing)

14 14 Course Objectives To prepare us (students and faculty) for research in ubicomp. (Try to) duplicate experience from similar courses taught at MIT, Stanford, Georgia Tech, etc. –Learning by reading papers Define problems & challenges Understand state-of-art techniques & solutions Identify limitations of state-of-art solutions –Learning by doing projects The project must have a research component.

15 15 What can you get out of this course? {In addition to ubicomp concepts and projects} Develop your own belief on where computer science is going Learn research experiences –Scenario, problem definition, related work survey, design & implementation, evaluation, etc. –Reading, writing, and presentation skills

16 16 Collaborative Learning This is a research seminar course, so everyone (faculty and students) will contribute to the learning process. –Paper discussion –Paper presentation –Project presentation Ubicomp is a new, fast changing field, so faculty may not know all materials!

17 17 (Unusual) Course Format Each lecture will discuss 3~5 papers on a specific topic. For each paper, –All will write a paper review before the class –Faculty & presenters will pose questions before the start of the class –Presenter will give an overview of the paper for 15 minutes. –Everyone will join the discussion for 15 minutes. Students will sign up for papers for presentation.

18 18 How to read a paper? For each paper, try to answer the following questions: –What is the problem? –What is the current state-of-the-art? –What is the key make-a-difference (new) method and technique? –What is good/bad/ugly about this make-a-difference method? –What has actually been done? –What is the future work?

19 19 Reading in Depth Must challenge what you read! Attack the paper (use your common sense) –Are assumptions reasonable? –Is the method similar to other methods in related work? –Is the improvement marginal or significant? –Are arguments logically sound? –Are evaluation metrics reasonable? –Is conclusion drawn logically from measurements?

20 20 Develop Critical Thinking Critical thinking is "the examination and testing of suggested solutions to see whether they will work." Lindzey, Hall, and Thompson, 1978.

21 21 WiKi Page There a WiKi website (collaborative website). –The assigned presenter must post presentation slides and paper summary on swifi course page before the class.

22 22 Reading Sources ACM Ubicomp (2002 ~ 2005) Pervasive (2002 ~ 2005) IEEE Percom (2002 ~ 2005) ACM CHI (~ 2005) IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine ACM Mobisys, ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, ACM Sensys, SOSP, etc. Can also be in any system & networking conferences, UI conferences, etc.

23 23 Project Component Rapid research prototype of an ubicomp application in one semester. Push you to do some research Find a fit with your current research Learn some team work

24 24 Lifecycle of a Research Project Define motivation scenario (Tell an interesting story) –Emphasize the parts of scenario where it is currently not possible, but with your idea, it will become possible. –Show me a proof-of-concept demo prototype Derive problem(s) –Assumptions, requirements, implementation vs. research problems Survey related work Design –Differentiate your work from related work –What’s new? Why is it significant? Rapid prototype implementation Evaluation of Prototype Implementation –Define evaluation metrics –Experiments & user studies Shoot a video & write a report

25 25 Project Phases Phase 1: project idea presentation (4 weeks) –Fun, realizable within one semester time framework and computing equipments, has a research component. –[Scenario] Phase 2: project proposal document (4 weeks) –Form teams, define goals, plan, and needed equipments. –[Problems, related work, and design] Phase 3: progress checkpoint (4 weeks) –[Preliminary prototype, evaluation metrics] Phase 4: project working prototype and final report (4 weeks) –Working prototype demonstration

26 26 Last Year’s Project Samples Diet-aware dining table –Smart table aware of what you eat Geta sandals –Smart shoes aware of where you walk to Privacy camera –Smart camera aware of accidental passers Adaptive Wi-Fi localization

27 27 Diet-Aware Dining Table Aware of human dietary behaviors over a tabletop surface Embed a dietary tracker inside a dining table –Weight and RFID sensors hidden underneath table surface –Track what & how much we eat Demonstrate ubicomp concepts –Invisible computing –Natural interaction with computers Table that watches what you eat and helps you eat healthy

28 28 Geta Sandals Aware of human walking motions & derive his/her current location Embed a location self-tracker inside shoes –Pressure, ultrasonic, orientation, and RFID sensors Demonstrate ubicomp concept –Human-centric design

29 29 Privacy Cameras Aware of accidental passers Embed a passer-tracker inside cameras –Ultrasonic Location systems –Check if passers are in camera view –Inform passers to move –Photo-montage Demonstrate ubicomp concept –Privacy in a world full of cameras

30 30 Adaptive Wi-Fi Location Systems Quick overview on WiFi based location system (fingerprinting) –Calibration phase: RSSI radio maps –Estimation phase: matching closest points on radio maps Aware of environmental factors through sensors –humidity, open/closed doors, and people Contribution –Improvement on positioning accuracy

31 31 Project Ideas Smart object(s): embed computing, e.g., using Telos sensor node(s), to create collaborative, smart everyday objects (e.g., wall, dresser, medicine cabinet, book shelf, etc.). These smart embedded objects can support "natural user interaction" with users.

32 32 More Project Ideas Persuasive objects: smart objects not only aware of human behavior but also change or shape human behavior. Persuasive lunch tray: –An interactive game - coloring cartoon character, is used to improve dietary behaviors of young children. Smart dresser that not monitor a person's clothing preference, but can improve his/her fashion sense

33 33 More Project Ideas Energy-aware indoor localization: come up a way to reduce the amount of energy consumption on a mobile unit in a localization system.

34 34 More Project Ideas Ambient display or tangible UI –Use Phidgets (physical UI widgets) to build ambient display or tangible user interfaces.Phidgets Examples from U. of Calgary –( ex.html)

35 35 More Project Ideas Ubicomp games: create a game that is played both in the digital and physical world Example: –Can you see me now? (Equator) Few ubicomp game workshops –Ubicomp 2005: hp/Main_Page

36 36 More Project Ideas Social computing –Apply computing to help your everyday social lives (physical world) Find your dream girls/boys? Facilitate face-to-face interactions? Social networking? Check out ambient intelligent group (MIT media lab) –

37 37 More Project Ideas Pollution monitor Monitor your exposure to pollutants –Toxic Air –Acid rain –Toxic drinking water –Food chemical or bacteria –Environmental radiation (SUN) –Radiation cell phones & WLAN

38 38 More Project Ideas Smart Kitchen Interactive Recipes Everywhere Display –Smart refrigerator –Smart chopsticks –Smart robes –Smart pads

39 39 Ubicomp Toys I Telos Berkeley Motes Nokia and Windows CE Smart phones HP IPAQ 5500 (Bluetooth + 802.11) IPAQ Accessories: expansion pack, camera, memory card, GPS, GPRS,.. Sensors: light, tilt, temperature, accelerometer, pressure, weight, orientation, ultrasound, etc. Philgets RFID kits

40 40 Ubicomp Toys II Passive RFID tags & readers (Skyetek and Alien) Biometric sensors (heart rate, BVP, GSR, etc.) Projector WiFi based location systems ( Ultrasound-based positioning systems (Navinotesd) Use your imagination –Anything you can find on the network or from your own lab … –However, budget may be limited 

41 41 Grading Class Participation (30%) –Paper presentation –Paper review –Paper discussion Project (70%)

42 42 Course Requirements Class attendance (MUST!) –Please don’t register if you cannot wake up in the morning. Creativity Good programming skill Some systems & networking background Willing to spend extra time & efforts than what a regular course would need M1 and undergrads (not my students), please come & talk with me after the class.

43 43 Course WiKi page

44 44 Who are still interested in this course?

45 45 Next week Read the next week papers –Mark Weiser, The Computer for the 21th Century, (1991) [Hao] –Mark Weiser, Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing (1993) [Peggy] –Winograd, T., From computing machinery to interaction design (1997) [Kinda] –Mark Weiser, John S. Brown, The Coming Age of Calm Technology, (1996) [Peter] Learn how to use WiKi Create/link your personal page under WhoIsWho06 page

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