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Quality Principles and Philosophies

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1 Quality Principles and Philosophies
Imran Hussain

2 Dr. W. E. Deming

3 Deming’s Background Main architect for introducing Total Quality into Japan Born 1900 Graduated in Electrical Engineering PhD in mathematical physics Became statistician for US govt. Sent by US govt. to Japan after WWII to advise on Japanese census.

4 Deming’s Philosophy Quality is about people, not products
Suggested quality concept for designing product Management need to understand nature of variation and how to interpret statistical data Promoted importance of leadership 85% of production faults responsibility of management, not workers Enumerated a 14-point management philosophy

5 Product Development Cycle
Design the product. Make it. Try to sell it. Do consumer research and test the product’s uses. Redesign – start the cycle all over again.

6 Achieving Quality Companies should direct efforts towards:
Innovation of products Innovation of processes Improvement of existing products Improvement of existing processes

7 Quality Approach in Context

8 Quality Costs Productivity Prices Market Share Stay in business

9 Attributes of a Leader Coaches – not judges
Strives to understand variation and its causes Strives to remove obstacles within the organization Responds to all customer forces Adopts consistency of purpose Places and emphasis on improving processes

10 Attributes of a Leader Recognizes that people are not ‘assets’; they are ‘jewels’ Strives to recognize those who need help and the gives help Creates and atmosphere of trust Knows the work he supervises Does not place an over-reliance on figures Encourages education and continuous improvement of each person

11 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Create constancy of purpose for continual improvement of products Create constancy of purpose for improvement of systems, products and services, with the aim to become excellent, satisfy customers, and provide jobs. Reduced defects and cost of development.

12 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Adopt a commitment to seek continual improvements Constantly and forever improve the system development processes, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease the time and cost of systems. Improving quality is not a one time effort.

13 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Switch from defect detection to defect prevention Cease dependencies on mass inspection (especially testing) to achieve quality. Reduce the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the system in the first place. Inspection is not the answer. It is too late and unreliable – it does not produce quality.

14 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
In dealing with suppliers one should end the practice of awarding business on price. Move towards quality of product, reliability of delivery and willingness to cooperate and improve. Build partnerships. Minimize total cost. Move towards a single supplier for any one item or service, making them a partner in a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.

15 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Improvement is not confined to products and their direct processes but to all supporting services and activities All functions in an organization need to become quality conscious to deliver a quality product.

16 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Train a modern way. Institute training on the job. Everyone must be trained, as knowledge is essential for improvement.

17 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Supervision must change from chasing, to coaching and support. Institute leadership. It is a manger’s job to help their people and their systems do a better job.

18 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Drive out fear and encourage two-way communication. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively. Management should be held responsible for the faults of the organization and environment.

19 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Remove barriers between departments Break down barriers between areas. People must work as a team. They must foresee and prevent problems during systems development and use.

20 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Do not have unrealistic targets Set realistic targets. Do not place people under unnecessary pressure by asking them to do things which are not achievable. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets that ask for zero defects, and new levels of productivity. Slogans do not build quality systems.

21 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Eliminate quotas and numerical targets Eliminate numerical quotas and goals. Substitute it with leadership. Quotas and goals (such as schedule) address numbers - not quality and methods.

22 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Remove barriers that prevent employees having pride in the work that they perform Remove barriers to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of project managers must change from schedules to quality.

23 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone Institute and vigorous program of education and self-improvement for everyone. There must be a continuing commitment to training and educating software managers and professional staff.

24 Deming’s 14-point Management Philosophy
Publish top management’s permanent commitment to continuous improvement of quality and productivity

25 Juran

26 Juran’s 10-point Program
Identify customers Determine customer needs Translate Establishment units of measurement Establish measurements Develop product Optimize product design Develop process Optimize process capability Transfer

27 Crosby

28 Crosby’s 14-step program
Management commitment Quality improvement team Quality measurement Cost of quality evaluation Quality awareness Corrective action Zero defect program Supervisor training

29 Crosby’s 14-step program
Zero defects day Goal setting Error cause removal Recognition Quality councils Do it over again

30 Crosby’s Maturity Grid
Uncertainty (adhoc) Awakening (recognition begins but management unwilling to spend on quality) Enlightenment (management begins to support quality improvement program, culture of openness) Wisdom (management fully participates, defect prevention is now part of the culture) Certainty (the whole organization is involved in continuous improvement)

31 Shingo

32 Shingo’s Philosophy Poka Yoke (meaning mistake proofing)
This involves identifying potential error sources in the process and monitoring these sources for errors. A variant to this approach is FMEA

33 Ishikawa

34 Ishikawa’s Philosophy
Quality Control Circles (QCC) A quality control circle consists of a small group of employees who do similar work and arrange to meet regularly to identify and analyze work-related problems, to brainstorm and to recommend and implement solutions.

35 Quality Control Circles
Select problem State and re-state problems Collect facts Brainstorm Build on each other ideas Choose course of action Presentation

36 Genichi Taguchi

37 Taguchi’s Philosophy Defines quality in terms of loss
“the loss a product causes to society after being shipped, other than losses caused by its intrinsic function” He defines a loss function as a measure of the cost of quality He also developed a method for determining the optimum value of process variables which will minimize the variation in a process while keeping mean on target

38 Peter Drucker

39 Drucker’s Philosophy Success is threefold
Know your business Know your competencies Knowing how to keep focused on goals Effective management and employee participation Link between the bottom line and satisfying the customer

40 Drucker’s Philosophy “Purpose of business lies outside itself – that is in creating and satisfying a customer. The decision process is central, and structure has to follow strategy and management has to be management by objectives and self-control.”

41 Drucker’s 5 Principles of Management
Setting objectives Organizing Motivating and communicating Establishing measures of performance Developing people

42 Tom Peters

43 Peter’s Philosophy Excellent firms believe in constant improvement and constant change Need to move from hierarchical management to horizontal, fast, cross-functional co-operative organization

44 Peter’s Management Guidelines
Actively create a quality revolution Put the customer first in everything you do Listen actively to all stakeholders Invest in people, training, education and recruitment Openly reward, recognize and support productivity innovation Openly support failures where people have tried to improve Involve everyone in everything at all times

45 Peter’s Management Guidelines
Setup simple and understandable measures Fight against bureaucracy and inflexibility Look through a different mirror: step outside the company and look at it from a different perspective Teamwork and trust: develop strong interpersonal and team skills Work on attitudes and attention to detail: get things done Be consistent and strive for improvements in all areas

46 References A Practical Approach to Software Quality, Ch. 1
Total Quality Management: A Total Quality Approach, Ch. 1

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