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Quiz Me ! Cosmic Ray Electron Propagation Cosmic Ray Nucleon Transport Spectral Index Modelling – NGC 891 & NGC 253 Diffuse γ-Ray Modelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz Me ! Cosmic Ray Electron Propagation Cosmic Ray Nucleon Transport Spectral Index Modelling – NGC 891 & NGC 253 Diffuse γ-Ray Modelling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quiz Me ! Cosmic Ray Electron Propagation Cosmic Ray Nucleon Transport Spectral Index Modelling – NGC 891 & NGC 253 Diffuse γ-Ray Modelling

3 Cosmic rays were first determined to be coming from outer space when … a sharp increase in cosmic rays was observed when E.T. was released in 1982 Michelson & Morley performed their famous experiment in 1887 determining that there was no ether surrounding the earth. Viktor Hess, in 1912, carried ionization chambers to high altitudes and detected an increase in radiation as he ascended. August 7 th, 1912

4 The project based in Utah & Argentina that, when completed will be the largest cosmic ray detection array ever built, is known as … the Blair Witch project the Manhattan project Pierre Auger project

5 The highest ever detected energy of a cosmic ray is … ~ 3 [eV] ~ 310 20 [eV] ~ 310 50 [eV]

6 How long are CRs trapped in the Galaxy ? ~ 310 -17 [sec] ~ 20 million [years] ~ Hubble Time

7 Cosmic rays are caused by … the sun supernova remnants flying monkeys



10 Large Area TelescopeEGRET Energy Range20 MeV – 300 GeV30 MeV – 10 GeV Peak Effective Area> 8000 cm 2 1500 cm 2 Field of View> 2 sr0.5 sr Angular Resolution < 3.5 o (at 100 MeV) 10 GeV) 5.8 o (at 100 MeV) Point Source Sensitivity< 6·10 -9 cm -2 s -1 10 -7 cm -2 s -1





15 boundary between a diffusion dominated and convection dominated regime



18 solution in the disk


20 Cosmic rays are responsible for … the expansion of the universe causing cancer among airline passengers aurorae the depletion of the ozone layer New theory predicts the largest ozone hole over Antarctica will occur this month – Cosmic Rays at fault - - - University of Waterloo,Sept., 2008

21 with





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