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Equipment Trust Fund in eVA. Basic Workflow Process  The equipment “wish list” is requested during the budget preparation process. After all requests.

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Presentation on theme: "Equipment Trust Fund in eVA. Basic Workflow Process  The equipment “wish list” is requested during the budget preparation process. After all requests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equipment Trust Fund in eVA

2 Basic Workflow Process  The equipment “wish list” is requested during the budget preparation process. After all requests are gathered by the Budget office, approval is obtained from SCHEV (State Council of Higher Education of Virginia).  After approval from SCHEV, the Budget Office provides each college with a list of approved equipment with the assigned reference numbers. ONLY EXCEPTION – reference numbers for equipment purchased during the “early purchase” phase will be assigned by Accounting Services. The department will request reference numbers from Kathy Seal by email ( before creating requisitions in eVA. ONLY EXCEPTION – reference numbers for equipment purchased during the “early purchase” phase will be assigned by Accounting Services. The department will request reference numbers from Kathy Seal by email ( before creating requisitions in

3 Basic Workflow (cont.)  From the approved list, each department will create requisitions in eVA for each piece of equipment. All requisitions will be approved in eVA by Kathy Seal in Accounting Services.  As other orders in eVA, ETF requisitions under $5,000 will be electronically sent to the vendor. If the vendor does not accept orders electronically, it is the responsibility of the originator of the requisition to fax the order to the vendor. Requisitions $5,000 and above will flow to a buyer in procurement before going to the vendor.  The ordering department must complete a receiving report for orders of $5,000 or more. Orders under $5,000 will no longer need a receiving report.  The equipment is then tagged by Fixed Assets and recorded in our database.

4 ETF Rules and Regulations  Each piece of equipment must have a reference number, either assigned by the Budget Office or by Accounting Services (during the “early purchase” phase only).  The equipment must be a FUNCTIONAL UNIT. Definition – should perform a specific function, must cost at least $500, must remain intact, may be made up of several components to create a system Definition – should perform a specific function, must cost at least $500, must remain intact, may be made up of several components to create a system  Operating/application software licenses (i.e Microsoft Office) will be covered with ETF funds only if it is bundled with the price of the computer. (presently FrontPage is not allowed because it is a separate application and not part of Microsoft Office)  Only supplies essential for set-up may be purchased. (items to make the purchased equipment functional)

5 ETF Rules and Regulations (cont.)  ETF will cover freight charges if and only if they are included in the price of the equipment. (We encourage you to have firm freight charges to avoid doing change orders and/or your department budget being charged.)  When purchasing a system, all components must remain together. Each component will be tagged as such. Note: A computer with peripherals can be purchased as a system and must stay together. Any combination of a CPU, monitor, jazz drive, zip drive, scanner and/or printer constitutes a system. Note: A computer with peripherals can be purchased as a system and must stay together. Any combination of a CPU, monitor, jazz drive, zip drive, scanner and/or printer constitutes a system.  All receiving reports should be mailed to Accounts Payable, MSC 5712. (orders for $5,000 or more)

6 ETF Rules and Regulations (cont.)  Used equipment generally CAN NOT be purchased. Exceptions must have the approval from SCHEV.  If additional reference numbers are needed (equipment not on your approved list), contact the Budget Office to request additional reference numbers.  Supplies essential for set-up or to make the equipment functional may be purchased, but no extra supplies. An example of unallowable supplies would be an extra lamp with a projector, or extra battery with a camcorder.

7 Requisition Requirements  All orders should be entered into eVA as a non-catalog order with the exception of computers from Dell where a punch-out catalog will be used. Entering orders into eVA has ONLY ONE EXCEPTION – orders for Dell computers to be included in a bulk order should be done on the “old” blue requisition forms.  You can only purchase items on your department’s approved list sent to you from the Budget Office. During the “early purchase” phase, only items purchased through ETF in prior years qualify.  The ETF reference number or numbers should be entered in the TITLE box. If more than one reference number is being used, key it as follows: 2160401231, 01241 (using the last 5 digits of the additional #’s) or 2160401231-01301 (being a series of numbers).  Any order entered into eVA without a reference number will be denied and returned to the originator. The reference numbers can be obtained from your approved list mentioned above or from Accounting Services during the “early purchase” phase.

8 Requisition Requirements (cont.)  Order each approved item from one vendor when possible, however if multiple vendors are necessary, create separate requisitions in eVA and use the same reference # on both orders. Also note in the comments section the purchase is to be combined with another order.  You may purchase multiple items on the same requisition only when the items are IDENTICAL. A reference # is required for EACH item.  If you have insufficient ETF funds to cover the entire cost of your requisition, it can be split funded with departmental or grant funds. If split funding with grant funds, the requisition will flow to Grant Accounting for approval. PLEASE REMEMBER - PLEASE REMEMBER - You can only spend up to your TOTAL ALLOCATION amount, not your total requested amount. SPECIAL NOTE: The split coding feature cannot be used on orders $5,000 and above in eVA because of problems with data downloads into PeopleSoft. Charge the entire order to 100062 and in the comments section indicate the order needs to be split funded and how. You can only spend up to your TOTAL ALLOCATION amount, not your total requested amount. SPECIAL NOTE: The split coding feature cannot be used on orders $5,000 and above in eVA because of problems with data downloads into PeopleSoft. Charge the entire order to 100062 and in the comments section indicate the order needs to be split funded and how.

9 Requisition Requirements (cont.)  If Sponsored Programs has given your department ETF funds to purchase equipment, Grants Accounting and Sponsored Programs should be added as additional approvers. REASON – The grant is not being charged, the ETF department, “100062” is. In the Comments section, indicate the purchase is a Sponsored Programs purchase and the grant number associated with the purchase.  Orders placed for $5,000 or more must go out to bid or contract, therefore do not enter a vendor name unless it is a sole-source vendor.  The freight charge CAN NOT be listed as a separate line item on your requisition or else it will be charged to the department. Combine the freight with the equipment cost, then note in the comments section the freight is included in the price. Try to have firm delivery pricing to avoid doing change orders.  When ordering a system, individual components can be listed in the comments section or a document giving details can be attached.

10 Requisition Requirements (cont.)  If a quote has been provided to you by a vendor describing a system, in the description section on eVA, enter “ABC system per attached quote” and attach the word document, excel spreadsheet or scanned document to your order. Don’t forget to click on the “add attachment” box.  If the equipment is technical in nature, attach a document to the eVA order describing the item.  Installation costs are only paid if it is bundled with the price of the equipment therefore it should be on the same requisition. It should not be listed as a separate line item on eVA. Note in the comments section or description the installation is included.  Building modifications are not allowable costs.

11 Dell Computer Purchases Orders to Dell must be entered as a catalog order in eVA. 1. Use the Dell Premier Page to create a quote and save the quote. Use the following Procurement webpage to access that: 2. In eVA under punch-out catalogs, select the Dell-for James Madison catalog. 3. The Dell Premier Page will open. 4. From this page, select the quote by clicking on E-Quotes in the gray box at the top of the page. 5. Enter the email address of the person creating the E-Quote and hit enter. A list of all E-quotes entered for that person will be displayed. 6. Select the correct Quote and click the Retrieve E-Quote button. 7. A shopping cart page will appear showing the items saved in the E- Quote. 8. Click on the Create Order Requisition button at the bottom of the page. 9. Select Tax Status, Treat order as tax exempt.

12 Dell Computer Purchases (cont) 10. Shipping will default to “no charge”. 11. Select NO for Export Intent. 12. Scroll down and click Continue. 13. Click Submit Order Requisition. 14. You will return to the Add Items page in eVA which will be populated with the items from the Dell Punch-Out catalog and vendor name. 15. Do not add any attachments. 16. On the comment page, add the following general comment, filling in the E-Quote number, and your phone number. F&D per quote #E. Release order contract #UVA-GN-0702- 006. Microsoft Select Agreement # 01S65203, Enrollment # 4165030. Dell contact Seth_ JMU contact 540- 568-. F&D per quote #E. Release order contract #UVA-GN-0702- 006. Microsoft Select Agreement # 01S65203, Enrollment # 4165030. Dell contact Seth_ JMU contact 540- 568-. Please remember to select the Office License with your quote if Microsoft Office is needed for the computer.

13 Apple Computer Purchases Orders to Apple must be entered as a non-catalog order. 1. Use the Apple Discounted Educational Page to create a web proposal and save the proposal. Use the following Procurement webpage to access that: 2. Enter the saved Proposal number and descriptive information in the description box of eVA. The description should include the quantity of computers you are ordering. 3. In the quantity field, always enter 1 (ONE), for one quote.

14 Additional Points  1% Transaction fee – At present, the 1% fee will not apply to orders placed in eVA with ad hoc’d vendors. If after June 2006 we are required to pay the 1% fee on ad hoc'd orders, Procurement would process the fee exactly as they do now on Non- Compliant orders, through an ATV to the departments 154600 account. ETF funds WILL NOT cover the 1% fee.  You CAN NOT use your PCard to purchase ETF equipment, therefore PLEASE remember to remove the check mark. It will be returned to the originator if it is not be removed.  If your order needs further explanation of the equipment or a picture is needed, this should be in the form of a document that can be attached to the requisition in eVA. If the order is over $5,000, the document can be faxed to Procurement.  As in past years, point-of-sale purchases for ETF equipment are not acceptable. A requisition created in eVA is required for all ETF equipment. ONLY EXCEPTION – bulk Dell orders.

15 Additional Points (cont)  As with other eVA orders, a requisition edited by Accounting Services or Procurement will be returned to the originator for review – same as other eVA orders.  Turn around time – accounting approval will be complete within 24 hours. Requisitions for $5,000 or above will flow to Procurement and therefore will take whatever amount of time needed to complete the bid process, etc. The turn around time is really dependant on what the Procurement staff has to do. Unfortunately, there is no specific time period because of the different procedures they might be required to complete. Procurement will do all they can to make sure items are processed as quickly as possible under the rules that must be followed.  Remember -- a lot of the equipment you purchase is available on state contract. Try to use those contracts when at all possible to avoid the bid process.

16 Additional Points (cont)  There are other rules and regulations pertaining to Equipment Trust Fund purchases that are not associated with eVA. It is strongly recommended these regulations be reviewed before proceeding with any orders. They are available online at the following url:

17 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER August 26, 2005 - Cut off date for submitting requisitions for early ETF purchases. January 31, 2006 - Cut off date for submitting requisitions for regular ETF purchases. June 30, 2006 - All equipment should be received and receiving report should be mailed (for equipment $5,000 or more) to the Accounts Payable Office.

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