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School Counselor Evaluation Rubric Evaluating with Fidelity Linda Brannan, M.Ed, NBCT K-12 Student Support Services Consultant NC Department of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "School Counselor Evaluation Rubric Evaluating with Fidelity Linda Brannan, M.Ed, NBCT K-12 Student Support Services Consultant NC Department of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Counselor Evaluation Rubric Evaluating with Fidelity Linda Brannan, M.Ed, NBCT K-12 Student Support Services Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction

2 School Counseling Wikispace Click Professional Development Click 2013-14 Professional Development Sessions Click Regional Fall RESA Trainings

3 Process Ratings Standards Uniqueness Review of School Counselor Evaluation

4 Annual Evaluation Process Processes Timeline

5 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 1. Before participating in the evaluation process, all school counselors, principals, and peer evaluators should be trained by their district, through self-study, or by other experienced trainers on the evaluation process.

6 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 2. Within two weeks of a school counselor’s first day of work in any school year, the superintendent or principal will provide the school counselor with the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina School Counselors and a schedule for completing all the components of the evaluation process.

7 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 3. Using the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina School Counselors, the school counselor shall rate his or her own performance at the beginning of the year and reflect on his or her performance throughout the year.

8 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 4. Before the first observation, the evaluator shall meet with the school counselor to discuss the school counselor’s self-assessment based on the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina School Counselor, the school counselor’s most recent professional growth plan, and the session(s) to be observed..

9 OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 5. The evaluator shall conduct at least three observations of a counseling activity, meeting with students and/or parents, or other meeting or session being led by the school counselor. (For probationary counselors and in the renewal year, 3 formal observations will be conducted)

10 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 6. The evaluator shall conduct a post- observation conference no later than ten (10) school days after each formal observation.

11 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 7. Prior to the end of the school year and in accordance with LEA timelines, the evaluator shall conduct a summary evaluation conference with the school counselor.

12 Annual Evaluation Process OrientationSelf-Assessment Pre-Observation Discussion and Review of Annual Goals Observation Post- Observation Discussion Summary Evaluation Conference Professional Growth Plan Training 8. School counselors shall develop a Professional Growth Plan designed to serve as a guide for improving their performance during the subsequent school year.


14 Performance Appraisal Ratings (Growth Model) Developing – an awareness or some knowledge Proficient – demonstrating/doing - implementation of standard. You are a good counselor who is able to meet the requirements of your job role on a routine basis Accomplished – mentor other counselors or share components of school counseling program within school/district Distinguished – able to share successful strategies, programs you/team developed on a wide-scale basis such as district, state or nationally ******************************************************************************* Not evidenced – professional area to work on developing

15 School Counselor Job Description



18 Vision of NC School Counselors NC State Board of Education, 2008 “The demands of twenty-first century education dictate new roles for school counselors. Schools need professional school counselors who are adept at creating systems for change and at building relationships within the school community. Professional School Counselors create nurturing relationships with students that enhance academic achievement and personal success as globally productive citizens in the twenty-first century. Utilizing leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, professional school counselors promote academic achievement and personal success by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program that encompasses areas of academic, career, and personal/social development for all students.”

19 21 st Century School Counselor LeadershipAdvocacyCollaboration Implements a data driven, comprehensive, developmental school counseling program to promote systemic change.

20 21 st Century NC School Counseling Programs are: Data driven Comprehensive, preventive and developmental Provide equity and access to every student Promote student achievement for college and career readiness Evaluate and seek continuous improvement/Accountable to stakeholders

21 New Question How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?

22 The performance evaluation rubric is based on the 2008 NC Professional School Counseling Standards Standard 1 – School counselors demonstrate leadership, advocacy, and collaboration. Standard 2 – School counselors promote a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard 3 – School counselors understand and facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Standard 4 – School counselors promote learning for all students Standard 5 – School counselors actively reflect on their practice. No Standard 6 or 8

23 Standard 1 – School counselors demonstrate leadership, advocacy, and collaboration. Four Elements: A. Demonstrate leadership in their school B. Enhance the counseling profession C. Advocate for schools and students D. Demonstrate high ethical standards

24 Standard 2 – School counselors promote a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Five Elements: A. Promote a respectful environment for diverse population of students B. Embrace diversity in the school community and world C. Treat students as individuals

25 D. Recognize students are diverse and adapt their services accordingly E. Work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of students Standard 2 – School counselors promote a respectful environment for a diverse population of students (cont)

26 Standard 3 – School counselors understand and facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program Four Elements: A. Align their programs to support student success in the NC Standard Course of Study B. Understand how their professional knowledge and skills support and enhance student success

27 C. Recognize the interconnectedness of the comprehensive school counseling program with academic content areas/disciplines D. Develop comprehensive school counseling programs that are relevant to students Standard 3 – School counselors understand and facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program (con’t)

28 Standard 4 – School counselors promote learning for all students Four Elements: A. Know how students learn B. Plan their programs for the academic, career and personal/social development of all students C. Use a variety of delivery methods D. Help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills

29 Standard 5 – School counselors actively reflect on their practice. Three Elements: A. Analyze the impact of the school counseling program B. Link professional growth to the needs of their school and their program goals C. Function effectively in a complex dynamic environment

30 Uniqueness Observations School Counseling Activities Professional Growth Plan School Counseling Code of Ethics

31 Observable Activities Sample Activities Evaluators may use to Observe School CounselorsSample Activities Evaluators may use to Observe School Counselors

32 What is an Observable Activity? 3 Observations per year Brainstorm activities that are observable Discuss with your group put on chart paper to post. Phone photos & Gallery walk to get ideas from the charts.

33 School Counselor Evaluation Users’ Guide Appendices Users’ Guide found on the NCEES Student Support Services WikispaceNCEES Student Support Services Wikispace

34 Appendix A (p.35) ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs Forms and materials Framework for data-driven, comprehensive school counseling program

35 Appendix C (p. 60) Code of Ethics Code of Ethics for NC Educators Ethical Standards for School Counselors (ASCA)


37 Ethics School Counselor Code of Ethics NC Educator Code of Ethics

38 Appendix D (p.78) Using Evaluation Rubric School Counselor Evaluation Rubric Forms Most current forms may be found at:

39 Think Tank Group Work: Deeper Dive into the new School Counseling Standards Divide into groups (1 group/standard) Complete the Google Doc for the assigned Standard on the Day 2 link Report out to the larger group

40 School Counseling Plan & Annual Agreement

41 Where are we going? Where are we now? How do we close the gap? Where Do I Begin? Review and know the Professional Standards/Evaluation Rubric Use the ASCA National Model as a tool Review and learn the NC Guidance Essential Standards (NCGES) Start implementing planning in curriculum areas where there are natural alignments? Review your school’s data and SIP to identify needs What are the areas of need indicated by the data? Gaps? Use SIP! Does the current SC Program align with the SIP goals? Revise to support SIP

42 Where are we going? Where are we now? How do we close the gap? Develop a comprehensive program to include in the annual agreement Review all information with your administrator Analyze Outcome Results, Program Data & Publicize Results Reflect & Assess Growth Determine PGP needs Program Planning Assure other curriculum areas understand the Guidance Essential Standards Work with teachers through PLC’s/PLT’s Include Direct and Indirect Services to Students Align with SIP goals of the school & district

43 Training Evaluation Click the link below to complete an evaluation survey of this 2-day training. unselingFallRESA unselingFallRESA

44 Questions? Linda Brannan

45 NCDPI Contact Linda Brannan School Counseling Consultant 919-807-3438 NC Department of Public Instruction Division of K-12 Curriculum and Instruction

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